Despite Cultural Differences, We Truly Want the Same Thing
All Things Possible
Setting Captives Free - Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually
By Eileen Marx, Co-founder, All Things Possible Ministries
On one of ATP’s trips to Iraq, Victor and an Iraqi general who commanded an armored division became fast friends. His name was General Mustafa, and like my husband, he was a kind man with a built-in justice code. Both warriors had the same goal in mind: stop ISIS from killing innocent civilians.?
In reality, war is a horrible thing. Aside from the righteous death of ISIS fighters and other evil people bent on harming the innocent, I’ve yet to find anything good that comes from it.?
Both Gen. Mustafa and Victor agreed they had witnessed far too many deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq. Tragically, many of those innocent civilians were children. They saw little babies and toddlers become orphans right before their eyes. Even for strong, hardened warriors like General Mustafa and Victor, this horrible injustice caused gut-wrenching pain and sadness.?
Witnessing the tender side of a warrior during battle is a beautiful and unexpected sight to behold. Even in the midst of war, a warrior’s humanity and sense of compassion can create an opportunity for people who might otherwise be enemies to become allies fighting for a common cause. Such was the case with Victor and Gen. Mustafa.
Gen. Mustafa enthusiastically welcomed Victor’s commitment to helping the Iraqi children who were suffering at the hands of ISIS. As an American and former U.S. Marine, my husband was willing to risk his life to fight alongside Gen. Mustafa, and this sacrifice spoke volumes to our new Iraqi friend.?
The general was so moved by the work Victor and ATP were doing to help Iraqi children that he invited our whole team to his house for a feast! Ramadan was ending that day and he and his wife prepared an incredible spread of Iraqi food.?
I think we enjoyed 10 different courses! With grateful hearts, we ate and celebrated the end of Ramadan along with the good news that everyone from our team had survived. In a somber moment, the General told me, “It got very dangerous out there.”
“This was some of the fiercest fighting with ISIS that we have ever encountered,” he added.
Thank God our team was safe.?
Spending time with this beautiful family who generously opened their home to us that evening, I learned so much. As I joined the General’s wife and other family members in the kitchen, we had a lighthearted, humorous time trying to figure out what we were each trying to say to one another. Unfortunately, I spoke no Arabic and the General’s family spoke no English, but we communicated with each other through laughter, smiles, and warmth.?
That evening, my heart grew as I fell in love with this beautiful family.?
Sitting at the table I looked around at our new Iraqi friends and experienced an overwhelming sense that we all want the same thing in our lives.?
We want joy, happiness, peace and safety for our families. Our difference in religion never came into the discussion. It was mutually understood that we were Christians, yet we were wholeheartedly welcomed into their family home to celebrate a Muslim holiday feast.?
After such an enjoyable evening together, we ended up spending even more time with the family on that trip. In fact, Gen. Mustafa and his family threw Victor an incredible birthday party with fireworks and all! They even gave him a beautiful silver cross necklace for his birthday, a kind and respectful gesture from a Muslim family.?
Inspirational Insight
Despite religious differences, many of the conversations between Victor and the general pointed to? Jesus’ love for us all. In fact, by welcoming us as sojourners into their home, Gen. Mustafa and his family carried out one of God’s statutes in Leviticus 19.?
“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” — Leviticus 19:33-34
I pray for peace and safety for our new friends and ask that God would bless them for their beautiful hospitality towards us. We are truly grateful for this experience and look forward to seeing our Iraqi friends again.