The Deployment to the Spirit of Adoption, Peace, Grace and Mercy
Dr. Michael Thomas Jr., MDiv., ThM
Michael is an Apostolic leader, founder to NMFC, 4 CIT Ministries International & 126 Genesis Media, LLC. He's been ordained for over 25 years. His apostolic ministry is widely recognized & valued throughout the world.
I keep hearing so many servants in leadership talk about how faith is a work in progress. Because change does not happen overnight. How about when Yeshua told this paralyzed man after He healed him to and found him a little later to tell this healed man to go and sin (rebel) no more or worse would happen to you,” Would this man look at our Savior and tell him I cannot do that because that is a lifelong process? Surely not allow such a word to come out of His mouth having encountered our Risen Messiah. Why is the body working themselves out of alignment with the Holy Spirit? Life in the Kingdom is distinctly different producing better fruit than the life the Christian fruit is producing. Where is the hope upon the Kingdom foundation if each who are saved, born again, filled with the Holy Spirit and who have received their heavenly language? A terrible example I will use to sort this out; You go to the local store to purchase items needed. You give the cashier person a $200 bill. She is not going to tell you I need you to wait to receive your change because it takes a process to return it to you. Better yet, Yeshua commands, instructs all His, who ever is over worked and heavy burdened to come to Him and He will give us rest. Notice He is not requesting us (when a King’s son speaks it is a law, a command, an instruction and he always equates it with a blessing or a curse) to trade with Him. There is nothing less than come to Me in the statement. He makes no mention of come around the way to Him or put together a way to bring your burdens. He says what He says and means what He means.
The concept surrounding this is I say, and you do so you can receive rest! The challenge many have is this: but… what if… how…. He said come to me. Too many walk around carrying their burdens either rebelling against what He said to do and one time is this recorded. Before you move onto the next verse you have to choose to give to Him what is weighing you down. And when you do not do as He says you are against His word (anti-Christ) and rebellious in your ways (mindset and actions). Your rule has become greater than His rule over your life. What is the process in coming to Him as He said? simply come?—?that is it. But too many create the mistake of addressing their apprehension's because of ________ (you fill in the blank). You simply (by what measure of faith you have been given) naturally and spiritually bring and present your burdens to Him. Many tend to create steps causing them to under achieve in a self taught process that is not within His declaration. I will add another instance to bring clarification to the unnecessary need to build a process for instance let us look at the born again experience (John 3:3–5). If there be a process it is your need to legitimize your control over your life.
In the Kingdom He accelerated the process by releasing the Holy Spirit who is the advantage to the born-again believer. If there be a process it is to daily: 1) subject oneself, 2) surrender oneself to the spiritual/ natural cooperation to the Holy Spirit, 3) bringing yourself into abiding alignment and 4) be in Spiritual obedience. Yes, but Michael you don’t understand this takes time. Yes, it does take time for those who still rather have control over their lives versus trade control to possess His advantage?—?the Paraclete. In the Kingdom this process becomes mute in the Holy Spirit because His directives in function and purpose has already been commended to Him. He becomes the natural phenomenon that leads the believer to the result in a believer. For instance, as you consider your come back what is the process to a miracle? It starts with Abba Father, and you are the recipient to His though, word and demonstration in the Spirit realm so it manifests in the natural realm on time instantly. But Michael, you are talking around points and what is meant with faith is a process. hmmm… the measure of Faith is given to each of us in its finished capacity and in the Holy Spirit again, is your process outside of the Holy Spirit your logical mind will need to go through phases of treatments in order to compute what your eyes see and ears here. I am talking about spiritual matters. This comes by the Spirit of Adoption, Peace, Grace and Mercy.
Or this one right here, I am still a saved sinner! Wait a minute what…. Where is this in the any of the chapters in the NT gospels? Who teaches this in the Kingdom? Salvatio saved you from a rebellious lifestyle against the mind of Abba Father. No one was or is or will be saved to sin again. Understand Yeshua decree in Matthew 4:17. He never proclaimed, taught or demonstrated repent, because the kingdom of heaven is at hand then change (repent) back to being a sinner (in rebellion) against the mind of Abba Father. There are 2 records in he epistles of John and Peter, who both wrote specifically on this to the born again what to practice and what not to practice. The problem is Christian religion got in the way, twisting and parsing scripture they themseoves could not live up to Kingdom standards. When and to whom did Yeshua proclaim, teach and demonstrate the powerless and non authoritative kingdom?
