Deploy a FastAPI application with Dapr on Kubernetes
Ibrahim Timor
?? Cloud & DevOps Architect | Kubernetes & AWS Expert | Certified CKA, CKAD, KCNA, SAA ??????? | Scalable Cloud Solutions & Automation Specialist
To deploy a FastAPI application with Dapr on Kubernetes, follow these steps:
1. Install Dapr on your Kubernetes cluster using Helm:
helm upgrade --install dapr dapr/dapr \
--version=1.10 \
--namespace dapr-system \
--create-namespace \
--set global.ha.enabled=true \
2. Deploy a Redis component for state management:
Create a file named `redis.yaml` with the following content:
kind: Component
?name: statestore
?namespace: default
?type: state.redis
?version: v1
?- name: redisHost
??value: <REDIS-HOST>
?- name: redisPassword
?- name: actorStateStore
??value: "true"1
Replace `<REDIS-HOST>` and `<REDIS-PASSWORD>` with your Redis instance details, then apply the component to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f redis.yaml
3. Create a FastAPI application with Dapr:
Install the Dapr FastAPI extension:
pip install dapr-ext-fastapi
Create a FastAPI app, ``:
from fastapi import FastAP
from dapr.ext.fastapi import DaprClient
app = FastAPI()
dapr_client = DaprClient(app)"/order")
async def create_order(order: dict):
??await dapr_client.save_state("statestore", "order", order)
??return {"success": True}
async def get_order():
??order = await dapr_client.get_state("statestore", "order")
??return orderI
4. Create a Dockerfile for your FastAPI app:
FROM python:3.
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD ["uvicorn", "app:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8000"]9
5. Build and push your Docker image:
Replace `<YOUR-DOCKER-REPO>` with your Docker repository.
docker build -t <YOUR-DOCKER-REPO>/fastapi-dapr
docker push <YOUR-DOCKER-REPO>/fastapi-dapr.
6. Deploy your FastAPI application with Dapr sidecar:
Create a file named `server.yaml` with the following content:
apiVersion: apps/v
kind: Deployment
?name: fastapi-dapr
??app: fastapi-dapr
?replicas: 1
???app: fastapi-dapr
????app: fastapi-dapr
???? "true"
???? "fastapi-dapr"
???? "8000"
???- name: fastapi-dapr
????image: <YOUR-DOCKER-REPO>/fastapi-dapr
????- containerPort: 80001
Replace `<YOUR-DOCKER-REPO>` with your Docker repository, then apply the deployment to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f server.yaml
Now you have a FastAPI application running with Dapr on Kubernetes. You can test your application by making POST and GET requests to the `/order` endpoint.