Deon And Karen Derrico From TLC...
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA
You’re going to fall in love with the Derricos. And wonder how the heck they do it. They take extraordinary to a whole new level. While the Derricos family size may be unique, their story is universally relatable -- devoted parents trying to raise their children the best way they know how all while navigating life’s ups and downs.
Sleepless nights, sibling squabbles and a living room full of toe-tripping toys is the norm for any family with kids. Magnify that by 11 with triplets on the way and you have the Derricos, who celebrate life and embrace its hurdles and drama with open arms every day. The new kids on the block in TLC’s popular family neighborhood, Karen and Deon Derrico always wanted a large family but never in their wildest dreams expected to be quite so blessed (though multiples are prevalent on both sides of their family)! Karen and Deon use open and honest dialogue when parenting their kids with a modern take and give viewers an unfiltered look into their bustling, sweet and growing family in a series that is all heart.