I had an impromptu meeting this afternoon and much of the conversation centered on the way of the church here my region. And I just asked, “what’s the challenge in your process with the measure you have been given, because He didn’t give you the measure in a process… you should have just received it and surrendered to it, submitted under it, become in His order (righteousness) and possess spiritual obedience to His mercy and grace.” Just Be -like Nike Just Do It. Some of the guys honestly sat there protecting their answer. Among us was an intercessor she was spirit filled and could not understand why so many do not want to be free in Christ?—?FREE… We are supposed to be Free in Him she kept saying. Do you agree or you want to substantiate your argument to the process of His freedom for your life?
After this meeting she approached me and felt a spiritual connection because there was this moment when she felt talked over, and the rest seemed to not want to listen to what she had to say as if they were looking down on her because she carried no man made credentials. She said to me, ‘It’s easy as you said but we make it hard and here, Michael, I can tell you what I am seeing… not many are willing to walk this out. It’s more surface Christianity (she was like whispering at this moment). They do not want the depths of God they only want what they can handle.”
She was so fed up with the churches here that have all the programs but no deliverance happening. I will leave it there for I don’t want to divulge any more without her permission but because we were in a public meeting this has me thinking in this hour on my show…
What is the fear with wanting to go to the depths of Father if one is born again understanding that Holy Spirit searches the depths to Abba Father?—?why not want all you can know and understand to our Creator? See. when I was arrested by the Kingdom of Heaven back in 2007 I said to Him and I meant what I said, ‘what ever I need to do to follow you I will do this.’ I meant this with ever fiber in me. When I consider John 14–17 and the pattern He set before us, is the church especially those at the top (here in my region) teaching something they have no experience in walking out in a present reality? It must be. They have the theology in many cases but if leadership cannot simply the walk/live out what Yeshua says, enter the walk (relating to Abba Father through ongoing cooperation to the Holy Spirit in relationship as a son/daughter) through Yeshua then what they have is a business around Yeshua and not a service through Him.
There is this weird faith walk in many and it appears this way. Many walk around knowledge and understanding to the Kingdom of Heaven. Many walk around the knowledge and the understanding to the Holy Spirit (who represents The Kingdom of God?—?remanded to earth for our BENEFIT?—?our ADVANTAGE His words… (not mine. I just choose to believe it). Many even walk around/ the understanding Yeshua being our way, truth and life. Here is the distinction in the Kingdom that I have been taught and choosing rightly to live out (trust there are hundreds to thousands in the same path on a different street, in a different territory) a present reality that is checked by the authority and power to the Holy Spirit and the learning as a babe into a mature one is this: the yielding/ cooperation to the Holy Spirit. This is what apostle Paul was writing about when he penned, I must die to self daily. Why do so many put that responsibility upon Paul and not themselves? See, when one has a reality, experiencing truth day in and day out one will gain a kingdom perspective and wisdom to follow. Apostle Tim would always tell me years ago, Michael you never came through religion so this is easy for you to walk because you just said yes and you never had to unlearn the religious minutia I had to and so many others have to and frankly there will be others who will not want to relieve themselves from religion.
If faith being a process to walk out here is the best analogy I can produce, and I need you to digest it. When you are arrested by authorities, you lose the freedoms you once possessed and remanded to the correctional officers (notices the word and get that understand to correction) and you are under his/her authority and power vested to them. You must follow all the enforced rules while you are under arrest this word arrest opens me to a whole deeper understanding to what I am talking about because there is not process outside of doing exactly what you are told to do. Now if there is this process it is through a judicial system that you wait upon through scheduling accordingly to receive the judges ruling in your case. Because of the crime you have done you are immediately detained, immediately stripped of your rights and now must follow and are subject to new rules until your pending freedom.
There isn’t a process in this transition personally per say. You are the one being processed and reformed in a prescribed environment. It’s fascinating how the religious church wants to place constraints or a muzzle on spirit filled people of God why? Could one of the reasons be due to the freedom a kingdom brother/sister possesses, the religious Christian doesn’t possess, so rather than not count their cost or this Kingdom freedom Yeshua paid the Supreme price for, it is foreign in nature to them?—?so they work against and place constraints on many who are free is this sense of spiritual control from whom the illegal principalities or orders manipulate over their lives leaving them constrained. Does this make sense? Getting back to Kingdom basics is through building upon His foundation and understanding how to administrate His heavenly Government in our own affairs. Having the right structure upon a correct foundaiton becomes effortless fruit bearing. Who then becomes our focus while on this earth? For me it shall always be Yeshua and the Kingdom of Abba Father.
To live by the words of Yeshua is to die by the words of Yeshua
Apostle Michael