Deploying a Two-Tier Flask Application with Docker-Compose
To deploy a two-tier Flask application using Docker-Compose. This approach separates the application logic and database into distinct components, simplifying the development and deployment process. By leveraging Docker-Compose, one can easily manage, configure, and scale your Flask application and database together, streamlining workflows and ensuring consistency across different environments. Let's get started with the deployment process!
Step 1 - Launch an AWS T2 Medium Ubuntu Instance and Enable HTTP and HTTPS Settings for Inbound Traffic.
Step 2 — Clone the Repository from GitHub
Step 3 — Install Docker-Compose and start the application
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install docker-compose -y
sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo docker ps
Step 4 — Access MySQL Database and enter inside the database container using exec -it
sudo docker exec -it <container_name> bash
mysql -u root -p
Enter password as test@123 (Since this is the root password for MySQL)
Once logged in, enter below commands
use two_tier;
show tables;
create table messages (message varchar(255));
describe messages;
The output would look like this,
Step 5 — Access your Application
Makesure all inbound traffic rules are enabled. But this is not a good practice for real-time environment.
You will be able to access your application using <EC2 IP Address:5000>
Thank you @cloudoholic