Dental Business Strategies during National State of Emergency

Dental Business Strategies during National State of Emergency


This week there are a few important tasks to deal with.


This week there are few essential things you should be doing. As mentioned in my last newsletter, I hope you applied for the EIDL and the $10,000 ADVANCE. The EIDL is a 30 year lean with a 3.7% interest rate. The ADVANCE is forgiven and has no criteria of use. They simplified the application available on Monday as anticipated. You will get an application number at the end of the application process which verifies your application was submitted. Save that number as you can call and check on the application status.

IMPORTANT, if you filed prior to this Monday 3/30/2020, you have to, unfortunately, reapply, as the uploading system crashed, and previous applications may not be on file. Please read below for my discussion on the EIDL. I am including all parts of the dental business strategies so that you can reference my suggestions in one email. The question that came up this week was, if the EIDL loan is approved, how much do I borrow. From what I understand, and I just verified with the SBA office, the examiner/underwriter will determine how much you get approved for based on the information you submitted. But if you are asked a specific amount to borrow, the amount will depend on whether you need money just for the criteria that is forgivable or do you need more cash for other things like personal expenses. Or maybe you want to refinance a loan at a lower percent?

2. Apply for the PPP

If the EIDL is used toward payroll and other eligible expenses it can be paid off by the Paychecks Protection Program, SBA loan 7a. There are only few banks that are starting to take applications. My suggestion is to check with your bank first, but don't wait too long as the funds are given on a first-come, first-serve basis. I provided you with BHG, Bankers Healthcare Group, that is currently taking applications, so please feel free to use the link they created for my clients. CLICK HERE

If you do not want any debt, and want the loan to be forgivable, then use the formula provided by the PPP, or use this spreadsheet below, as a guide, and use/borrow the same amount you would for the PPP. Then, when you get the PPP, pay the EIDL off. Remember, if you borrow more than you need, the unused amount can be payed off/returned and that will resolve the EIDL debt.

I also wanted to provide you with the number to call to check on your EIDL and ADVANCE application: 800-659-2955, prompt #1, #3, #2, #4-check the status of loan application). There is 1.5 hr wait time. Please follow up on your applications starting Friday. I was told today by the SBA office that the first thing we should expect is an email form the underwriter notifying us of approved loan amount.

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Here is an example of a spreadsheet that you can use to figure out how much to borrow and what to expect will be forgiven. If you email me, I can email back the actual spreadsheet.

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3. Employee Retention Tax Credits

The treasury encourages businesses to keep their employees and get a tax credit. The refundable tax credit is 50% of up to $10,000 in wages. This is yet another strategy to keep unemployment low and share the burden with the government. CLICK HERE for more information. I think this is great if you decide to keep your employees and you do not put them on unemployment or furlough. It is my understanding that the same heads on your payroll starting 3/1/20 have to be on your payroll for the period you are trying to get the tax credit for.

Qualifying employers must fall into one of two categories:

  1. The employer’s business is fully or partially suspended by government order due to COVID-19 during the calendar quarter
  2. The employer’s gross receipts are below 50 percent of the comparable quarter in 2019. Once the employer’s gross receipts go above 80 percent of a comparable quarter in 2019 they no longer qualify after the end of that quarter.

These are wages paid from 3/12/20-1/1/21. I mentioned that on 4/2/20 the Family First Act kicks in, which provides benefits to the employees affected. The concern lies in the fact that the nation/communities are getting more cases, your employee may be diagnosed, or they need to stay home to take care of their child due to daycare issues. The law also amends the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) to account for the ongoing outbreak (up and until December 31, 2020). This amendment provides eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of FMLA-protected leave (10 days unpaid and the remainder paid) for certain reasons related to Coronavirus. This poses the concern of a burden of a financial obligation. Please weigh out your situation, demographics of the personel and your surrounding area. Categorize the employees as working-regular hours, working-reduced hours, unemployment, layoff-furlough. There are provisions, tax implications, regulations, and employee benefits for each category.

4. Business Interruption Claim on your Business Liability Insurance

Please review your business liability policy, specifically the business interruption clauses and terms. I have been speaking with several of my advisors, business group, and clients. We reviewed various policies, including my policies for my own entities. I see a universal theme of exclusion due to viruses and bacteria and exclusions due to mandates by the government. 

Several of my clients, including myself, filed claims with the insurances. My experience was that the person answering the phone is the first line of defense for the insurance and is instructed to tell callers that the COVID-19 is not covered. This, most likely will deter the majority of the filings. You need to insist that you want to file a claim. The second person is the claim adjuster that will tell you that he/she reviewed your policy and the exclusions state that COVID-19 is not covered.

