Depth or Span

Depth or Span

Triple Espresso:

Span or Depth?

Agreement or Impact?

Noise or Difference?

What are your measurements? What are your objectives?

Look, I do a LOT of work in a LOT of different industries.

Let's take real estate for example. I've coached some of the best of the best. True Leaders in the industry.

I'm talking 7 figure plus income earners.

When I coach real estate agents and brokers, for instance, the first thing I get them to do is to CLEARLY define whom they're going after. Their Target Market Avatar (TMA).

Here's a fact. It takes as much time, energy, paperwork, and focus to sell a $200K house as it does to sell a $2M house.

Yes, the market is smaller for a $2M house and that means you need to be better at being in the right place and time, but once that's done, the ROI is VASTLY better.

AND, high investment clients tend to be MUCH easier to work with. They don't have time for petty complaints and such.

Most real estate agents (and most entrepreneurs in general) go into business and they want to basically sell "anything to anybody who will buy."


I've coached MANY individuals writing a book. "Who is your book for? (your TMA), I ask. "Everybody." Is the frequent response.


"Anyone wanting to improve their life."


Social Media is the same thing. "How many likes and followers did I get?"

Reach is NOT the answer. The Hubble Telescope can allow us to reach different worlds. But that has little to no impact on THIS world.

The fact is that if you have a LOT of followers you're 99% certain to be appealing to the Mob Mentality. NOT making a true difference.

If that's what you want to do, God bless you.

How do you answer the questions above??

If you answer Depth, Impact, and Difference then you're following and reading me for a reason; and I honor you and am very grateful to serve you.

If you answer Span, Agreement, and Noise, then I still love you and wish you only the very best.?

I'm not for everyone. Nor do I want to be.?

How about you?

Are you ready to clarify why you're here, know your purpose and build your legacy? You have to get your MIND right first. Change Your Mind. Change Your Business. Change Your Life. Join us December 11-12, 2021 for Mental Alchemy live virtually via ZOOM. Details here:

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