Design is a skill.
Every great designer is a failed designer that didn’t quit… Take out the word “Designer” in that quote, and put in what you do.
How does that sound now? More relatable, right?
Bad times are inevitable. This is one thing I am learning in my progressing journey in life and in design. The hard way, I should add. If you are a creative, a designer, a writer, or a service provider of any kind, then you`ve definitely had one of those experiences where you wished the ground could`ve opened up to give you an escape route. But it didn`t.
Weirdly, a lot of people still live in this self-denying fantasy that life is meant to be a Utopia filled with rainbows, unicorns, and free money every day.
The truth is, it isn`t!
And this is not to discredit the fact that some people have a better life than others. But then, even this is relative. The people you think have a great life also have equally great troubles. There is no vacuum anywhere.?
No vacuum of pain. And no vacuum of joy!
That`s right. You will always have something to be joyful and grateful about. It all depends on how you approach life and what you give your attention to.
Anyways, my point is – life is not a bad of roses. There are though times. While some would barely scathe your skin, there are some that would hit so deep that they will leave your heart shattered into a thousand pieces.
This Life Not Balance; Don’t Fight It. You are not what your work. Your work just extension of you. You can be masterpiece, and a work in progress at the same time! Don’t tie emotions to your craft. It would leave you vulnerable. I`m not saying do not be passionate about what you do. I am super passionate about design. What I`m saying is, do not tie your self-worth and self-confidence to what you do. That`s the easiest way to fall into work-depression.
Enjoy The Little Things!
All my love,
Marry !