Destination Living vs Becoming
So often we’re chasing these “end results”…
- A dream home
- A dream car
- A dream family
- Some sort of materialistic goal…
But, I asked myself… What does it all mean?
Have you ever wondered about that question? Not to get all existential on ya… LOL
I think if the last year and a half showed us anything at all, it’s how deeply confused society ???????????? is
Yeah, the end results are important, there can be absolutely no doubt about that…
But at what cost?!
Picture the gentleman who completely neglected his health, completely neglected his kids, and just focused on building up his bank account so he could buy a Jet
Once he gets that Jet…. what’s it worth, if he’s by himself — feeling like shit? …. Makes ya wonder
What could possibly hurt more than a parent calling their child just to always have their calls screened? A reality I know some, unfortunately, can relate too…
Just like everything else in this life, ???????? ???????? has to be earned.
What’s a jet in comparison to…
- Growing old with your wife
- Truly being there for your kids, and watching them grow
- Looking in the mirror and feeling genuine pride of the person YOU BECAME
I had to think about it, and I don’t believe it’s as black and white as having one or the other…
But I realized that, more importantly than the end result, is the person we become along the path
The person who finds time to attack all areas, while still having positive loving energy, while still nurturing ALL 4 areas of life ( ????????????, ??????????????, ??????????, ?????????????? )
I realized that it’s not just as simple as an end result. It can’t be. Not in 2021, and onwards.
The purpose, in my humble opinion, is to appreciate each and every step along the way as we get closer to our dream
But if we’re consistently trading today’s happiness for tomorrow’s — than I’m afraid we have completely misunderstood the purpose of the life we’ve been given.