The issue that has been examined by attorneys is that COVID-19 was not thought of when these policies were written. The exclusion of virus and bacteria does not apply here, as this exclusion alludes to building infestation cases. Our dental offices were not infested with COVID-19 and/or bacteria. The loss of use of the building was not due to infection by virus or bacteria. The second issue is that, specifically in dentistry, our governing body that outlined what we can perform and not perform is the ADA and the State Dental Association. Even though the Governors mandated the healthcare to suspend all elective procedures, the ADA is the one who outlined and limited our procedures, ultimately limiting the use of the building, by limiting the amount of people we can see. 

Policies contain exclusions of contamination by bacteria or viruses or communicable diseases but the exclusions are not well defined. As I said, the property was not infected, but was deemed hazardous by the ADA to our employees, patients, and public, and we suffered a loss of use of the building. If you file a claim, get the denial, and fight it based on the point that do not apply to this disaster. 

The claim I made with my insurance is the following: "I claim the loss of use of my building, due to a determination by the American Dental Association and New York State Dental Association, that the use of the building for routine dentistry was hazardous to my patients and employees, and the building was hazardous for public traffic. This is turn interrupted the dental business and resulted in loss of income." Once we get the denial, which we probably will, I plan on appealing the decision. Remember the squeaky wheel gets greased. In addition, with Trump's unpredictability, he may address the insurance policies and make provisions for coverage. Most policies have a time frame for filing claims from affected date.

Read below what the experts are saying in this excerpt from a recent article by Suzan Charlton, Justin Howell, Benedict Lenhart, and Bert Wells form LAW360.

There is some case law for coverage arising out of the inability to use the property. For example, under this line of cases, if a policy holder suffers a loss due to a "harmful substance" rendering the property unusable or uninhabitable, even temporarily, that might be sufficient to a physical loss or that damage may be present and to trigger coverage for the loss of use of the property. This situation has not been dealt with by insurances so they will try to stick our claims in the "policy terms and exclusions".

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5. Telemedicine/Teledentistry

Over the weekend, I joined a seminar that explained telemedicine guidelines, regulations, and dental coding. I wanted to share with you the key points. Telemedicine exam can be synchronous and asynchronous.

D9995 teledentistry – synchronous; real-time encounter. (Reported in addition to other procedures (e.g., diagnostic) delivered to the patient on the date of service.)

D9996 teledentistry – asynchronous; information stored and forwarded to dentist for subsequent review. (Reported in addition to other procedures (e.g., diagnostic) delivered to the patient on the date of service.)

When considering teledentistry consider the following:

a. Check with you malpractice to ensure that your policy covers telemedicine and which type of telemedicine synchronous or asynchronous or both

b. Does your state have guidelines on telemedicine, do they permit teledentistry exams or does the Doctor have to do a tactile exam, and can you establish new relationships or only follow up on existing patients.

c. Consider HIPAA and guidelines of what technology you are using for teledentistry. It has to be a secure, one-on-one streaming video conference, not in a chat group or part of social media. Currently the OCR is lenient on the regulations due to the COVID-19.

d. You need to be licensed in Dentistry in the state THE PATIENT resides in.

e. How will you transfer the communication like a health history, consent, payment, medical insurance card, obtain payment, provide a payment receipt. It all has be a HIPAA secure transfer and storage.

f. Coding for insurance payment you will chose one, D9995 or D9996, and any other procedures codes that you performed such as

D0120 Periodic oral evaluation - established patient

D0140 Limited oral evaluation - problem focused

D0145 Oral evaluation for a patient under three years of age and counseling with primary caregiver D0150 Comprehensive oral evaluation - new or established patient

D0160 Detailed and extensive oral evaluation - problem focused, by report

D0170 Re-evaluation - limited, problem focused (established patient; not post-operative visit)

D0171 Re-evaluation - post-operative office visit

D0180 Comprehensive periodontal evaluation - new or established patient

D0190 Screening of a patient

D0191 Assessment of a patient

D0391 Interpretation of diagnostic image by a practitioner not associated with capture of the image, including report

D0484 Consultation on slides prepared elsewhere

D9110 Palliative (emergency) treatment of dental pain - minor procedure

D9310 Consultation - diagnostic service provided by dentist or physician other than requesting dentist or physician

D9920 Behavior management, by report

D9930 Treatment of complications

D9991 Dental case management - addressing appointment compliance barriers 

D9992 Dental case management - care coordination

D9993 Dental case management - motivational interviewing

D9994 Dental case management - patient education to improve oral health literacy

g. Make sure you document in your dental software your encounter.

