Deployment of Nginx web server on AWS - Management Console.
Judith Levi
Cloud Security engineer | IT Support Analyst | Sales | DevOps | AWS | Azure cloud security | GCP cloud | Linux | Social Media Manager | Mental health enthusiast
NGINX is a fast, efficient web server
Go to AWS Management Console, navigate to the EC2 dashboard, and click on Launch Instance
Select Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS or any AMI of your choice,? select instance type you want I used? t2.micro, create a pem key pair, check the HTTP/HTTPS button, and use other default settings. You can configure other things based on what you wish to achieve.?
Click on connect and it will take you take you to a page indicating many ways you can connect. You can connect using EC2 Instance Connect
Click on? SSH client and locate your private key file. The key used to launch this instance is oregon-key.pem. Mine is stored directly in my downloads. Run this command, chmod 400"oregon-key.pem" if necessary, to ensure your key is not publicly viewable.
Connect to your instance using its Public DNS:? ssh -i "oregon-key.pem" [email protected]. You can also connect with the public IP in any CLI you choose.
Once you get into the? command line of your choice
Sudo apt update -y
Sudo apt install nginx
Sudo systemctl start nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx
Sudo systemctl status
Then copy the public IP address of the server and paste it in the browser in this pattern. to see your NGINX server.