Deploying a Nodejs app using Ansible
Antoine CHOULA
AWS Community Builder | Solution Architech | Devops | Certified AWS ? | CI/CD ?? | Jenkins | Gitlab | Docker ?? | Kubernetes ? | Terraform ?? | Ansible | Python ?? | Linux ??
When you need to automatically create a machine on DigitalOcean for projects, provision it and then upload an app and run it. Then you may want to be able to deploy it again later on or make changes to the infrastructure in a more controlled way.
bootstrapping the projects looked like this:
Before diving deep in the project let see some definitions.
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications.
Ansible is an automation tool for running commands on a remote server. Ansible can do anything that you would do from the command line.
Playbooks are one of the core features of Ansible and tell Ansible what to execute. They are like a to-do list for Ansible that contains a list of tasks.
A module is a command or set of similar Ansible commands meant to be executed on the client-side
A task is a section that consists of a single procedure to be completed
Inventory refers File containing data about the ansible client servers.
1: Create a droplet
2: Create a hosts file
In our project folder we create a host file were will use ansikey (keypair) used to log to our server as root user ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.shh/ansikey ansible_user=root
3: Let's start writing ansible-playbook
- name: Install node and npm
- name: Update apt repo and cache
apt: update_cache=yes force_apt_get=yes cache_valid_time=3600
- name: Install nodejs and npm
- nodejs
- npm
Best practice recommend to create new user for new service
- name: Create new linux user for node app
- name: Create linux user
name: antoine
comment: Node User
group: admin
Since logging in as root to launch the app will present some vulnerability to are app we will use the user created to deploy
- name: Deploy nodejs app
become: True
become_user: antoine
- name: Unpack the nodejs file
src: /home/laptopuser/Downloads/node-app-c-main/nodejs-app-1.0.0.tgz
dest: /home/antoine
- name: Install dependencies
path: /home/antoine/package
- name: Start the application
chdir: /home/antoine/package/app
cmd: node server
async: 1000
poll: 0
- name: Ensure app is running
shell: ps aux | grep node
register: app_status
- debug: msg={{app_status.stdout_lines}}-
To get the tar file you can clone it at an personalize the source directory.
On executing the commend
ansible-playbook -i hosts deploy-node.yaml
the result will be as followed
Despite the fact that app_status give us a view of the app running after executing ansible-playbook we can still verify if the node app we installed by executing the command
ps aux | grep node
Whenever we wanted to release a new version, we would have logged into the droplet copy and unpack tar file on the remote server and restart the node app. The same procedure would be for every other stack.
You can actually describe the above procedure in a single file and run it as many times as you like. Ansible will make sure that every time only the needed changes would run. You can run it once and build the application Alternatively, you can run it with an existing droplet and it will just pull your application and rerun it.
DevOps Engineer @ Matrix | Docker , k8s , Helm , MloPs, Linux.
2 年Thank you! very clear and useful example!