Design of concrete frame building manual design
Fahad Yaqoob
Research Assistant at Northwestern Polytechnical University | MSc Structural Engg
This report only covers the analysis and design of static forces. Static forces that took in the account in this report include self-dead load of structure, super dead load which include floor finishing load, ceiling load, duct and pipes loads and live loads only. The design building consists of five story. ACI coefficients are used to find moment and shear stresses in the beams and columns. Strength method is used to design all of these elements include beams and columns. ACI 318-19 and Abu Dhabi International Building Code is taken in mind while design the structure. The report shows the design of typical beam and slab. Similarly, the report covers the design of ground floor typical column and its foundation. Isolated footing is used to transfer the load of structure to the ground. AutoCAD is used for drafting purpose.?Excel sheets are used in beams and foundation for economical design.
Figure 2 Layout of building
Figure 3 Layout of beams and column on AutoCAD
Load calculations for Slab
Assume slab thickness 150mm
Dead load of Slab = 25 x 150/1000 = 3.75 KN/m2
Assume live load for minimum design load of building = 3 KN/m2
Assume super dead load include flooring marble, pipe ducts etc. = 2.5 KN/m2
Total dead load = 3.75 + 2.5 = 6.25 KN/m2
Total live load = 3 KN/m2
Load combination
1.4D = 1.4(6.25) = 8.75 KN/m2
1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2(6.25) + 1.6(3) = 12.3 KN/m2 Controls
Load Calculations for Beams
Grid A
Assume size of Grid A beam = 300mmx 450mm
Self-weight of beam = 25 x 0.3 x 0.450 =3.375 KN/m
Dead load on Grid A beam = 6.25 KN/m2 x 3/2 = 9.375 KN/m
Live load on Grid A beam = 3 KN/m2 x 3/2 = 4.5 KN/m
Ultimate load on Grid A beam = 1.2(3.375 + 9.375) + 1.6(4.5)
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????= 22.5 KN/m
Grid B
Assume size of Grid A beam = 300mmx 450mm
Self-weight of beam = 25 x 0.3 x 0.450 =3.375 KN/m
Dead load on Grid A beam = 6.25 KN/m2 x (3/2 +4/2) = 21.875 KN/m
Live load on Grid A beam = 3 KN/m2 x (3/2 +4/2) = 10.5 KN/m
Ultimate load on Grid A beam = 1.2(3.375 + 21.875) + 1.6(10.5)
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????= 47.1 KN/m
Grid 2
Assume size of Grid A beam = 225mmx 350mm
Self-weight of beam = 25 x 0.225 x 0.350 =1.96 KN/m
Dead load on Grid A beam = 6.25 KN/m2 x (2.765/2) = 8.64 KN/m
Live load on Grid A beam = 3 KN/m2 x (2.765/2) = 4.14 KN/m
Ultimate load on Grid A beam = 1.2(1.96 + 8.64) + 1.6(4.14)
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????= 19.344 KN/m
Length of beam Grid 1 = 6.2m
Point load on Grid C beam = 19.344 KN/m x 6.2/2
????????????????????????????????????????????????= 59.96KN
Grid C
Assume size of Grid A beam = 300mmx 450mm
Self-weight of beam = 25 x 0.3 x 0.450 =3.375 KN/m
Dead load on Grid A beam = 6.25 KN/m2 x (6.2/2 +4/2) = 31.875 KN/m
Live load on Grid A beam = 3 KN/m2 x (6.2/2 +4/2) = 15.3 KN/m
Ultimate load on Grid A beam = 1.2(3.375 + 31.875) + 1.6(15.3)
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????= 66.78 KN/m
Load Calculation on Columns (Ground Floor)
C A-1 Ultimate Load
No of Floors x Ultimate load x Tributary area of column
5 x 12.3 x 6.6/2 x 3/2 = 304.425 KN
C B-1
5 x 12.3 x 6.6/2 x 3/2 = 304.425 KN
C C-1
5 x 12.3 x 4/2 = 123 KN
C A-3
5 x 12.3 x (3.3+3.15) x (3/2) = 595.01 KN
C B-3
5 x 12.3 x (3.4+3.2) x (3/2 + 4/2) = 1420.65 KN
C C-3
5 x 12.3 x (4/2+3.1) x (4.5325) = 1421.61 KN
C A-4
5 x 12.3 x (3)/2 x (3.15) = 290.58 KN
C B-4
5 x 12.3 x (3/2+4/2) x (3.15) = 678.03 KN
C C-4
5 x 12.3 x (4/2+3.1) x (3.15) = 988 KN
C D-4
5 x 12.3 x (3.1) x (3.15) = 600.65 KN
Beam Moments and Shear
Bending moment and shear coefficients of beams are found using ACI coefficients
Figure 4 Bending moment coefficients of beam
Figure 5 Shear coefficients of beam
Positive moment =
Span (6.6m) = ?
