DEPRESSION & The reason why G-d gave the mind control over the body.
Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui
Author - Lecturer - A Spiritual Soul Book & Maimonides Advice for the 21st Century. Chabad Palm Beach Fl. HQ
Knowledge is Power -- G-dly Knowledge is SUPER POWER.
Unlike all other creatures that are only body, human beings have a G-dly soul which is independent from the body. The soul, our identity, operates in this materialistic, physical world through the body which has its own life force, which we call animalistic. It is animalistic because like animals, it thinks only of itself and self-gratification.
This is the perpetual struggle all human beings face, which truly spiritual, G-dly people have successfully overcome. The truly spiritual, G-dly person is in control of his body and the animal within. For most of us, however, we are pulled in different degrees by the body and its enticements without even thinking whether it’s going to be good for us in the long run or not. When that happens, the body is in control and the mind has succumbed. When the animal within draws us into its world of selfishness and hedonism, it leads ultimately to depression and loneliness.
In depression, a person has allowed himself to become victim to his own emotional, narcissistic drives. For many people, although they complain and are unhappy with this victimhood there is a certain comfort and pattern to this situation.
For some, when they are depressed, they have something to blame for their failures. It’s a way to get attention; it’s an excuse not to be productive; and it’s a way to manipulate others. Remaining a victim is never good, it means allowing yourself to be controlled and YOU are out of control. People who are depressed have surrendered control over their bodies to the body and its drives. In truth, we have a G-dly soul, our true identity as human beings, that operates through the mind, and the mind inherently has more power over the animal.
G-d gave us animals not so that they should rule the roost. G-d gave us the tremendous physical strength of the animal so humans can leverage that strength for their human G-dly goals. The reason why G-d put a mind over the rest of the body is so that we should think and use our G-dly gift -- the ability to independently think about our lives, before we make every and all decisions related to our bodies. A person in charge, is liberated, and healthier and happier, when the mind is in control.
When the body steers a person towards superficial, skin-deep endeavors, ignoring the “soulful” value-filled endeavors, we have a very unfulfilled and empty life.
Depression is a bad habit, and after awhile it may even be noticed by a chemical imbalance in a person’s body, but habits, as difficult as they are to break can be reversed. It requires sincere desire to change direction in life. You can’t eat whatever you want and lose weight. I know that’s what people would like to believe, but it’s not possible. In order to develop a change in present circumstances, the current conditions need to change completely. Not necessarily cold turkey, but a new map needs to be drawn with a new sense of purpose.
The first step is always the hardest, but it is the only way to change direction. A good habit to regain control is to constantly remind ourselves, “I, am in control.”
My choices, which I am making constantly, cause the results I have in my life.