Design a poster

Design a poster

Designing a poster allows you to express your creativity. It’s a great promotional communication tool, but also informative. The choice of image, drawing or illustration is important.

The use of the right colors and characters are the perfect balance that allows the successful outcome of this means of communication. The message we want to convey to the reader and all its users is also decisive.

The poster must convey and communicate positive messages and words! In fact, through the poster it is possible to receive great satisfactions because it represents a great creative process of communication. Communicating a message through a poster represents not only following a path in an aesthetic sense, but above all in an ?educational sense?.

The poster needs to ?see? with large graphic shapes, large writing and inviting and generous colors. Certainly if the poster ?is not seen? and fails to render and ?exit? in the mediocrity of the other posters, it will not arouse interest and above all it will not have worked as a means of communication.

“The design of a billboard or poster represents, for the graphic designer, the greatest and most pleasant creative opportunity, where he can immerse himself”.

The project of a poster must consist of a main image to which the message or slogan that must attract the reader is linked. The image and the words are fundamental above all for the creative person who has to design it. We need to identify ourselves with the reader or the passerby who must find the ?curiosity? and above all have, in that brief moment, the time to be able to look at it.

Before designing a poster, you need to know the sector well and the topic that the poster deals with. We must not choose a wrong image or an inappropriate message for the susceptibility of the passer-by. However, we must not give a wrong message, counterproductive to its reading.

Creating the idea through compositional criteria generally when reading a written page we start from the left corner and arrive at the bottom right. In fact, the logo of the company or association that advertises the poster is generally found at the bottom right. These are design standards that must be followed above all and facilitate the reading of the poster for a passer-by. The image must prevail but must be accompanied by the message and its pay-off.

The right weight between these two elements is essential above all to make a text that is too small and indecipherable to the naked eye readable. In this case, the choice of the final layout will follow the criteria and standards of originality. Readability and clarity of content!

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