Every human being on this earth is composed of 3 elements
(1) Body or physical self made of flesh, blood and bones.
(2) Soul, the decision maker, as it controls the body and is responsible for all the decisions and actions done by the humans in this world.
(3) Spiritual senses, the active presence of GOD in every human being.
That's the reason, every religion explains the existence of Almighty within one ownselves, whereby good & evil is part and parcel of oneself.
Spiritual powers guides and helps the soul but does not interfere in the decision making. The soul is free to choose what it wants to do with its life on this earth and the Spiritual powers are those inner voices that warns the soul of evil and guides it away from spiritual danger. It's more like your inner concience OR your sixth sense.
After death the Soul and Spiritual powers are separated from the physical body which is disposed off.
The spiritual powers which is pure and perfect returns to the celestial abode.
Whereas the soul which is responsible for all deeds done in this world is frightened since it is now exposed.
This is the only time when prayers which are dedicated to the soul is invoked to protect the soul from evil.
After death, the departed soul appears at the Bridge to pick up the judgement based on your deeds.
If the good deeds outweigh the evil ones then the soul is allowed to cross the bridge and rewarded with heaven.
If the evil deeds outweigh the good ones than the soul is not allowed to cross the bridge and it is cast into hell.
So ultimately one's faith is decided on the basis of adherence to those 3 pillars on which all religions across the globe stands upon...
Good Thoughts.
Good Words.
Good Deeds.
Ultimately it's your KARMA that decides your final permanent destiny, rest everything is temperory state of one's existence.
So, focusing on DESTINATION is more important than the JOURNEY that humans pass through.