Let me throw some very common words across . " Owner " , " Promoter " , " Entrepreneur " ," Evangelist " , " Founder " , " Chief Executive officer " , " Chairman "

So on and so forth .

If we look at these words many of them are either used for the same person in a organization or there are different people but their responsibilities and duties are over-lapping and difficult to differentiate .

This is a systemic issue in the Corporate World which if not handled properly leads to confusion , Non-Ownership , Internal Conflicts and sometimes feud in public too.

If we try to understand the differences an Owner is someone who owns it and may or may not run it ( can be passive as well as active ) .

A promoter is someone who creates and run it ( and may or may not own or own partially )

Entrepreneur is nothing but promoter whereas Founder can be Owner or Promoter depending upon his or her position at the time of starting it.

So till now all of whom which we spoke about are of one genre which we loosely call " Leaders"

The much fancy and in-trend word " Evangelist" means someone who is passionate to convert people into Christianity and in this parlance it is someone who converts people into entrepreneurs.

Now come the terms CEO and Chairman . A CEO is line function where he or she is responsible for execution and a Chairman is someone who does not looks after day to day management but is more of a strategic advisor.

The biggest challenge that companies like Apple faced was overpowering the Founder by the CEO with Board's support and something similar was to happen in Infosys now cut short thanks to Nilekani's entry .

Also there are many examples of companies with complete bifurcation of roles and responsibilities like Marico , Dabur and ITC to name a few.


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