Department of Provincial Education NWP Grade 6 Science Term I Model Past Paper Question Answers Teacher Student Guide
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1. Question: The answer which contains only non-living things is...
Answer: 2. Brick, pen, eraser
Explanation: This option contains only non-living objects, as bricks, pens, and erasers are inanimate materials.
2. Question: Which water is most suitable to remove dirt in clothes well?
Answer: 1. Well water
Explanation: Well water is typically cleaner and less saline compared to river or sea water, making it more suitable for removing dirt from clothes effectively.
3. Question: Select which method can be used to observe microorganisms.
Answer: 4. Observing rotten water by a compound microscope.
Explanation: To observe microorganisms, a compound microscope is needed as it provides higher magnification than a hand lens, allowing the observation of microscopic organisms like bacteria.
4. Question: Most number of organisms which can be seen at once by a hand lens is...
Answer: 3. Termites
Explanation: Termites are relatively larger compared to other options and can be seen in groups, making them more visible when observed with a hand lens.
5. Question: The answer which contains a plant, an animal, and a microorganism respectively is...
Answer: 3. Termite, bacteria, banana
Explanation: Termite represents the animal, bacteria the microorganism, and banana the plant in this option.
6. Question: Can't be observed a movement or locomotion is...
Answer: 1. Sea anemone
Explanation: Sea anemones exhibit movement, especially when catching prey or responding to stimuli, hence they can be observed for locomotion.
7. Question: The main quality of an autotrophic organism is...
Answer: 3. Doing of photosynthesis
Explanation: Autotrophic organisms are capable of producing their own food through photosynthesis, distinguishing them from heterotrophs that rely on external sources of nutrition.
8. Question: The characteristic used to classify animals as herbivorous and carnivorous is...
Answer: 2. Type of food
Explanation: Herbivorous animals primarily feed on plants, while carnivorous animals primarily feed on other animals. Thus, their feeding mechanism, which is based on the type of food, classifies them into herbivores and carnivores.
9. Question: The characteristic shown in the given figure is...
Answer: 2. Reproduction
Explanation: The given figure likely represents the process of reproduction, which involves the creation of new individuals.
10. Question: A type of groundwater is...
Answer: 3. Springs
Explanation: Springs are a type of groundwater that naturally flows to the Earth's surface, often originating from underground aquifers.
Sure, here are the responses for questions 10 to 20 with their corresponding answers and explanations:
10. Question: A type of groundwater is...
Answer: 3. Springs
Explanation: Springs are a type of groundwater that naturally flows to the Earth's surface, often originating from underground aquifers.
11. Question: A disease caused due to not drinking a sufficient amount of water is...
Answer: 1. Constipation
Explanation: Constipation can be caused by inadequate water intake, leading to difficulty in passing stools.
12. Question: Figure given below is an activity done by a student. Select the observation and conclusion of this practical...
Observation: 2. Colourless lime water changes to milky colour
Conclusion: Exhaled air contains carbon dioxide
Explanation: Exhaled air contains carbon dioxide, which reacts with lime water turning it milky.
13. Question: Given below are four statements about matter and energy. Select the correct statement...
Answer: 4. Brick does not occupy space and has a mass, so it is a matter
Explanation: Brick is a tangible substance with mass and occupies space, hence it is classified as matter.
14. Question: Use the following figure to answer the questions No. 14 and No. 15...
Answer: 4. Ice " liquid water " water vapour
Explanation: The correct sequence involves the transition of ice to liquid water, and then to water vapor.
15. Question: What is the factor of flame affected to take place above changes...
Answer: 1. Heat
Explanation: Heat is the factor responsible for causing changes in state from solid to liquid to gas.
16. Question: On rainy days, there can be seen the formation of water inner surfaces of closed glasses of a vehicle. The reason for it is...
Answer: 4. Do not move air outer from the vehicle
Explanation: On rainy days, the lack of air movement outside the vehicle prevents the condensation of water vapor inside the closed glasses, leading to water droplet formation.
