Deploying a D365FO Cloud hosted Environment and Setup Azure Connector [D365 FO]
Here are the high level deployment steps
An O365 License is required to login to LCS. You can create a trial one here (O365 Trial)
Login to LCS with your O365 email and password. On the LCS homepage you find a list of your projects:
Click on create project you’ll find a list of options as shown below. Select the Second option(Migrate, create solutions and learn) and follow the prompt:
After creating a new project, we need to click on the + sign to add an environment;
Select the version of D365FO you want to deploy (preferably the latest version as it contains hotfixes and has the latest updates. Click on Next
Click on Next. A prompt shows up to configure Azure connector. Because this a cloud hosted environment and all D356FO vms will be provisioned on Azure cloud so we need to link to an azure subscription.
Select Yes.
Click Add
Login to azure portal to copy your subscription name and ID
Go back to LCS to paste it and click next.
Download management certificate
Upload the downloaded file to your subscription on azure. this creates the link. Click next. Choose an azure region to link your subscription to
The Azure connection is completed
Go back to your project homepage and click on add environment
Select the application version.
Select an environment topology.
Give your tier 1 machine a name and select a size. your can click on azure price list to check the price.
Click Deploy. The deployment shall begin and will now be in queued status
Now in Deploying status
Deployment takes about 7hours.