Desire Management
Oscar Wilde once said,?“I can resist everything except temptation!”?It is the great art of life – don’t give up what you want most, for what feels good now. But, as we’ve all experienced, in the heat of the moment we often make the wrong decisions. The opportunity for instant gratification captures our mind and the urge within seems too powerful to tolerate. We know it would be a mistake, but we don’t have the inner strength to say?“no.”
I often say that overcoming temptation will COST you:
Conviction?– be convinced of the great thing you are trying to achieve and why it requires a certain discipline and self-restraint. Intelligence and clarity create immunity and inner strength. Here we are focusing on the?intellectual level.?
Openness?– regardless of success or failure, be open with a friend and seek their advice, support, guidance and feedback. Honesty will grow your character and integrity. This fortifies us on the?relationship level.?
Safety?– avoid provoking situations, people and mindsets that may compromise your principles. Don’t fight battles that you don’t need to. Strength comes from reorganising ourselves on the?practical level.?
Taste?– work hard to experience the ‘better life’ and solidify your resolve by feeling the benefits of your restraint. Saturate your consciousness in something more progressive, pure and uplifting. This?spiritual level?is the safest platform from which temptation ultimately disappears.?
Excerpt from “Tattva2: Old Words Open New Worlds”, available on