Destressing Communication
Richard La Faber
Editor in Chief @ RLF Insights & Chief Motivator @ La Faber Academy | Executive Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Writer & Master Trainer
Perception is a huge part of communication. When we receive a message, our brains filter it so that we can receive the feedback from the other party. If that feedback is perceived as negative, then it can change the rest of our interaction with that party in ways that may easily be avoided. If that feedback is perceived as positive, then it can alter the rest of the communication with that party for the better.
Sometimes, we may feel that someone is being aggressive towards us when in reality, their intention is to merely assert themselves or their thoughts & beliefs without offending you. In other cases, it can be that we do not know how to assert ourselves without coming across as aggressive and confrontational. These types of provocative interactions can cause a lot of misunderstandings and, ultimately, a whole lot of stress for various reasons.
Being unable to communicate our needs in a way that others can hear and respect, can create a toxic environment for us. We are not able to thrive if we can’t voice the things that we need without starting fights. Maybe we begin to misunderstand others and assume that they don’t care about us because they appear to be ignoring our boundaries. Or perhaps we are coming off too strongly and hurting people’s feelings by being aggressive when we only really need to gently but firmly ensure that they hear and respect our thoughts.
Nobody likes knowing that they are doing something wrong. They like it even less when they feel attacked for their mistakes. Most people will make an effort to treat you the way that you want to be treated. But they are less likely to be considerate of your needs if you are communicating your expectations in an aggressive manner. Maybe you feel you need to be aggressive before the message will be received, but this is not always the case.
If you want to live in a stress-free environment, it is crucial to keep yourself in check when it comes to communication style. Learning the difference between assertive and aggressive communication styles is pertinent to this cause, and it is something you will benefit from long-term. Plus it will improve your relationships with those around you.
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