?????????????????????= 146.54KN – m
Negative moment =
(Interion support) =
?????????????????????????????????= 227.96KN – m
V’ =
= 178.74KN
Slab Moments and Shear
Bending moment and shear coefficients of slabs are found using ACI coefficients
Figure 6 Slab Bending moment coefficients
Figure 7 Shear coefficients of slab
Design for one meter spam slab load = 12.3?x 1m
?????????????????????????????????= 12.3
Positive moment = ?=?????
??????????????????????= 12.3KN-m
Negative moment =
?= 12.3x
= 16.4 KN-m
Design Of beam for Flexure
Fc’ =28Mpa
Fy = 420Mpa
Ultimate load on beam ‘’B’’ = 47.1KN/m
Initial size = (300 x 450) mm
Positive moment =
Span (6.6m) = ?
?????????????????????= 146.54KN – m
Negative moment =
(Interion support) =
?????????????????????????????????= 227.96KN – m
D = h -cover
= 450 – 40 = 410mm
Negative moment (edge support)
= ??
= 128.22Kn -m
Design for flexure
Positive moments = 146.54 KN – m
Row = 0.85?(1 –
Assume tension controlled = ? = 0.9
Row = ?(1-
Row = 0.00829
Row according to ACI
Greater of
= ?= 0.0035
(b) = ?= ?= 0.0033
Amount of steel is in range
AST= Row x bx d
?????= 0.00829x300x410
???= 1019.67mm2
4 #19 gives 1136mm2
Check Nominal Strength
a =
??= ?= 66.82mn
B1 = 0.85
C = ?= 78.61mn
ET = 0.003[]
?= 0.003[] = 0.0037
Transition zone
Ф = 0.65 + (ET – 0.002)
?= 0.65 + (0.0037 – 0.002)
?= 0.7926
Ф Mn = ф Asfy ()
Ф Mn = 0.7926 x 1136 x 420[]
??= 142419845.9 N-mn
?= 142.42 KN – m < 146.54KN-m??
Increase the steel?
Let As = 3 # 22. As 1161mm2
As it is trail method use excel sheet
Try 4 # 22??As 154.8mm2
Selected 4#22
For negative steel
Interior = 4 # 25
?????Ast = 2040mm2
For negative steel edge support 3 # 22
????Ast = 1161mm2
Figure 8 Design of beam for gird B Positive Steel
Figure 9 Design of beam for gird B Interior Support
Figure 10 Design of beam for gird B Edge Support
Design of beam for shear
Design for maximum shear
V’ =
= 178.74KN
Vu = ф vc + ф vs
Ф vc = ??bwd
?= ?x300x410x10-3
=10.84KNx0.75 = 81.35KN
Vs’ =
Vs =
?= 129.85 KN
Provide 2 legged stirrups # 10
Vs = ?
S = ?
??= 188.31mn = 175mn
Vs max = ?bwd
?= x 300 x410 x 10-3
433.90 KN
If Vs ≤ ??bwd
?x 300 x 410 x10-3
129.85KN ≤ 216.95KN
Smax ? Smallest of
(2)??0.5d = 0.5x410 = 205mn
(3)???= ?=298.2mm
Maximum spacing = 205mn ?200mn
Provided # 10 @175mn up to??from both side and rest on position & Provide # 10 @ 200mn c/c
Detailing of beam
Figure 11 Long Section of Beam
Figure 12 Cross sections of beam
Design of slab
Spam (4m)
Fc’ = 28Mpa
Fy = 420 MPa
Design for one meter spam slab load = 12.3?x 1m
?????????????????????????????????= 12.3
Positive moment = ?=?????
