Depression is Hidden Anger, discuss.
Actor Jack Nicholson in the film 'A Few Good Men'

Depression is Hidden Anger, discuss.

Handling Depression and Believing Things Will Get Better

'Anger is more useful than despair', says Terminator in the film of the same name. 'Basic psychology is one of my subroutines'.

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Look. Sadness is a passing temporary emotional state which is natural and part of life. Sustained, continuous, not-wanting-to-be-in-the-world, leave me alone, nobody understands and I don't want to be with you right now mood state can be termed 'depression' and if you just keep going on trying to cheer me up you may, just may, realise how blooming angry I am right now! You have a loved one, friend or family member who is there right now. Don't you just wanna, I mean, don't you just want to shake 'em up? Yeah, un-PC that's me.

Depression is a very tough issue to handle for many people, because both its causes and its healing are so often misunderstood.

The pain of witnessing those we love in the depths of depression and the hopelessness that often surrounds it fills us with compassion. So I have a technique for you in this article that you can do with someone you are really want to help. You can do it with yourself too, though it takes some concentration, some imagination, some stretching of your brainpower and maybe a bit of suspending your disbelief right now. It's a bit off the wall, but hey-ho, sitting and talking stopped working a while ago, eh?

Knowing what depression really is, which is layers upon layers of gauze-like anger that's never been expressed and has gained enough weight over time literally to hold us down is vital to our understanding. Thinking we will get into trouble for expressing and releasing that anger can freeze us into inaction. Our immobilisation of emotion and disconnect from all else is pitiful.

Depression is a disconnect from our supporters who seek to help as we discount every attempt. It can lead to what can be a terrible loneliness. Jennie's meditations on this subject have been described by many as one of the most liberating processes on depression, and these really work.

Your subconscious works most effectively in creating change quickly for you, though we try and try to consciously conquer such intangible dilemmas. Your greater mind thrives on complexity and loves the opportunity to engage with this. Though these processes are not subliminal recordings, once you have listened to them consciously, many may be used at night while you're asleep. Profound change has happened when using them in this way. You may not consciously recall it all afterwards, though change happens radically.

Begin with? being awake while listening, as sleep is often an escape from depression. However, such recordings can be effective while asleep, just do not?sleep with them the first time you listen.

Sleep is often a divergence from depression, so first of all, listen consciously. In fact, anything you listen to in a relaxed state of being, you ought to pass by your conscious Gatekeeper first, especially YouTube recordings where maybe an advert might be sneaked in there!

This cycle of listening to the meditations and the rhyming poetry, which is designed to bypass your critical factor, will set the new positive energy in your Subconscious and will help set up a resonance pattern to attract a more positive reality.

Negative States

Everything seems easier to believe, especially believing in yourself, when you are feeling confident and resourceful.??

When people are in negative states, they think negative things and find it hard to retrieve anything nice. Similarly, when we are in positive states, we find it hard to recall negative things. Like attracts like.?Depression may seem negative, though there are hidden gems in there.

Our perception is determined by our states and we can change our states, in the blink of an eye.?We do not usually do this with deliberate intent, however.?Sometimes, we need to hone such skills, particularly if we are very focussed on our state and tricky to be cheered up!

Sometimes, we can be quite sad or even depressed. At the time, although we know from past experience that this is a temporary state, it can seem to so pervasive that it might go on forever. Yes, this too will pass, sooner or later. When you come to see me it will certainly be sooner.

When a person is depressed, for example, they believe strongly that one bad happening, or, okay, a series of unfortunate events(!), however slight to you, proves that life is miserable and that state is worth maintaining. One slightly unfortunate act proves beyond doubt that there are bad people. In fact, that 'bad person' may now be being a 'good person' to someone else.

Negative thoughts loom, cover, suffocate. We may also believe that anything good is pure chance, never to be repeated. When good stuff happens it is perceived as 'too good to be true'.

Nothing is ever, too bad as to be untrue, eh?

They might think that a kind act means nothing because even bad people can do kind things occasionally and they must be after something. Persecution reigns. They often hold the negative images of the past very close and make them loud and unpleasant, whereas the good is pushed away and hidden. The good thoughts are pushed down and made weak and powerless.? Your attempts to cheer them are met with 'You are just trying to make me feel better!' Well, erm, yeah!

When I see clients brought in by despairing parents or close friends, I have to tell you, it is THEM that my heart goes out to first and foremost and the anger spreads, you see. When your showering of repeated attempts to cheer them up are ignored or purposefully thwarted, don't you just get, well a little, after a while I suppose, well.... angry? How very dare they throw your happiness back in your face!

