Deploying Load Balancer and HTTPD using Ansible

Deploying Load Balancer and HTTPD using Ansible

Statement: Deploy a Load Balancer and multiple Web Servers on AWS instances through ANSIBLE!

-Provision EC2 instances through ansible.

-Retrieve the IP Address of instances using the dynamic inventory concept.

-Configure the web servers through the ansible role.

-Configure the load balancer through the ansible role.

-The target nodes of the load balancer should auto-update as per the status of web servers.

As all the dynamic inventory concepts was completed in the previous article here we will look only the important stuffs


Creating Roles

ansible-galaxy init loadbalancer
ansible-galaxy init httpd
ansible-galaxy init installhttpd
ansible-galaxy init installhaproxy

Here we created 4 roles

loadbalancer to provision Load Balancer EC2 Instance

httpd to provision HTTPD EC2 Instance

installhaproxy to configure Load Balancer EC2 Instance and install haproxy and configure all the HTTPD instance in Load Balancer conf file.

installhttpd to configure HTTPD EC2 Instance and install HTTPD and configure all the HTTPD index.html pages with there respective IP Addresses.

Creating loadbalancer role

vim loadbalancer/tasks/main.yml

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- ec2:
        instance_type: t2.micro
        image: ami-052c08d70def0ac62
        count: 1
                name: "loadbalancer"
        group_id: sg-00fc82c95aeb70e6e
        key_name: "awscli"                             

Creating httpd role

vim httpd/tasks/main.yml

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- ec2:
        instance_type: t2.micro
        image: ami-052c08d70def0ac62
        count: 3
                name: "HTTPD"
        group_id: sg-00fc82c95aeb70e6e
        key_name: "awscli"

Creating yml file to provision httpd and load balancer instances from there roles.

Exporting the Credentials

Create AWS Programmatic User in AWS and export its Access key and secret key

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=yourcred
export AWS_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY=yourcred
export AWS_REGION=ap-south-1

The and ec2.ini is present in inventory to see more see previous article.

vim /root/run.yml

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- hosts: localhost
          - role: httpd
- hosts: localhost
          - role: loadbalancer

ansible-playbook /root/run.yml

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Above we are getting some errors with and ec2.ini but we didn't need that at this moment.

Creating installhttpd role

vim /etc/ansible/roles/installhttpd/tasks/main.yml

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---# tasks file for installhttpd
- name: "install httpd"
    name: "httpd"
    state: present
- name: "copy the content"
    content: "This is a server deployed on ip {{ ansible_hostname }}"
    dest: "/var/www/html/index.html"
- name: "restart httpd"
    name: "httpd"
    state: started

Creating installhaproxy role

vim /etc/ansible/roles/installhaproxy/tasks/main.yml

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---# tasks file for installhaproxy
- package:
        name: "haproxy"
        state: present- template:
        src: "templates/haproxy.j2"
        dest: "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
  notify: restart lb
- service:
        name: "haproxy"
        state: started
        enabled: yes

Creating restart lb handler

vim /etc/ansible/roles/installhaproxy/handlers/main.yml

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---# handlers file for installhaproxy
- name: "restart lb"
        name: "haproxy"
        state: restarted

Configuring haproxy.conf

vim /etc/ansible/roles/installhaproxy/templates/haproxy.j2

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    {% for hosts in groups['tag_name_HTTPD'] %}
    server app {{ hosts }}:80 check
    {% endfor %}

Here am not changing the port 5000 if you need it you can change to as you need and haproxy.conf is renamed to haproxy.j2 its up to you.

Creating the file for running and configuring everything

vim /root/final.yml

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- hosts: tag_name_HTTPD
          - role: installhttpd
- hosts: tag_name_loadbalancer
          - role: installhaproxy

ansible-playbook /root/final.yml

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Configuring the Firewall

vim /root/firewall.yml

- hosts: ec2
          - name: Disable firewall
            command: setenforce 0                                   

Am simply setting SELinux to permissive if up to you can also create a rule its been told in some old articles.

ansible-playbook /root/firewall.yml

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The Result

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Here we can see the Ip of the server.

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Here we can see the Ip of the server and can conclude load balancer is working properly.

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Summary: One-Click Instance Launched, Web Servers provisioned and Load Balancer ready!


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