When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.
What does it mean to stay blessed?
“ Stay blessed" is usually spoken with religious belief in mind, but can also just be a generic phrase. If you say this to someone, you are expressing that you would like for them to continue to have good things in life.
Stay blessed" is usually spoken with religious belief in mind, but can also just be a generic phrase. If you say this to someone, you are expressing that you would like for them to continue to have good things in life. []
“Stay blessed†means “May you stay in God's favour,†which would be expressed in an older English as, “May God never turn His face from you.†[]
Stay blessed is more of an imperative, meaning, the speaker realizes that the person he is speaking to -
- Is doing good (behavior).
- Has been doing good (behavior).
- Can still do good (behavior).
When then he says, Stay blessed, it means to remain doing good.
The person who speaks this is usually conscious of goodness or moral uprightness to which he attributes being blessed.
Doing good, is staying within the confines of the law, doing one’s responsibility as a student, worker, an official, a neighbor to one, and staying blessed is to continue doing so.
What does it mean to be a blessing to someone?
Blessings have to do with approval. The first meaning is asking God for protection or favor. Priests and ministers say blessings in church, and some families say a blessing before dinner. Outside a religious context, blessings are less formal. "I give you my blessing" simply means "It's OK with me."
Truly Blessed
“Unmet desires keep me on my knees and make me ransack the Bible for God’s promises.â€
Pain and loss transform us. While they sometimes unravel us, they can also push us to a deeper life with God than we ever thought possible. They make us rest in God alone. Not what we can do or achieve for him. And not what he can do or achieve for us.
In pain and loss, we long for Presence. We long to know that God is for us and with us and in us. Great families, financial wealth, and good health are all wonderful gifts we can thank God for, but they are not his greatest blessings. They may make us delight, not in God, but in his gifts.
God’s greatest blessing always rests in God himself. When we have that, we are truly #blessed.
Life teaches us that success, abundance, prosperity, peace and happiness come when we achieve what we plan and strive for. A few tips and secrets on how to create a happy and prosperous life and be blessed may be quite useful.
Spread love
- In order to achieve great accomplishments we have to take big risks. The more we want to achieve, the greater the risk of have to take. The more love we give, the more vulnerable we become, but the result is even more love coming back to us in response.
- Learn from life
- We should learn from our life. When we lose something, like it happens to everyone from time to time, we should lose it with dignity and learn from the lessons that life teaches us through experience, transforming them into a positive development.
- Show respect
- We must respect others as we respect ourselves. First of all, we need to respect ourselves and show it to others. In today’s society a lack of self-esteem becomes noticeable. To see that, pay attention to how people behave and dress.
- Be responsible
- We should take full responsibility for our actions. Always act with common sense and show love and respect to another person. Remember that everything that is done with great kindness, is doomed to success.
- Be decent
- Live an honest and decent life. In today’s world, as you can see, questions of decency and deceit are very acute. It is important to be fair and honest person, respectful decorum.
- Admit your mistakes
- Do not forget to take immediate actions when you realize you made a mistake. It is important to recognize that you made a mistake and take immediate steps to fix it. This is a sign of maturity and courage.
- Forgive
- Do not let little things interfere with your life and destroy a great relationship. Both in personal life and in business, relationships have a great value, so don’t treat them lightly. Therefore, when small disagreements occur, do not let them ruin your relationship. Forgive and move on.
- Change
- Be open to changes, but do not neglect your values. When we change, we learn and grow. Too often people give up their own beliefs in favor of immediate gratification and greed.
- Learn to listen
- There are times when it is better to remain silent than to speak. Very often we feel the need to express our opinion, but there are many situations in life when it is better just to keep quiet and listen. By listening, we learn another person’s point of view and get a better understanding of the situation. For many people, this rule is one of the most difficult to digest.
- Create abundance
- Create an atmosphere of love and harmony in your house. When we create an atmosphere of love, we create the foundation for happiness, abundance and prosperity. Remember that by giving something we get greater pleasure and reward in return.
- Practice calm reflection
- Spend some time alone at least once a day. You can reflect on the events of the day. This is your opportunity to make up a picture of your life and gain complete control over it. This is the framework for your abundance and prosperity.
- Give yourself to people
Remember that in any relationship, your love for others is more important than your need for them. In other words, giving yourself to people without any expectations, in the end you will get the greatest satisfaction and reward.
Following these twelve simple rules will bring you abundance, prosperity and happiness. They will help you achieve your life goals. Always have a firm belief in what you intend to do, as long as you do it for good and follow these simple rules.
Living a life of abundance involves three behaviors. And each is necessary to manifest the whole picture.
The first behavior is learning.
Working on you every day. Developing skills, collecting knowledge and most importantly, gaining wisdom.
The second behavior is earning.
All true prosperity is a value-for-value equation. So you must go out and create value for the people around you. If it were as easy as sitting on the sofa watching The Secret, everyone would be a multi-billionaire. Your prosperity is out there, waiting for you to draw upon it, but you have to earn it. And it’s earned by creating value for the universe.
And the final behavior is yearning.
Because you must want more. There are a lot of lack mind viruses about money and material things out there. And a big one is “being happy with what you have.†Let’s look at that a little deeper.
Certainly happiness is a choice. You choose to be happy whether you earn $13,000 a year, $30,0000 a year, or $30,000,000 a year. So there is some truth in that statement. But don’t let it take you off the path…
One of the wittiest things I ever heard comes from Samuel Butgress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income.†Now put that in a prosperity context and it’s not about going into debt, but actually creating more value to the universe, which increases your income. Your desire for more causes you to become more.
Your path to prosperity involves doing more, having more, and especially becoming more. For to fail to do so would be a sin. We live in the most exciting time in human history. Our access to knowledge, our resources for innovation, and opportunities for personal development are greater than they have ever been before.
For many of you reading this blog, in your lifetime you will have the opportunity to buy an underwater condo with a view of the coral reef, play in a virtual reality holo-suite, and vacation on the moon. For you to choose to stand pat is an insult to the Intelligence that created you.
Your desire for something greater is Infinite Intelligence knocking on your door, challenging you to become more. Now as you saw if you watched this month’s virtual prosperity seminar, it’s not about an insatiable pursuit of things…
As your consciousness develops, your desires evolve as well. They will become less about you and more about service and contribution.
Yes, be happy with what you have. And tap into that divine dissatisfaction that pulls you forward to new and greater things. That is the joyous path of prosperity – learning, earning and yearning.
Ain’t it great!