Design is in the Details

Design is in the Details

You can't fake quality. When I stopped by the factory where our products are made, I was completely blown away by everyone's dedication to getting the job done right. People may look at one of our signature stainless steel risers and just see metal. What you can't see is that months went into the design based on feedback from our customers, then it was crafted using over 16 different unique processes from laser cutting to hand polishing. We use the highest quality and most expensive US Steel. So when you are trying to choose between Rosseto and a competitor based on price, realize there is a difference that is priceless. 

“We have been asked many times to use Chinese steel companies for our products because it is cheaper, but we refuse. When you see the difference in quality you simply can’t go in that direction. It’s not worth it to us. I see competitors who have just entered the market who are using this type of material. You can crush their products with your hands. It gives me chills”.
- Gil Gold (CEO/Co-Founder of Rosseto)

As more and more competitors continue to cut corners by manufacturing in China, we are proud to be one of the only companies in our industry that uses US Steel and manufactures right here in the US. This is the Rosseto Difference.


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