Make sure that, with all the documentation, especially when you are establishing new relationships, you are as thorough as if the patient came in to the office. If it is a follow up of an existing patient the regulations tend to be more lenient since you have all documentation on file.

6. REMINDER you can:

  1. defer all loans
  2. defer your mortgage
  3. defer car payments
  4. suspend services for at least 30 days
  5. delay paying utilities, credit cards (call to find out what they offer)


  1. hold on to your cash
  2. determine and establish your work force prior to 4/2/20. We love our team and we will need them when this is over. The government put many measures in place to help us keep our valued team.

I will continue to update you on the business strategies as things unfold and provide you will further guidance and suggestions. Please stay safe. Put a mask on and gloves when you leave the house. It is accepted to use PPE when you are going to grocery stores, getting gas, picking up food.

Finally, do not forget that this is the time that your team should be working the back log of unresolved and unpaid claims. The insurances are still open for business and are processing claims and issuing payments. Claims can be another source of income during this down time. If your team is unavailable or not familiar with insurance aging, please feel free to reach out to us. Just as any other business expense, our fees would qualify under the accounts payables and can be funded through the SBA loans EIDL or PPP. You can BOOK your conference call with me.

In Better Dental Health,

Dr. Dorothy Kassab, CEO

Dental Claims Cleanup

1810 Erie Blvd

Syracuse, NY 13210

(800) 652-3431


PART2 week 3/23/20

Dental Business Strategies During the National State of Emergency PART 2

Economic Injury Financial Relief for the Dental Businesses?

Dear Colleagues,

This weekend I spent hours on a conference call with CPAs from around the US trying to understand what the CARES ACT, passed on Friday 3/27/2020, can do for all of us and our dental businesses that have been forced to shut down or operate at "emergency-only" state.

I wanted to send this information out, as soon as possible, so that you can know enough to be dangerous, and can ask the right questions from your trusted advisors that work with you. Without this information, it is difficult to know where to start and what to do next and time is of essence. I was able to get some guidance for our businesses so please research this information further and act on it because it is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The disaster loan program from the SBA is in place to provide economic relief to businesses impacted by natural disasters throughout the United States. The program is used extensively after detrimental events where businesses can receive low-interest loans to get back on their feet.

On March 6, the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act was passed, providing $20 million for the SBA to leverage $7 billion in low-interest disaster assistance loans to small businesses. This means small businesses across the country are now eligible to receive disaster relief loans from the SBA.

Since early March, this offering has been extended to small businesses across the nation that have had significant losses due to the coronavirus pandemic. These loans have a 3.75% interest rate for small businesses and a 2.75% rate for nonprofits, and are usually capped at $2 million.

       How do SBA disaster loans work? While you’ll be applying for a loan through the SBA, this loan program is a government-backed loan program. This means that while a normal bank will be providing you with a loan, the SBA will be guaranteeing that loan to the bank. It will cover the loss should your business be unable to pay back the loan to the bank. As you apply and learn more about the process, be prepared to work with other partners to find funding.


Due to the breadth and scope of COVID-19’s impact on the American economy, all U.S. small businesses are eligible for a disaster relief loan from the SBA. 

Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)

You can APPLY, for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan to get financial relief for the loss of dental business income. The EIDL can be up to a 30 year term and is offered at 3.7%. The EIDL comes with an $10,000 cash ADVANCE which is forgiven if it is used for payroll and business expenses. Once you apply for the EIDL, you can request the ADVANCE and be funded within 5 business days.

We just received a notice from our Fifth District Dental Society encouraging everyone to apply immediately, as there is set amount dollars dedicated to this funding and the demand will be high. The EDIL is not a forgivable loan, only the ADVANCE part of the loan is forgiven. Experts advise us to apply for the EIDL to take advantage of the $10,000 ADVANCE. You do not have to use the actual complete EIDL amount.

Paychecks Protection Program (PPP)

There is a forgivable loan available called PPP, Paychecks Protection Program. While you wait to get approval and funds from the PPP, you can use the EIDL loan amount toward payroll and business expenses. The PPP can take some time to process and many institutions do not have the applications yet. Once you get the PPP, you can payback the unused EIDL amount back. But the EIDL amount you used towards payroll and expenses can be paid off/converted by the PPP and be forgiven. The PPP is up to 10 year term at 4% interest rate. The PPP is only forgiven if used towards payroll expenses, and many business expenses, like accounts payable, equipment and machinery purchases, real estate payments and other bills you cannot pay because of COVID-19. You will need to keep detailed records and documentation to submit for forgiveness. The forgiveness amount of the PPL is for expenses during the period of February 2020 to June 2020. 