??????????????????????= 12.3KN-m
Negative moment =
?= 12.3x
= 16.4 KN-m
Design of positive moment
B = 1000mm
H = height of slab
?????????= ?for both end continues
??????????= ?= 142.85 = 142.85 ? 150mm
D = h – cover
?????????????= 150 – 20 = 130mm
Row = 0.85x?(1-
Row = 0.0019
Ast = 0.0019 x 1000 x 130
= 254.70 mn2
# 10 @ 250mm
Minimum spacing 3h = 3x150 = 450mm
Design for negative steel
M = 16.4 KN – m
Row = 0.0026
Ast = 0.0026x1000x130
??????= 341.66mm2
Spacing = # 10 @ 200mn
Temperature and shrinkage reinforcement
Ast = 0.0018 bH
Ast = 0.0018x100x150
?????????= 270mm2?????????????????????????????
Maximum spacing = 5h
????????????????= 5x150mn??= 750mm
Detailing of Slab
Figure 13 Design of 4m Span Slab
Column design?
Design of column B – 4
Pu = 678.03KN
Mu = negative moment of gride B beam
Mu = 128.22KN -m
Assume column dimension = 400x600
?= 0.8
F’c = 28Mpa
Fy = 420 Mpa
Use interaction diagram
Kn =
= 0.15
Rn =??
?= 0.048
Plot the values in interaction diagram
Row = less than 0.01
Row min = 0.01bH
Ast = 0.01x400x600
= 2400mm2
Provide 8#22 gives 3096mm2
deign for shear rings spacing
(1) 16 Times dia of main bar
(2) 48 Times dia of ring
(3) minimum dimension of column
(1) 16x22 = 352 = 250m
(2) 48x10 = 480mn
(3) 400
Provide # 10??@ 250mn
Column detailing
Figure 14 Column Cross section
Design of foundation
F’c = 28MPa
Fy = 420Mpa
Column size = 400mm x 600mm
Service dead load = 5x6.25x[] x (3.15)
??????????????????= 344.53KN
Service live load = 5x3x ()(3.15)
?????????????????= 165.375KN
Bearing capacity =
Concrete unit weight =
Soil unit weight =
Assume depth of foundation = 1.5m
Effective bearing Capacity = Qa – rh
Qe = 180 – ()1.5 = 146.25 ????????????????????
Area required =
Size selected for foundation = 2m x 2n
?Qu = ?
?= 169.509
Assume depth of foundation = 400mm
. d = 400 – 75 = 325mm
Check for one way Shear
?????????????Ф vc =0.75 x???bwd
?????????????????????=0.75 x???x 2000 x 325 x10-3
?????????????????????= 429.93 KN
????????????Vu = Qu x tributary area
???????????Tributary area = (2000/2 – 600/2 – 325) x 325
??????????????????????????????????????= 121875 mm2
??????????Vu = 169 x 121875/1000^2 = 20.59 KN
Ф vc > Vu Depth is satisfactory
Check for Two-way Shear / Punching Shear
?Ф vp =0.75 x???bod
??????????????????Bo = 2(400 + 325) + 2(600 + 325)
????????????????????????= 3300mm
?????????????????????=0.75 x???x 3300 x 325 x10-3
??????????????????????????????????= 354.69 KN
????????????Vu = Qu x tributary area
???????????Tributary area = 4m2 – (0.725 x 0.925)
??????????????????????????????????????= 3.32m2
??????????Vu = 169 x 3.32 = 518.59 KN
Ф vc < Vu Depth is not satisfactory, Increase the depth and trail using Excel sheet
Final d = 475mm, H = 550mm
Design for Reinforcement
Mu = Qu x B x l2/2
??????=??169 x 2 x 2^2/2 = 676 KN.m
Row = 0.85?(1 –
Assume tension controlled = ? = 0.9
E = ?(1-
?= 0.00411
Row minimum = 0.003
Ast =0.00411 x 2000 x 475 = 3904.5 mm2
Provide 8 #25 gives = 3925 mm^2m in Both directions
Detailing of foundation
Figure 15 Footing Details
o??Hibbler, R.C. and Kiang, T., 2015.?Structural analysis. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.
o??Darwin, D., Dolan, C.W. and Nilson, A.H., 2016.?Design of concrete structures. New York, NY, USA:: McGraw-Hill Education.
o??ACI Committee and International Organization for Standardization, 2008. Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-08) and commentary. American Concrete Institute.
o??Hassoun, M.N. and Al-Manaseer, A., 2020.?Structural concrete: theory and design. John wiley & sons.
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General Manager | Project Manager | Engineering Consultant | Civil Engineer | Architectural Designer | Interior Designer
4 个月hi mr Fahad, may i know whether only me who cant view the figures or this post doent actually include the figures? thank you.