17. Question: The correct statement about respiration of plants and animals is...
Answer: 4. Plants and animals produce energy from respiration
Explanation: Both plants and animals undergo respiration to produce energy by breaking down glucose and releasing ATP.
18. Question: Following figures are given, filled with the same volume of water into the containers of different shapes. Most suitable character illustrated from it is...
Answer: 3. Water has the shape of the container
Explanation: Water takes the shape of the container it occupies, indicating that it does not have a fixed shape of its own.
19. Question: Following is a figure of an activity done to find out characteristics of gases...
Answer: 4. Air occupies space
Explanation: The conclusion drawn from the activity is that air occupies space, as evidenced by its displacement of water in the test tube.
20. Question: What is the instant observation when an ice cube suddenly falls into cold water?
Answer: 4. Cooling of water and container rapidly
Explanation: The sudden addition of an ice cube to cold water will cause rapid cooling of both the water and the container due to heat transfer from the water to the ice.
01. A. Given below is a list of equipment carried by grade six students for their field trip. Complete the following table in relation to the equipment given above and instances of using them.
| Instance | Equipment |
| 1. Insert a grasshopper into bottle | Prickle |
| 2. Find out the number of legs in beetle | Hand lens |
| 3. Detach a leaf from a plant | Forceps |
| 4. Observing a bird flying | Binoculars |
| 5. Collecting organisms in soil | Petri dish |
- Prickle: Used to safely handle insects like grasshoppers and insert them into the bottle.
- Hand lens: To magnify and closely examine small details like the number of legs on a beetle.
- Forceps: Ideal for delicate operations like detaching leaves from plants without damaging them.
- Binoculars: Essential for observing birds in flight from a distance.
- Petri dish: Used for collecting and observing soil organisms due to its flat, transparent surface.
B. i. Things investigated in the environment can be divided into living and non-living. Two characteristics of living things for this classification are:
1. Ability to grow and reproduce.
2. Capacity to respond to stimuli or changes in the environment.
ii. Microorganisms cannot be observed during the investigation due to their microscopic size, which requires specialized equipment like microscopes for observation.
iii. The feature that can be used to name a grasshopper as an animal is mobility or the ability to move independently.
iv. Heterotrophic refers to organisms that obtain their energy and nutrients by consuming other organisms or organic matter rather than producing it themselves through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
C. i. Completing the table according to the methods of locomotion:
| Animal | Method of locomotion |
| Butterfly | Flight |
| White ant | Walking |
| Small fish | Swimming |
ii. Fill in the blanks in the dichotomous key:
- Small fish, Earthworm
- Absence of scales
- Earthworm
- Presence of legs
- Presence of scales
- Beetle
02. Given below are some pieces of information recorded in an environmental observing diary.
i. a) Two types of energy related to the information on January 1 are:
1. Sound energy from the noise of electric equipment repairing the roof.
2. Thermal energy causing the ice cube to melt.
b) Two reasons to name them as energy are:
1. They have the ability to cause change or do work.
2. They can be transferred from one form to another.
ii. Two forms of matter related to the instance of January 2 are:
1. Solid (ice cube)
2. Liquid (melted water)
iii. The type of energy affected by the blast of balloons on January 3 is kinetic energy.
iv. Two equipment that can be used to produce kinetic energy are:
1. Air pump for inflating balloons.
2. Slingshot for launching balloons.
iii. Feeding mechanisms:
- Butterfly: Sucks nectar from flowers using a proboscis.
- Rat snake: Swallows prey whole after seizing it with its teeth.