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has created new programs available for dentists through the SBA. The government also felt that local banks and funding institutions would be a more effective and efficient way to deliver the funds to desperate businesses. You will need to find an institution that will offer the PPP this coming week after you apply for the EIDL.

I have a long standing relationship with BHG, Bankers and Healthcare Group that provides financing for my clients. SBA loans are provided by Fund-Ex Solutions Group (FSG), a wholly owned subsidiary of Bankers Healthcare Group. Fund-Ex Solutions Group (FSG), a non-bank SBA lender is actively working with dentists throughout the country and is prepared to participate in the upcoming government-backed Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and other financial assistance programs. Please feel free to reach out to them via my weblink. SBA LOANS I know that cash flow is essential right now to all of us that had a decrease in our income due to this disaster. BHG has truly been amazing and hassle free during this time. They are a great resource so please do not hesitate.

While the new SBA programs can cover some your finance needs, Bankers Healthcare Group (BHG) offers commercial and personal financing that can get you a fast injection of capital, in as few as three days. In addition, BHG is offering 60-days with no payments* for new loans. They are working extended hours, 7-days a week to meet the increased demand for financing.

Talk to your trusted accountant, financial advisor, and banker as soon as possible.  

Finally, do not forget that this is the time that your team should be working the back log of unresolved and unpaid claims. The insurances are still open for business and are processing claims and issuing payments. Claims can be another source of income during this down time. If your team is unavailable or not familiar with insurance aging, please feel free to reach out to us. Just as any other business expense, our fees would qualify under the accounts payables and can be funded through the SBA loans EIDL or PPL. You can BOOK your conference call with me.

In Better Dental Health,

Dr. Dorothy Kassab, CEO

Dental Claims Cleanup

1810 Erie Blvd

Syracuse, NY 13210

(800) 652-3431

*Subject to credit approval. Loan sizes and interest rates vary and are determined by applicant’s credit profile. Loans made or arranged pursuant to the California Financing Law, License No. 603-G493. Call for full program details. Deferred loan program not available in all states.


PART1 week of 3/16/20

Business Strategies during the COVID-19 National State of Emergency PART1

We are all affected by the COVID-19 state of emergency. The latest mandates for the Dental Industry's clinical practice is to provide emergency treatment only for the next 14 or 21 days depending on the state. The ADA defined the term "emergency"last week, see below. As business owner, we needed to make a difficult decision whether or not to stay open for emergency patients. Then we needed to make another difficult decision on what to do with the expense of payroll during a time of reduced workload of the dental team. Working with so many offices nationwide and having helpful resources, I wanted to share with you some information which will be helpful during this desperate time.

We have the sense of responsibility to contribute to the containment of the spread of the pandemic and abide by the state guidelines. I have been personally in contact with many of my colleagues to see what decisions they are making. Half of the offices decided to completely close for 3 weeks and half are open for emergency treatment. Either decision leaves the team with a significantly reduced workload. I wanted to share this information with you so that it will be helpful in your decision making and ensure you prepare for the next 60 days. 

Business Decisions:

Obviously due to the discontinuation of routine dental care and the spread of the virus via areasol, offices were forced to shut down their hygiene department, suspend non-emergency care, and the overall manpower is working maybe 3% of the normal business, if it stays open at all for emergencies. As business owners we have the following options

1. Completely shut down

         a. place the team on unemployment

         b. pay out the PTO until it is used up then place the team on unemployment

2. Stay open for emergencies only

         a. put hygiene on unemployment, and reduce the rest of the team hours and pay out PTO to match the reduced hours until the PTO is used, then unemployment

          b. In New York, the Labor Department started the Shared Work Program. Other states have similar programs developed by their labor Department. This program was designed to reduce the unemployment rates and help employees keep their jobs and benefits, as well as, spring back quickly once the mandate of limited clinical work is lifted. The business can keep the team employed, but reduce their work by 20-60%, employer pays benefits as usual, the state will supplement 80% of the reduced hours up to the State’s maximum allowable unemployment pay.

