

Bienvenue en ce nouveau?jour, Bienvenue en ao?t,?Bienvenue dans le reste de Votre belle vie et la belle vie que Vous êtes!

Or in other words, Welcome to this new day, Welcome to August, Welcome to the Rest of Your Beautiful Life and the Beautiful Life that You are!?

Hard to believe that it's already August, right? How time flies when we're having fun ~ or perhaps just trying to tread through these mercurial, mysterious waters and keep punching through the wilderness to stay afloat.

Did you happen to know that the word?"August" comes from the Latin word "Augustus" which means?consecrated.

And do you happen to know what the literal definition of "consecrated" is?

Suspending the purest forms of etymology here in this particular moment in time, in layman terms this tremendous word is simply defined as "having been made or deemed sacred".?


Now there's a perfect word to describe You.

Don't shake your head here. Don't twist and turn away from that sentiment. You are indeed sacred. Unfortunately so many of us have become all too accustomed to doubting the good news regarding who we genuinely are inside, especially when we receive a heartfelt compliment, even from some random stranger, inoculated and immune from believing and recognizing what a wonderment beyond description to behold that you genuinely are.

Angels take notice of your presence and you matter more than you can possibly imagine...

Sacredness implies?that hopefully we can see the Divinity that exists?in one another. And trust me, even when you are down on your luck and cannot see the silver lining, only just?the ominous dark clouds and?crushing waves that surround relentlessly, feeling lost and perhaps alone, know that the sanctitude of your existence is unquestionable.??Your sacredness inspires so many others and has such an indelible impact upon this shared world, more profound, tectonic and enduring that you yet can comprehend.?

And speaking of comprehension, here's something to sink your proverbial teeth into:?

Homo sapiens, as we have been so classified, have existed in this form for the past 200,000 years, give or take.?And Australopithecus afarensis, aka "Lucy",?stemming back over 3.2 million years ago, is?one of the oldest of all tangible evidence of the progression of our evolution and this collective Journey that we are all on, a fossilized and permanent reminder of our enduring stamina to overcome and?the indomitable nature of the human spirit.

Countless souls, in whatever category science might want to deposit us into, have been punching hard through this Jungle for a long time...

Point being, of all of the innumerable souls that have ever graced this mysterious world of ours and walked this shared terra firma that we all do, and when I say innumerable?I mean countless?in numbers that are exponentially, geometrically and mathematically a number beyond what you can imagine, there has never and not once been someone like you.


In all of creation, in all of the Universe, under the very breath of the Divine Herself, there has never and not once been someone as amazingly unique as you.

The colors that exist inside of you are unmatched in all of the known vapory skies that hold such enigmas undefinable in mere words.

At this moment, I am recalling one of my favorite poems and if?you'll indulge me, please allow me to share his beautiful insights on such matters of what is lasting, of what we desire, of what we need...

Written almost a century ago by the great Max Ehrmann, I find his heartfelt and human insights to be timeless and that resonate today as strongly, fiercely and as true as when he first penned them.?

So glad you're here!?


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