Deploying microservices using AWS CI/CD pipeline on infrastructure built by Terraform with MongoDB database automation scripts for backup and recovery
Ramandeep Chandna
AWS Community Builder AI Engineering | System Engineering Manager AWS | 7xAWS | CKA | CKAD | 2xCloudBees
Use case for deploying microservices using AWS CI/CD pipeline on infrastructure built by Terraform with MongoDB database and automation scripts for backup and recovery using Ops Manager API:
Infrastructure Setup with Terraform:
1) Create a VPC with subnets, route tables, internet gateway, and NAT gateway.
2) Launch EC2 instances for the microservices in the private subnets.
3) Set up security groups to allow traffic between the EC2 instances and the MongoDB database.
4) Launch an Amazon DocumentDB instance for the MongoDB database in the private subnets.
5) Set up a VPC endpoint for the DocumentDB instance to allow private access from the EC2 instances.
6)Create an AWS CodeCommit repository to host the microservices code.
7) Create an S3 bucket to store the MongoDB backup files.
8) Create an IAM role with permissions to access the AWS services needed for the CI/CD pipeline, such as CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy.
Creating the CI/CD Pipeline:
1) Create a CodeBuild project to build the Docker images for the microservices:
resource "aws_codebuild_project" "my_app_build" { name = "my_app_build" source { type = "CODECOMMIT" location = "my_app_repository" } artifacts { type = "NO_ARTIFACTS" } environment { compute_type = "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL" image = "aws/codebuild/docker:18.09.0" privileged_mode = true } cache { type = "S3" location = "my_app_build_cache" } build_timeout = 60 service_role = aws_iam_role.codebuild_role.arn }
2) Push the Docker image to Amazon ECR:
- echo Pushing the Docker image... - docker push artifacts: files: - '**/*'
3) Create a CodeDeploy deployment group to deploy the microservices to the EC2 instances. Here is an example deployment group script:
resource "aws_codedeploy_deployment_group" "my_deployment_group" { app_name = "my_app" deployment_group_name = "my_deployment_group" deployment_config_name = "CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime" auto_rollback_configuration { enabled = true events = ["DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE"] } ec2_tag_set { ec2_tag_set_list { key = "Name" value = "my-app-instance" type = "KEY_AND_VALUE" } } }
1)Push changes to the CodeCommit repository to trigger the CI/CD pipeline.
2) CodeBuild will build the Docker images for the microservices and push them to Amazon ECR.
3) CodeDeploy will deploy the microservices to the EC2 instances.
4) Use the microservices to perform operations on the MongoDB database.
5) Test the backup and recovery automation using the Ops Manager API.
Automation Scripts:
MongoDB Backup Script:
#!/bin/bash # Get the current timestamp DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S) # Create a backup of the MongoDB database mongodump --host documentdb-instance-endpoint --ssl --username username --password password --out /backup/$DATE # Copy the backup to S3 aws s3 cp /backup/$DATE s3://my-bucket-name/$DATE --region us-west-2
MongoDB Recovery Script:
#!/bin/bash # Get the latest backup file from S3 LATEST_BACKUP=$(aws s3 ls s3://my-bucket-name/ | sort | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}') # Restore the backup to the MongoDB database mongorestore --host documentdb-instance-endpoint --ssl --username username --password password /backup/$LATEST_BACKUP
In summary, the use case for deploying microservices using AWS CI/CD pipeline on infrastructure built by Terraform with a MongoDB database includes several steps.
First, the infrastructure is created using Terraform and the required resources such as VPC, subnets, security groups, EC2 instances, and an Application Load Balancer are provisioned.
Next, the microservices are containerized using Docker and pushed to Amazon ECR. The CI/CD pipeline is triggered by pushing changes to the CodeCommit repository.
CodeBuild builds the Docker images, and CodeDeploy deploys the microservices to the EC2 instances. Once deployed, the microservices interact with the MongoDB database.
To automate the backup, recovery of the MongoDB database, Ops Manager API scripts are used. The backup script creates a backup of the database and copies it to S3, while the recovery script restores the latest backup to the database.
Overall, this use case demonstrates how various AWS services can be integrated to create a robust and scalable microservices architecture with a MongoDB database.