Dental Implants: Dental Malpractice Risk Management Resources

Dental Implants: Dental Malpractice Risk Management Resources

It’s Dental Implant Awareness Month and Eastern Dentists Insurance Company (EDIC) has various clinical materials and resources to help dentists stay claims free while keeping patients safe.

Implant complications can largely be prevented through careful patient evaluation, comprehensive multidisciplinary treatment planning, and a deep understanding of the anatomy, physiology, and clinical aspects of implant integration and wound healing. However, complications may still arise. Open discussions about potential risks and complications associated with implant rehabilitation are essential to minimize liability and legal consequences when treating patients.

To learn more about Implants and risks, view the EDIC Webinar Library earning FREE CEUs. Webinars

Implant Webinar Courses (Members Only)

  • Risk Factors and Treatment Planning to Minimize Peri Implantitis and Implant Failures
  • Practical Periodontics: A Review of Core Periodontal Concepts
  • Prosthetic Complications and Dental Implants
  • Treatment Planning for Dental Implants: Clinical Factors to Consider for Success

Implant Clinical White Paper Download (Members and Non-Members)

  • Potential Risks and Prevention in Implant Dentistry

White Paper

Operatory card

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