03. i. The diagram below shows the setup prepared to demonstrate the feature of matter.
a) The reason to remain the A-B rod in equilibrium is that both sides exert equal pressure.
b) Two observations when balloon 'B' is holed:
1. Air escaping from the hole.
2. Movement of the A-B rod towards the side with higher pressure.
c) Diagram:
d) The property of matter demonstrated is pressure.
ii. The diagram shows the photosynthesis process in plant leaves.
a) A gas absorbed by leaves is carbon dioxide (CO2).
b) The gas released by leaves is oxygen (O2).
c) Water is absorbed from the soil to the roots in this process.
d) The type of energy required for photosynthesis is solar energy (light energy).
e) An advantage gained by humans through photosynthesis is the production of oxygen, essential for respiration.
04. i. A substance smooth in nature when touched is talcum powder.
ii. A substance being subjected to break when a force is applied is chalk, which exhibits the physical property of brittleness.
iii. a) A substance with the property of ductility is copper wire.
b) An example of using this property in daily life is making electrical wires.
iv. a) The property needed to produce teat and gloves is flexibility.
b) The substance from the list with the physical property mentioned above is rubber band.
v. a) The substance with the ability to be drawn into a wire among rubber bands, iron wires, and metallic sheets is iron wires.
b) An instance of using this property is in electrical wiring or making jewelry.
vi. a) An instance of using sandpapers is smoothing or polishing surfaces.
b) The physical property of sandpapers used for this instance is abrasiveness.
05. The salinity of water differs according to the source of water.
i. a) The petri dish that gets the highest amount of salt deposition after water evaporation is the sea water sample.
b) The component included in the highest amount of that deposition is sodium chloride (table salt).
ii. Petri dishes are exposed to heavy sunlight to accelerate the process of evaporation, leaving behind the salt deposits.
iii. Another strategy instead of exposing to sunlight is to use a heating source like a hot plate or lamp to evaporate the water.
iv. Water samples with the highest mass and lowest mass respectively are sea water and lagoon water.
v. Water samples with marine water (A) and brackish water (B) are used for cooking.
vi. Salinity refers to the concentration of dissolved salts in water, affecting its taste and suitability for various purposes.
vi. The most suitable water sample to use as a flavor when cooking is brackish water, as it contains a moderate amount of salt suitable for enhancing flavor without overwhelming it.
06. i. Water exists as solid, liquid, and gas on Earth.
a) Two instances of water existing as solid are icebergs and snow.
b) Two forms of precipitation are rain and snowfall.
ii. Addition of waste materials to water till it becomes unsuitable for consumption is known as water pollution.
a) Two human activities causing water pollution are industrial waste dumping and agricultural runoff.
b) Differences between polluted water and pure water:
- Polluted water may contain harmful chemicals or microorganisms, while pure water is free from contaminants.
- Polluted water may have an unpleasant odor or color, while pure water is clear and odorless.
c) An illness caused by consumption of polluted water is waterborne diseases like cholera or typhoid fever.
d) Two good habits to follow while consuming water in domestic usages are:
- Using filtered or boiled water for drinking and cooking.
- Properly disposing of household chemicals to prevent contamination of water sources.
07. Designing a poster to minimize water wastage.
i. Two places where water wastage can be observed in your school are:
1. Leaking faucets or taps.
2. Overflowing water fountains.
ii. A reason to waste water in these places is negligence or forgetfulness in turning off taps after use.
iii. Two strategies to prevent water wastage in these places are:
1. Installing automatic sensor faucets or taps to regulate water flow.
2. Regular maintenance and repair of plumbing fixtures to fix leaks promptly.
iv. Two differences in plants at places where water wastage occurs and plants at other places are:
1. Plants in areas with water wastage may appear wilted or unhealthy due to excess water draining away.
2. Plants in areas with proper water usage may exhibit vibrant growth and healthy foliage.
v. A disease caused by mosquitoes breeding in stagnant water is dengue fever.
vi. Two activities to prevent diseases caused by mosquitoes are:
1. Eliminating stagnant water sources where mosquitoes breed, such as emptying containers and cleaning gutters.
2. Using mosquito repellents or insect screens to avoid mosquito bites.
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