Designs are soulmates: They chose the designers

Designs are soulmates: They chose the designers

regalia by ranjana website??Designs are soulmates: They chose the designers

People often asked me: What are the secrets behind my uniquely unusual but charming designs?

My answer to them is, according to me designs are like soulmates to a designer.You don’t choose your designs. But ,in fact, your designs choose you. Whatever designs want to come into reality, they

automatically strike your mind or you can say they give you a call as well as propose you. When you spend time with your designs, I mean when you create them, you cannot help but to fall in love with them.

As a creative person, you don’t need to find designs to create .I cannot say about other people but I don’t need to approach my designs but luckily enough my designs have always approached me first in the form of a lot of downloads in my brain. It’s not like I don’t have break-ups with my designs. I do have days when I am not able to come up with any of the designs but there are days when your designs shower a lot of love and affection for you. In the initial stage of my career, it was never easy to have interaction with so many designs, as in make such a versatile number and ways of designs but I have groomed myself enough or increase my innovation quotient that I can now come up with alot of new collection that it has now become very difficult for me to manage my time to complete all my designs.

So, In the end, I want to say that my designs are like soul family, a piece of my heart that has always made me special. They have always given me support, recognition and helps me find my uniqueness and help me find me


Ranjana Bhatia


