Design Impacts Now (Why, How, and What)
Why does this world need You as a UX Designer??User experience design has grown to be aligned with good business; Good Design is a Good Business. Only those products and services that provide a seamless and intuitive user experience will succeed on the market.
With that, the demand for strong UX designers has tremendously increased—and, as the technology market continues to evolve, UX designers are more important than ever.
Then how do you describe yourself as the right one? Just by learning the design tools? or by interviewing people randomly and call it user research? or designing something pretty, hope your boss / customers will fall in love with it?
There are so many factor to make design that end up nobody wants, and design that can generate results - for your business, for your career, and even for your own life.
After over a decade learning, researching, designing, and experiencing the right system to make things happen. I found out that everything can be categorised into 4 key strategy:
I combined all the materials and created (To learn more, view the video inside.)
Design Foundation
Learn the basic foundation to make you a really great UX Designer. UX is an iterative process that can be divided into four steps: research, ideation, design, and measure.
Interface Design
Design easy, efficient, and enjoyable for users to interact with a product.?Mostly focused on the look and feel, UI brings together concepts from interaction design, visual design, information architecture, and many more.
When choosing interface design elements, we need to know that users have familiarity with certain element behave in certain way, so we try to be consistent in our choices – this will help on learnability, efficiency, and satisfaction.
Ace UX Interview
Learn how to ace your UX design interview with best question and answer for all levels, beginner, intermediate, senior, and lead UX designer.?Include the job interview tips to make you stand out from the rest candidates.
Find the best company to work for you. How to build your design portfolio with case study – gain the skills, expertise, and confidence to build your career in UX. You will learn multiple portfolio, case study, and also how to present your portfolio in clear and unique way. Showcase your work, talk about results, and let your passion naturally flow.
Design for Business
Build products / services / experience that your customers find helpful, easy to use, and delightful to improve the business results.?Finding value on what your business are providing by turning visitors into customers and generating more revenues.
Learn UX design for business to improve revenues, customer retention, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.
As a designer, we have a series of unanswered questions, and we can solve it with the right tools, ideas, and methodology to make impact in this world. Become more creative, to do innovation, and contribute in this world is not a privilege but a responsibility.
Therefore, You are invited in this journey!!?Don't forget to like and subscribe to newsletter for FREE and learn UI/UX Design insights to make impacts in this world.
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