3. Telemedicine Dentistry for emergencies. Office is shut down, but the Dentist goes in as needed, team is handled as one of the options from above. Zoom conference is a HIPAA compliant app and desk top software that can be used for Telemedicine. It is free or with minimal service fee depending on the options you choose.          

If you stay open for emergencies, the recommendation is to use the N95 with another mask over it to prevent the soiling of the N95 mask. A face shield, surgical cap, disposable gowns need to be used. Please look at the extended use and reuse of the N95 masks below.

Business Expenses

It is very important that you take advantage of the deferments, and waivers that are in place right now to ensure that you lower your expenses immediately and over the next 60 days. Run your detailed profit and loss report and checks paid to vendors. Here is a list of ideas to lower your expenses during this time of decreased income. Preserve your liquid cash to avoid taping into your savings.

1.     Marketing: suspend any marketing services and firms for 30 days. Decrease your social media ads budgets like GoogleAds, Yelp, Facebook, and Instagram. Currently you are not able to see those patients anyway so this money is wasted.

2.     Bank Mortgage loans: there are executive orders by State Governors to suspend fees for ATMs, overdraft fees, credit card late fees. In addition, the federal government gave an executive order and informed the public 1 week ago that the public can delay payments of mortgage, medical bills, and utilities. Banks are on high alert and you need to contact your bank and request a deferment of any loans for 3 months. The way it works is that the bank will suspend the monthly payment and add 3 additional months to the tail end of the loan term.

3.     Equipment loans: you can ask for a deferment for 3 months (until June/2020) and ask the bank to add the total amount deferred to be spread over the remaining months until December 2020. 

4.     Get a Loan if Needed: There are Economic Injury Disaster Loansavailable for small businesses. Contact your county to see what is available and if you need cash to carry you through this period of time you may need to take a loan out. 

5.     Hold of on Sending Patient Statements. There is also in New York StateNevadaIllinois, and maybe other states, a national temporary Suspension of Debt Collection. Check your state’s guidelines. We advise our clients to prepare the patient statements but hold on to them until 4/6/2020. The reason is that the public will ignore these statement since the government is telling them to delay paying medical bills. Also, you will incur the expense of postage if you send them out right now.

6.     Taxes: request a deferment to file your personal and corporate taxes. The new deadline without any penalties or late charges is July 15, 2020, but you still need to ask for the extension at no additional charge.

7.     Families First Coronavirus Response Act and Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act. Effective 4/2/2020 Federal Act: Very Important act to employers and for employees who are employed by you on as of 4/2/20. Read below or follow the link on the Federal Act. In a nutshell, if the employee falls under one of the criteria, you will need to pay their salaries for an extended period of time and hold their position. The childcare is probably the most important and impactful criteria under this act as schools are closed of the remainder of the year. In Coronavirus epicenters, there is a concern about dental employees getting infected or having to take care of a family member that was infected.

8.     Monthly Reoccurring Services: review your credit cards, and profit and loss reports to see who you pay monthly. Here is a list of services you can suspend for 30 or 60 days until you are open for regular business

a.      Lawncare/snow plowing

b.     Office cleaning service

c.      Dental equipment support services

d.     Auto reorder of materials or supplies

e.      Ask for an extension on lab bills for 30 days

f.      Suspend the sharps an medical waste pickup

g.     If you have a linens service suspend it 

h.     Pandora music or other digital services like Neflix, cable 

i.       Postage meter rental: you should not mail any statement for at least 3 weeks

j.       Credit card processing equipment

k. utility companies will still send you a bill but they are suspending any collection and not disconnecting service until the end of April. Therefore, do not be hasty to pay your bill.

9.     Personal expenses:

a.      Your mortgage: you can do the same thing as with the business loans. Defer payment for 3 months and ask for it to be added to extend the loan term by 3 months.

b.     Car loans. You can ask for a deferment for 3 months and ask for the 3 months amount to be spread across the remainder of the loan payments

c.      Services: review your services and see who you cannot live without for 2 months and suspend other services for at least 30 days.

Ideas to increase Income

1.     Sell products online with mail delivery or “at the door” pickup

2.     Social media: ramp up your social media posts and work on recording now for future posts

3.     Teledentistry exams: encourage consults and schedule in-office exams 3 weeks out

In Better Dental Health,

Dr. Dorothy Kassab, CEO

Dental Claims Cleanup

1810 Erie Blvd

Syracuse, NY 13210

Sakthi Vinodh

Founder & Independent Trainer for U.S. Healthcare Medical Billing/Dental Billing/RCM/Voice/Accent for AR calling and Denial Management

4 年




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