Design Pattern: Publisher-Subscriber
Amr Saafan
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The Publisher/Subscriber Pattern, commonly referred to as Pub/Sub, is a powerful design pattern that is essential in modern software development, especially for implementing event-driven architecture and decoupling system components. This article delves deeply into the Pub/Sub pattern, exploring its principles, benefits, and practical implementation with extensive code examples to ensure a thorough understanding.
Introduction to the Publisher/Subscriber Pattern
A communications paradigm known as the Publisher/Subscriber pattern involves senders (publishers) broadcasting messages without knowing who the recipients are (subscribers). Without knowing the publishers, subscribers indicate interest in one or more themes, and they get interesting communications. The system's flexibility and scalability are improved by this separation of publishers and subscribers.
Key Concepts:
The Publisher/Subscriber pattern is particularly useful in applications where components need to communicate asynchronously and independently, such as in microservices architecture, real-time systems, and distributed systems.
Benefits of the Publisher/Subscriber Pattern
Implementation of the Publisher/Subscriber Pattern
Let's explore how to implement the Publisher/Subscriber pattern in different programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, and Java.
JavaScript Implementation
In JavaScript, the Publisher/Subscriber pattern can be implemented using simple objects and arrays. Here’s a basic implementation:
class PubSub {
constructor() {
this.subscribers = {};
subscribe(event, callback) {
if (!this.subscribers[event]) {
this.subscribers[event] = [];
unsubscribe(event, callback) {
if (!this.subscribers[event]) return;
this.subscribers[event] = this.subscribers[event].filter(subscriber => subscriber !== callback);
publish(event, data) {
if (!this.subscribers[event]) return;
this.subscribers[event].forEach(callback => callback(data));
// Usage
const pubSub = new PubSub();
const onUserAdded = (user) => {
console.log(`User added: ${}`);
pubSub.subscribe('userAdded', onUserAdded);
pubSub.publish('userAdded', { name: 'John Doe' });
In this example, we define a PubSub class with methods to subscribe, unsubscribe, and publish events. Subscribers register their interest in specific events and are notified when those events occur.
Python Implementation
In Python, the Publisher/Subscriber pattern can be implemented using dictionaries and lists:
class PubSub:
def __init__(self):
self.subscribers = {}
def subscribe(self, event, callback):
if event not in self.subscribers:
self.subscribers[event] = []
def unsubscribe(self, event, callback):
if event in self.subscribers:
def publish(self, event, data):
if event in self.subscribers:
for callback in self.subscribers[event]:
# Usage
pubsub = PubSub()
def on_user_added(user):
print(f"User added: {user['name']}")
pubsub.subscribe('userAdded', on_user_added)
pubsub.publish('userAdded', {'name': 'Jane Doe'})
This Python implementation mirrors the JavaScript version, using methods to handle subscribing, unsubscribing, and publishing events.
Java Implementation
In Java, the Publisher/Subscriber pattern can be implemented using interfaces and classes:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
interface Subscriber {
void update(String event, Object data);
class PubSub {
private Map<String, List<Subscriber>> subscribers = new HashMap<>();
public void subscribe(String event, Subscriber subscriber) {
subscribers.computeIfAbsent(event, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(subscriber);
public void unsubscribe(String event, Subscriber subscriber) {
List<Subscriber> subs = subscribers.get(event);
if (subs != null) {
public void publish(String event, Object data) {
List<Subscriber> subs = subscribers.get(event);
if (subs != null) {
for (Subscriber subscriber : subs) {
subscriber.update(event, data);
// Usage
class UserAddedSubscriber implements Subscriber {
public void update(String event, Object data) {
System.out.println("User added: " + ((Map)data).get("name"));
public class PubSubExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PubSub pubSub = new PubSub();
Subscriber userAddedSubscriber = new UserAddedSubscriber();
pubSub.subscribe("userAdded", userAddedSubscriber);
pubSub.publish("userAdded", Map.of("name", "John Doe"));
In this Java example, we use an interface for subscribers and a PubSub class to manage subscriptions and events. Subscribers implement the Subscriber interface and define their update method to handle incoming messages.
