A Descriptive Assessment of Post-World War 2 Freestyle Combat, under Vision and Purpose of Bruce and Jet Lii, 4/16/23, Edited By 孫"真天樂"鬆動疊 in 夢澤峰
The Nature of Aiki-do-jutsu in the Mixed Modern Variation of Lee Qian Dao as Jeeta Kunti Sho (李連接到)
1) The description of Yi Quan as a root form of Jeet Kune Do, which is only a fractal of the True Power of 萬神提天流夢
a) Wudang, Northern Shaolin, Southern Shaolin in Classical China
b) Budo, Ninjitsu, Iiado, Taido, Ichi-Ryu, and Niten-Ichi-Ryu, and Finally Iaiqido
c) Modern Warefare - as a reflection of the Guerilla tactics of Sun Tzu, Napoleon, and Clausewitz, and Tao of Jeeza Quen Sho - Bruce Lee + Jet Lii
d) Major films of Interest, Fist of Legend 2: Jet Li vs General Hidomozo, Fist of Legend: Chinese Connection - Bruce Lee vs Karatedo minimum 4th Dans and Sensei, Jackie Chan in Police Story, Mikhail Baryshnikov applying Inverse Torque into a Triple Angle Clean Gainer,
The Formation of Yong Chun (Wing Tsun) as a negation of White Crane, which isn't even Chuen Tian Dao (春天到英语)
2) The migration of White Crane as System of Combat in Systema, post World War 2
a) The Modern Fusion of Traditional Forms of Combat in the Modern Hybridized Martial Art Systems of Applied Combatics
b) Distortion of Virtues and Ethics of Confucius, Vajrayana, Daosim and Non-Demonizational forms of Chan/Zen Buddhism
c) Critical Assessment of your martial art, Criticized by Zel Sun, which is Aizensho ZenFlwuZo (愛禪壽、單天朝)
a) A Critical Assessment of the 7 Chinese Military Classics of Antiquital China