Desperate Need of Attention
The wind we had to endure today was something to make a few comments about, and mine being the number of those tiny Locust leaves that were building up in front of my office door, and of course whenever it got opened, they were dancing their way in, and whomever had the hair-brained idea they'd be perfect for planting in a Downtown area, needs to go back and do some additional research on what trees to plant, and what not to. I do believe it rather coincidentally curious that the trees they selected to be planted in the courtyard of the mall, are Ginkgo Bilobas which once they get a hard frost, all their leaves drop at once which makes for a one-time shot to get them removed. Hmm... how was it they were the only ones used in that area when our Streetscape plan was being developed?
My morning was filled with more out-of-office chores than in, and when I finally got back, it was nearly my lunch hour so I stopped at a groceteria and picked up a can of soup which I later regretted buying, and only because of my not being able to eat more than a half-cup of it due to its taste, so I had a few more club crackers to fill the void. I guess I'm getting all the more spoiled by the good things I normally eat on a daily basis.
I wasn't the least bit happy when seeing our interest rates having climbed to 7 1/8% today, and if these spikes continue, there's no question we'll be heading into a correction. Truth be told, I dare say I've never in all the years I've sold real estate, seen the rates climb so fast. As a far as I'm concerned, we are heading into unchartered territory.
We were supposed to have two closings this Friday, but unfortunately one of them is getting delayed because the appraisal hasn't come in yet, so it'll likely be next week before it gets closed. I'm sure both the buyers and sellers aren't one bit happy about that, but at least my unit over at Prairie Place on 1st will be closing on time.
My late afternoon showing over at Prairie Place on 1st went well, and in spite of the buyer not being quite ready to sell, I believe there's strong enough interest in it to where there'll be an incentive to get her home readied for sale. As chance would have it, her son was along whom I'd sold a home to a number of years ago, which made for a more enjoyable tour of the unit and common areas.
We're still in negotiations with the offer I have on it from another buyer, and hopefully there'll be some good news coming from the seller's side tomorrow. I'm to the point where I'm almost wishing there'd be another unit open up, just so I could sell that one instead. Oh well, all I can do is continue being the order-taker.
As chance would have it, I happened to catch sight of a red-tailed hawk this afternoon. There must've been an animal in either the trees or somewhere on the ground nearby because it seemed more interested in something I couldn't see than me standing there watching it. Since I usually see them at a distance, when viewing them more close-up, they too are pretty good-sized birds of prey.
I did mention to someone who commutes to work from a small town on a daily basis, the fact that from now until late November, the deer population in our area will be more prone to running out in front of on-coming traffic, and mostly due to the crops coming out of the fields and their breeding season having arrived again. Two different times this past week, I've noticed the DOT and County trucks picking up dead dear on roadsides. The last one was one giant female, and glad it wasn't me that hit it because the sheer size of it had to have done some damage to the vehicle. Ouch!
We're not getting enough action on those two listings in Manly which has me scratching my head wondering why no offers. Both of those homes are well built and in the ever-popular west-side of that charming town. The home at 304 N. Fairview is a rock-solid brick beauty with a super-sized double garage with workshop, along with another single garage that could be used as a giant utility shed. The rambling ranch located at 224 W. Spring Street is right in the midst of far more expensive homes which offers a great potential for up-side value. As I've always said, "Buy a cheaper home in a more expensive district and you'll never go wrong." I feel terribly sorry for those who've recently purchased high-end homes in low-end districts because they're likely already upside-down on their mortgages and don't even know it. Please put the word out on those two homes that are screaming for new owners.
Just before sunset yesterday, I did manage to get those giant onions pulled and laid out to dry. As much as we used to have trouble growing white onions, this season's crop did just as well as the yellow, and when in the store today, I was shocked when seeing white onions at $2.49 per pound, and they weren't even as nice looking as the ones I just picked. As most seasoned fruit and vegetable gardeners know, soil composition plays a very big part in flavor and size.
As we're drawing closer to election day, I'm noticing even more of those political signs dotting our landscapes, along with my now getting really stupid spam text messages from who knows where, which I immediately block as spam. Just listening to some of these politicians, makes me want to get it their faces and say, "It appears you're another one of those look at me people who doesn't give a shite about about the real needs of our general public, but definitely in desperate need of attention." All I'm gonna say on the subject, is for all of you to do some deep soul-searching before heading to the polls, and if you even "think" your vote won't matter, think again.
Tonight's One-liner is: If it's true our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
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