Designer Spotlight: Ange Lang

Designer Spotlight: Ange Lang

Fashion is in her blood

From having her gowns walk down the red carpet at Cannes to blazing the cover of The Sunday Times Magazine, Angela Langton, the designer behind Ange Lang, is one exemplary Australian designer. Fashion is in her blood; it’s a talent that can be traced through a lineage of Italian dressmakers, but her philosophy is decidedly forward looking – a balance of sensuality and strength that brings out both in the wearer. For our first Designer Spotlight, we spoke with Angela to understand more about her fashion philosophy and why designing resonates with her so strongly.

Why did you start designing?

I live for that moment when a woman steps into a gown and you can physically see her heart skip a beat. It’s that moment when the world stops still and she takes a moment to see – really see – her beauty.

What is your fashion philosophy?

An important brand belief is that a gown should never compete with the wearer; it should serve only to complement her beauty. The synergy between the wearer and the gown should be seamless.

What is your brand aesthetic?

The Ange Lang signature design is the floor length column gown. Each piece offers understated sophistication and elegance, displaying a specifically alluring restraint that is simultaneously strong and sensual. The juxtaposition of male and female elements is central to the Ange Lang overall reductive aesthetics. Each gown pays homage to classic design, ensuring it holds fashion equity in a rapidly changing consumer market.

Where do you go and what do you do for inspiration?

Traveling is definitely the biggest inspiration provider! Pushing myself out of my comfort zone and becoming a more worldly person definitely makes for a good designer.

Any advice for aspiring designers?

Be prepared for hard work, long hours, and doors in your face. This is not an easy industry to be a part of. If you ever find yourself wondering why you are in the industry, it’s time to put that kind of thinking behind you. To survive, you need discipline, fierce determination, perseverance and patience. Don’t let it beat you.

Chris Alexander -Founder Brickell Capital Women Division - Funding Wonder Women Entrepreneurs. Funding Fashion Division.


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