Deploying Openstack in lab - Poc Purpose
Shailendra Kumar
I help teams deploy their code in production in the most secure, reliable, and scalable manner.
This Post describes installing the Liberty release on centos 7.2. Followings are the steps.
1. If you are using non-English locale make sure your /etc/environment is populated:
2. Network settings:
If you plan on having external network access to the server and instances, this is a good moment to properly configure your network settings. A static IP address to your network card, and disabling NetworkManager are good ideas.
3. Checking centos release . it should be centos7.2 as shown below.
4. selinux should be permissive.
5. Host should get resolved , either through DNS or by adding entry in /etc/hosts
6. Then install openstack liberty and packstack using yum
7. Generate answer file
[root@openstack-lab ~]# packstack --default-password=admin --gen-answer-file=/root/packstack-naswerfile-2016-07-15.txt
Packstack changed given value to required value /root/.ssh/
[root@openstack-lab ~]#
8. customise this answer file according to needs.
packstack --answer-file=/root/packstack-naswerfile-2016-07-15.txt
If everthing is fine then you can access dashboard at
https://<IP/hostname of the node wher you have installed openstack >/dashboard
I help teams deploy their code in production in the most secure, reliable, and scalable manner.
8 年For Multinode Openstack Cluster :
I help teams deploy their code in production in the most secure, reliable, and scalable manner.
8 年Ref: