Design patterns and principles - A high-level view
It's not a rule of thumb that you have to use design patterns at all costs. They are just there to guide you in solving a problem systematically, using well-tested approaches that have stood the test of time. What you need to do is to familiarize yourself with what pattern becomes applicable in what situation.
Design patterns will guide you into producing elegant and robust code, but that does not mean that there are no alternative ways to solve a problem.
In most cases, when you analyze any problem you are trying to code for, there will be several pathways you could take, and you are well justified to take any other path that you feel will make the most sense to you. But it's always safer when you see an applicable design pattern fitting in the solution to go that way.
With design patterns, you are assured of good maintainability since other developers will be able to understand your approach to solving a problem much faster than your path. In addition, using design patterns guarantees stability because these patterns have matured over time.
Gang of four?design patterns
Some of the widely popular approaches to software development?originated from influential software developers?and authors, whom I have alluded to in a previous article on software architecture. Similarly, there is also what is called the Gang of four design patterns, which came from a book called ' Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software '.
This book was first published in 1994 by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. It was nicknamed 'Gang of Four' design patterns?because of the four authors. Hence up until now, they are referred to as "GoF Design Patterns".
The GoF Design Patterns?divides into three categories, namely creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns, and I'll introduce them below.
Note: Again, reminding the reader that these article series remain to be a ‘guide’, and code explanations are out of scope, which could make it easier for some readers to grasp the short form definitions presented in this section. I won’t go deep into details, as this topic can make a book of its own, but as a reader, you are expected to dig a bit deeper into each pattern independently.?
Creational design patterns
This design pattern deals with the creation of an object in the run time for an application. Five design patterns classify as creational. I'll briefly define them as follows, in alphabetical order:?
Structural design patterns
This design pattern type deals with the structure of a class, an example of which is inheritance?and composition. Seven design patterns classify as structural in their nature.
Behavioral design patterns
This type of design pattern?provides solutions for better interaction between objects, providing loose coupling and flexibility to extend easily in the future. Eleven design patterns are described as behavioral in nature, and I'll briefly define them below:
Design Principles
SOLID principles
Like design patterns, these are just guiding principles in writing software that is elegant and will stand the test of time. Software development is ideally teamwork, and even if you work on an application alone, that application will probably outlive your availability. Maintenance by other people should always be a priority to be considered. It's no use writing code that only you understand.
Code that does not follow these guiding principles will still work, but an excellent object-oriented software developer is often noted for how they keep to these principles when writing their code. These are named SOLID principles, as just an acronym that is put together from the first letters of the principles: Single responsibility principle, Open but closed principle, Liskov substitution principle, Interface segregation principle, Dependency inversion principle.?I'll briefly define these principles below:
For that, you may want to use a PersonDAO, for example.
If a class?uses too many external dependencies (that is, other classes), that's a symptom that the class has too many responsibilities.
●?????Open-Closed principle?proposes that classes should be extensible but not modifiable. So, for example, adding a new field to a class?is okay, but changing existing things is not.
In the bigger picture, other components of the program may depend on the field you are changing.
●?????Liskov substitution principle?- this proposes that a class?that expects an object of type 'Animal', for example,?should work if a subclass 'Dog' and a subclass 'Cat' are passed.
For example, class?'Animal' should NOT have a method called bark since subclasses of type 'Cat' won't be able to bark.
Classes that use the 'Animal' class also shouldn't depend on methods?that belong to a class 'Dog'.
●?????Interface segregation principle?- this proposes keeping your interfaces as small as possible. So, for example, a class?'Teacher' that is a student should implement both 'IStudent' and 'ITeacher' interfaces instead of a single big interface called 'IStudentAndTeacher'.
●?????Dependency inversion principle?- Proposes that objects should not instantiate their dependencies but receive them instead.
For example, a class?'Car' that has an 'Engine' object inside should not do
engine = new PetrolEngine();
Instead, a program should pass the said engine to the class 'Car' through the constructor. This way, the car class will not be coupled to the PetrolEngine class.
Now that we have looked at language agnostic concepts, this is a perfect moment to start thinking about programming languages, which I will introduce in the following article. First, notice the steps you have gone through before to get to this point.
If you came straight to programming languages?to learn a language, you could have missed the bigger picture. Unfortunately, many programming instructors miss these steps and make their audience start coding too early. When an instructor introduces the concepts mentioned earlier, it's much harder to conceptualize or place them. We'll briefly look at programming languages in the following?article.