The word “Depression” is misunderstood to be a taboo in our society in recent times. It hasn’t been realized that how serious of a issue it is and how it slowly takes away the sanity and life of the affected bit by bit.
In simple dumbed down words, Depression can be explained as a deep pit of nothingness and hollowness where the affected person suffers from sheer mental torture either for certain periods or for a continuing longevity. If treated at the right time effectively, people get a second chance of restarting their lives from a completely different perspective. Therapy sessions and proper medication aids to the affected mind and has a positive result in most cases.
What stands the crux of the matter is that depression should be treated like every other illness instead of considering it shameful because of being a cerebral disease. If every person in their own capacity comes out and confesses or for that fact helps another peer suffering from depression, it will help our society on a collective level and improve our quality of life.