Dept. of Homeland Security Warns the Public to be ALERT during July 4th Gatherings, including Concerts, Fireworks, and Large Parties!
RISKAlert #1446????????????????JULY 2, 2021????????????????Washington, DC
A DHS Bulletin obtained by ABC News, warned of Potential Threats to Large gatherings: "Violent Extremists might seek to exploit easing COVID-19 restrictions, increased access to Mass Gatherings, & Changes in levels of Violence During the Summer Months to Conduct attacks against a wide range of Potential Targets, with little or no warning."
Federal authorities are deeply concerned about the possibility of domestic terror and violence, including mass shootings, as the July Fourth holiday approaches and the summer season gets fully underway.?A new Homeland Security bulletin obtained exclusively by ABC News warns that "violent extremists might seek to exploit easing COVID-19 restrictions, increased access to mass gatherings, and possible changes in levels of violence during the summer months to conduct attacks against a range of potential targets with little or no warning."
The intelligence document locks in on the nation returning to normalcy after the pandemic and notes that by the end of Wednesday, "34 states will have State of Emergency orders expire," which means bans on mass gatherings and social distancing restrictions will be largely lifted.
"In recent weeks, domestic violent extremists (DVEs) motivated by various violent ideologies have continued to advocate violence and plan attacks," the bulletin said. "As of 16 June, racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist-white supremacists (RMVE-WSs) were sharing downloadable links to a publication discussing targeting mass gatherings, critical infrastructure, and law enforcement officers."?"In a sense, we have the perfect storm," a senior law enforcement official told ABC News. "It's a very volatile moment and it's about to be a more target-rich environment."
1.??Don’t Panic!??Just use your Security Common Sense and Situational?Awareness,
2.??Be Aware of where you are, and who is in your immediate area.
3.??Watch for anyone carrying weapons, and immediately move away?from that person,?or persons, and leave the area right away.
For more information, write:[email protected].?We provide Active Shooter &??Workplace Violence Assessments, including Training & Risk Assessments,?OSHA Assessments, CMS All-Hazards Risk Assessments and conduct Workplace Violence Training.?Find out more at??