It begins with a willingness, of course it does. Such conditions can change dramatically and almost instantly. when the person wants to and learns to push the negative images away and make them small and dull, while bringing in the pleasant images and making them big and bright!?

No one ever experiences the world as it is. We filter the information we have coming into us. Our mental models determine how we experience life and we can change our model if we want to!?

So, let's alter a couple of negative beliefs!

If You Want It Enough You Will Do It

Do you, or the person you are trying to help, have a belief that you want things to improve, no matter how weak that belief is, we have some HOPE to work with. Depression is lack of hope, so we need to latch on to that hope and big it up a little.

Now with all of the above out of the way, we can really do something special.?The qualities of a belief determine its intensity. So if you give a weak belief the same qualities of a strong belief, then the weak belief becomes a strong belief or a certainty.?So, we are going to work with the belief that we are depressed and things are not ever going to change and we shall soften it, okay? Honestly, come on, admit you do not know really how the mind works. Decades of mental health gurus have done their best with the old ways and now we have an epidemic, a pandemic, that is a virus of a different nature.

No matter where you live and how strong the sunlight is, you can be certain the sun will rise every morning and set every evening. Though, actually, the sun never moves, so, question now all those beliefs you live by!

Firstly though I need to point out that something you don't believe is a belief you are certain is not so. Yes, now it is getting interesting. Someone on holiday told me once, in a very animated way, 'I don't believe in Hypnotherapy' and I retorted immediately from my Higher Mind ('cos Jennie is non confrontational!) 'Well, I don't believe in your Disbelief!'

A belief is a thought you keep thinking.

For example, if you are absolutely certain you cannot learn Spanish, then that is a good example of a strong belief.?

Different people sort their beliefs in different ways. For example, they might be sorted in terms of how solid they are - solid beliefs are held more strongly than wispy ones. ?

Several qualities of belief might be used. So beliefs might be sorted in terms of how certain they are and sorted on their truth value.

For example, you might sort your beliefs by putting the ones you are certain of in a given position and the ones you aren't certain of in another position.?When you think about the sun rising in the morning, (if that is your belief), sense where that belief is LOCATED for you in time and space. Yes, solid beliefs have a location. That is why Derren Brown can shatter your belief by blasting through its physical location.

Mine? My belief is right out there in front of me if I know it for certain. It is behind me if it is less intense and maybe something I am not sure about. Let's take the belief that things will get better and make it stronger. Now, I am talking to you, cheerer upper person. You can do this with others too, though let us give you the impetus to help someone you love. Let us practice with something lesser to start with.

Making beliefs stronger

1.Find something that you are absolutely sure of and compare the sure belief with the belief you want to make stronger; the belief you want things to improve. For example, on the right hand you have the sun rising and on the left you have your ability to play guitar well one day, as you discovered this is something that will make you a bit happier about life.

2.Use a split screen, if you find it helps - and look, listen and feel and touch the two beliefs and use the questions to determine and compare their qualities.?Which is brighter, which is nearer, which is hotter, which is louder? Which is bigger, which is clearer?

3.Make the belief you want to make more certain the same as the belief that is certain - that is, make it have the same qualities. So, if the sunrise is bright, clear and noisy with birdsong, make the guitar playing bright, clear and noisy with chirping guitar strings!

4.You may discover that you need to make the so-so belief bigger, brighter and nearer. You may need to change its location. You may need to make it more solid. However, find out what works for you and make the changes accordingly.?

5.You can strengthen any belief by comparing it with a belief that you hold with the degree of confidence that you wish for and changing the belief you want to change to match the qualities of the modalities of the other belief.?

These technique, and 49 others(!) are here for you. The above is an extract from '50 Techniques to Survive the Anxiety Society' by Jennie Kitching. Of course, I am here to help if you want a compassionate human to guide you through it. It works, boy, it works!

Visit for lot more help or to book a one to one session with Jennie.

#depression #hypnowoman #hypnotherapytraining #hypnosis

Fiona Whytehead

I enable professionals to become expert communicators even when under pressure.

3 年

Jennie Kitching. such an insightful share and so generous with your insights. Depression is anger turned into towards yourself. Acknowleging the feeling but not staying there and moving on following your excellent advice is a great way to go.

mika mika

Mécanicien portuaire engins de levage tracteur portuaire

3 年

Love this


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