Despite a forecast of rain, snow and freezing temperature or 4/7/18 Bread and Cheese Creek Cleanup was a great success!

Despite a forecast of rain, snow and freezing temperature or 4/7/18 Bread and Cheese Creek Cleanup was a great success!

On Saturday, 4/7/18 over 90 dedicated volunteers arrived at Bread and Cheese Creek to clean up the beautiful little historic stream. Before they left a 40 yard dumpster was filled with trash and debris stream and its bank totally over 4 tons!!! This included 332 bags of trash, truck full of metal to be recycled, 5 tires, 4 box springs , 3 mattresses, a couch, a coffee table, half a shed, a picnic umbrella and much more!!! Thank you everyone so very much for all your incredible hard work under such tough conditions! Our volunteer dedication to working toward a cleaner, greener, healthier community and environment cannot be topped!

While this cleanup was planned and run by Clean Bread and Cheese Community Cleanups we couldn’t do any of it without our incredible volunteer and our wonderful supporters. We would like to thank the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, The Alice Ferguson Foundation, and American Rivers for all their assistance and support on this cleanup and to thank Burger King, Pat's Pizzeria Dundalk MD , Chic-fil-a and Chesapeake Traders Food Warehouse for their generous donations of food to feed all our hungry and hardworking volunteers!!! Thank you so much Forster’s Financial, Tradepoint Atlantic for your generous donations allowing is to purchase much needed supplies! Thank you to Baltimore County Highways for supplying us with a dumpster and helping out! We would also like to thank the Mu Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity of Towson University for all the incredible volunteers they supplied!

 See photos before, during and after the cleanup HERE.

See photos before, during and after the cleanup posted to our Facebook Album HERE.



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