Description and application of LFXP2-8E-5TN144I chip

Description and application of LFXP2-8E-5TN144I chip


? flexiFLASH? Architecture

? Instant-on

? Infinitely reconfigurable

? Single chip

? FlashBAK? technology

? Serial TAG memory

? Design security

? Live Update Technology

? TransFR? technology

? Secure updates with 128 bit AES encryption

? Dual-boot with external SPI

? sysDSP? Block

? Three to eight blocks for high performance

Multiply and Accumulate

? 12 to 32 18x18 multipliers

? Each block supports one 36x36 multiplier or four

18x18 or eight 9x9 multipliers

? Embedded and Distributed Memory

? Up to 885 Kbits sysMEM? EBR

? Up to 83 Kbits Distributed RAM

? sysCLOCK? PLLs

? Up to four analog PLLs per device

? Clock multiply, divide and phase shifting

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