A Descriptive Assessment of Post-World War 2 Freestyle Combat, under Vision and Purpose of Bruce and Jet Lii, 4/16/23, Edited By 孫"真天樂"鬆動疊 in 夢澤峰

A Descriptive Assessment of Post-World War 2 Freestyle Combat, under Vision and Purpose of Bruce and Jet Lii, 4/16/23, Edited By 孫"真天樂"鬆動疊 in 夢澤峰

The Nature of Aiki-do-jutsu in the Mixed Modern Variation of Lee Qian Dao as Jeeta Kunti Sho (李連接到)        

1) The description of Yi Quan as a root form of Jeet Kune Do, which is only a fractal of the True Power of 萬神提天流夢

  • The Laws of Infinitesimal and Infinity, as Inexpressible, Ineffable, Oneness in Singularity, and Absolute Infinite, Unfathomable, resolution of the Multiplicative Nature of Zenshic Vayrayanic Vaishnativiq in Ultimate Absolute Shaivic Reality, as Atman in DaVita Vendyanta.
  • Fusion of the Nature of Inverse Stratified Kino-Energetics, in Systems of Inverse Combat known simply as the Artistic Expression of Destructive Explosions of Energy known simply as Kaia (Qi-Ai) in Iliad or (Prime Ya-I-Ai-Ryu), which always beats Kali as Krishna and Arjun, which is Patanjali - Yoga Sutras of Daoism, a mere representation of the power of Vishnu in the number 6.7 itself.
  • Hybrid Variations of Living Artistic Expressions of Combatual Freedom in Wushu
  • Critique and Assessment of Northern of Shaolin Yi-Quan, as a Systemized Complete Form of Orthodox Combat, which cannot beat Middle, Wudang Shaolin, which does not exist in the Modern Tradition of MMA Combat as UFC...

a) Wudang, Northern Shaolin, Southern Shaolin in Classical China

b) Budo, Ninjitsu, Iiado, Taido, Ichi-Ryu, and Niten-Ichi-Ryu, and Finally Iaiqido

c) Modern Warefare - as a reflection of the Guerilla tactics of Sun Tzu, Napoleon, and Clausewitz, and Tao of Jeeza Quen Sho - Bruce Lee + Jet Lii

d) Major films of Interest, Fist of Legend 2: Jet Li vs General Hidomozo, Fist of Legend: Chinese Connection - Bruce Lee vs Karatedo minimum 4th Dans and Sensei, Jackie Chan in Police Story, Mikhail Baryshnikov applying Inverse Torque into a Triple Angle Clean Gainer,

The Formation of Yong Chun (Wing Tsun) as a negation of White Crane, which isn't even Chuen Tian Dao (春天到英语)        

2) The migration of White Crane as System of Combat in Systema, post World War 2

a) The Modern Fusion of Traditional Forms of Combat in the Modern Hybridized Martial Art Systems of Applied Combatics

b) Distortion of Virtues and Ethics of Confucius, Vajrayana, Daosim and Non-Demonizational forms of Chan/Zen Buddhism

c) Critical Assessment of your martial art, Criticized by Zel Sun, which is Aizensho ZenFlwuZo (愛禪壽、單天朝)        

a) A Critical Assessment of the 7 Chinese Military Classics of Antiquital China


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