Advanced Usage and Considerations
Handling Complex Scenarios
In real-world applications, the Publisher/Subscriber pattern can be extended to handle more complex scenarios, such as:
Message Filtering Example
Here’s an example of implementing message filtering in JavaScript:
class PubSub {
constructor() {
this.subscribers = {};
subscribe(event, callback, filter = () => true) {
if (!this.subscribers[event]) {
this.subscribers[event] = [];
this.subscribers[event].push({ callback, filter });
unsubscribe(event, callback) {
if (!this.subscribers[event]) return;
this.subscribers[event] = this.subscribers[event].filter(subscriber => subscriber.callback !== callback);
publish(event, data) {
if (!this.subscribers[event]) return;
this.subscribers[event].forEach(subscriber => {
if (subscriber.filter(data)) {
// Usage
const pubSub = new PubSub();
const onAdultUserAdded = (user) => {
console.log(`Adult user added: ${}`);
pubSub.subscribe('userAdded', onAdultUserAdded, user => user.age >= 18);
pubSub.publish('userAdded', { name: 'John Doe', age: 20 });
pubSub.publish('userAdded', { name: 'Jane Doe', age: 17 });
In this example, subscribers can provide a filter function that determines whether they should receive a specific message.
Integrating Publisher/Subscriber with Message Brokers
Using a message broker can help manage complexity and improve reliability and scalability. Here’s an example using Node.js with RabbitMQ:
const amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');
class PubSub {
constructor() {
this.connection = null; = null;
async connect() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
amqp.connect('amqp://localhost', (error, connection) => {
if (error) {
this.connection = connection;
connection.createChannel((error, channel) => {
if (error) {
} = channel;
publish(queue, message) {, { durable: false });, Buffer.from(message));
subscribe(queue, callback) {, { durable: false });, (msg) => {
}, { noAck: true });
// Usage
(async () => {
const pubSub = new PubSub();
await pubSub.connect();
pubSub.subscribe('userAdded', (message) => {
console.log(`Received: ${message}`);
pubSub.publish('userAdded', JSON.stringify({ name: 'John Doe', age: 20 }));
This example demonstrates how to use RabbitMQ to implement the Publisher/Subscriber pattern, leveraging a message broker for message routing and delivery.
Real-World Applications
The Publisher/Subscriber pattern is widely used in various real-world applications:
Microservices Example
In a microservices architecture, the Publisher/
Subscriber pattern can be used to decouple services and enable them to communicate asynchronously. Here’s a simplified example:
User Service (Publisher):
import pika
def publish_message(queue, message):
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost'))
channel =
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key=queue, body=message)
# Usage
publish_message('userAdded', 'User John Doe added')
Notification Service (Subscriber):
import pika
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print(f"Received: {body}")
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost'))
channel =
channel.basic_consume(queue='userAdded', on_message_callback=callback, auto_ack=True)
print('Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C')
In this example, the User Service publishes a message when a new user is added, and the Notification Service subscribes to receive these messages and send notifications.
Best Practices and Considerations
Error Handling Example
Here’s an example of adding error handling to the JavaScript Pub/Sub implementation:
class PubSub {
constructor() {
this.subscribers = {};
subscribe(event, callback) {
if (!this.subscribers[event]) {
this.subscribers[event] = [];
unsubscribe(event, callback) {
if (!this.subscribers[event]) return;
this.subscribers[event] = this.subscribers[event].filter(subscriber => subscriber !== callback);
publish(event, data) {
if (!this.subscribers[event]) return;
this.subscribers[event].forEach(callback => {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error in subscriber callback: ${error}`);
// Usage
const pubSub = new PubSub();
const onUserAdded = (user) => {
if (! {
throw new Error('User name is required');
console.log(`User added: ${}`);
pubSub.subscribe('userAdded', onUserAdded);
pubSub.publish('userAdded', { name: 'John Doe' });
pubSub.publish('userAdded', {}); // This will trigger an error
In this example, we add error handling within the publish method to catch and log errors from subscriber callbacks.
One basic design pattern that offers a reliable way to separate components and create event-driven systems is the Publisher/Subscriber paradigm. Build scalable, stable, and adaptable systems by utilizing the Pub/Sub pattern by comprehending its concepts, advantages, and application. When it comes to distributed systems, real-time apps, and microservices, the Publisher/Subscriber paradigm is a crucial component of every designer's toolbox.