‘Depression’, the ethereal term that our society fails to understand. For long we have suppressed this phenomenon in the name of denial and fiction. Come the 21st century, we humans have grown considerably since the last decade but there’s still one phenomenon that we fail to understand and that is ‘depression’, we fail to classify it as an actual illness and keep telling ourselves that it doesn’t exist but sadly it does, it does exist. In the last decade alone depression driven suicides have taken over 80,000 lives and still our inhumane ego refuses to accept it just because accepting mental is still considered a taboo in our society, people going to therapists and psychiatrists are looked down upon instead of being encouraged for seeking help, this is what our society has come to. We as human beings have failed to understand the simplest of human deficiencies. One days everyone has to leave this one behind and human deserves to live his life to the fullest, no human should ever have to go through depression and not be taken seriously about it, we have long failed our fellow human beings. In this new decade liberalism is at its peak and its time that we start accepting mental illness as something serious and reach out to the people near us suffering from it.