The Dental Assistant Hiring Crisis
“Lizzie, we've got more patients than we can handle. We don't need more dental marketing right now, we need more staff. We need more OHTs, we need more associates, but before we can hire them, we desperately need DAs!!"
That's what a client recently told me when we sat down to map out their practice growth plan for 2023.
And they're not alone.
Bite Magazine just revealed that over 35% of DAs left the industry in the last 12-months alone.
I started asking more practice owners, and I heard the same things over and over.
It started in 2020.
And it’s only getting worse, not better.
It’s getting harder to hire DAs.
It’s getting harder to retain them too.
As staff shortages worsen, practice owners are terrified they’re going to lose their long-term, loyal DAs.
DAs are burning out.
They’re working over time.
They’re frustrated with the in-practice chaos that happens when the practice is under-staffed. They’re feeling like there’s no end in sight.
The grass starts looking greener in other industries or other practices. Existing team members know that wages are up across the board, and so many other industries are able to work from home now.
Practice owners keep paying more to attract staff.
But increasing pay as your only staff-attraction strategy isn’t sustainable.
Plus, if the only reason someone is willing to work at your practice is a bigger paycheque… What's to say they won’t just jump-ship when a higher offer comes along?
But that’s not all…
Many practices are over-hiring.
Bringing on two or three DAs at once, hoping that one of them stays, and wasting tens of thousands of dollars in the process.
The ridiculous thing is…
Just because you’re paying a premium doesn’t mean you’ve even secured competent staff!?
Since 2020, hiring DAs has gotten so competitive that dentists are now paying a premium for beginners. And in some cases, practice owners feel at the mercy of toxic team members too, because they’re so short staffed they’re terrified of the consequences of losing even more team members.
The problem is, nobody should be forced to hire just "anyone with a pulse".?
This is more than a problem.
It’s more than a frustration.
It truly is a crisis: The DA Hiring Crisis?.
The good news is… there is a solution.
Before we dive into it… my name’s Lizzie Mills and I’m the Co-Founder of High Production Practice. I’ve specialised in high production dental marketing for more than half a decade, working with over 50 dental practices and designing two industry-leading patient acquisition systems.
First, in 2017, I was part of one of Australia’s fastest-growing dental marketing startups. We created an Invisalign patient acquisition system that was so successful it’s still running 5 years later.
And in 2019, my husband Stephen and I launched our own business. We went on to create the 1-to-Many Dental Marketing Model? which consistently grows our clients' practices every single month, without the hassles of traditional “free consult” patient acquisition systems.
I don’t say any of that to brag, simply to demonstrate that I have specialised skills in dental marketing and patient acquisition.
Why does that matter?
Because at the core of the DA Hiring Crisis? is the issue of staff acquisition. Dental practices simply can’t generate enough interest from suitable candidates to fill all the openings they have.
And generating interest in specific “offers” is exactly what I do.
But that’s enough about me.
Let’s dive into the first of five insights I’m sharing in this report.
Insight #1:
The industry needs to be replenished with new dental assistants.
With 35% of experienced DAs gone in the last 12-months alone, there simply aren’t enough experienced DAs available.
The vast majority of practices have been forced to hire beginners.
And quite frankly, that’s what the industry needs.
But hiring brand new, beginner DAs comes with many frustrations.
It takes months to get them up to scratch.
You invest time and money, with multiple team members involved in their training.
And you worry that you’ll just get them to the point where they’re functioning autonomously in the practice… only to have them jump ship and work for another dentist!
(DA retention is outside the scope of this free report, but we’re working on another training specifically designed to help dentists retain DAs in their practice. It’s called The DA Retention Handbook?.)
But even before you get to the point of worrying about staff churn…
The reality is that bringing on untrained DAs has serious potential to compromise the patient experience if you’re not able to be selective in who you hire.
Insight #2:
Dentists need to seek out “perfect-fit” candidates.
If you feel forced to hire people that you KNOW don’t have the right people skills, or the reliability to show up for their shifts, or the right attitude to collaborate effectively with the team… these toxic hires will not only negatively impact your team, it can directly impact the patient experience too.
So, if you're going to hire beginner DAs and train them up, how can you attract the BEST applicants?
I know that might sound crazy right now…
I know some dentists are literally getting zero applications when they post a job opening on Seek or Indeed.
So the idea of chasing a “perfect fit” candidate might sound utterly insane to you. But the thing is, there ARE still great candidates out there.
Even in my own circles, one of my friends would be a great fit as a DA… but she’s never even considered working in dentistry.
She’s a fully trained nurse and experienced receptionist who left the workforce to have kids. Now, her littlest is going to school next year and she wants to return to the workforce.
But if a dentist wanted to get her attention, she’d need to be shown what the opportunity is for her to commit to being a dental assistant.
Insight #3:
Dentists need to show new DAs, “What’s in it for them?”
Dental assisting has long been a transient role.
DAs have been undervalued, made to feel like their role isn’t important or, even worse, treated like rubbish while they’re busy trying to help.
It’s rarely treated as a real profession.
And more often than not, dentists get so caught up in the day-to-day running of the practice that they fail to invest in or think about the career progression of their dental assistants.
The thing is…
If you want to attract GREAT people to be DAs… people who will deliver positive patient experiences AND be loyal and committed to working in your practice long term…
You must realise that these people have so many options right now.
You are not just competing against other dental practices.
You’re competing against work-from-home jobs that offer a lot of freedom and flexibility, even for entry-level workers.
You’re competing against bigger companies that can afford to pay even higher wages and offer more interesting financial incentives.
These “perfect-fit” employees KNOW they have options.
They know businesses across industries are desperate for workers now.
To compete effectively and secure great DAs for your practice: you need a DA Value Proposition?.
In big-business, there is a concept called “The Employee Value Proposition”. Which is basically about answering the question, “why should an employee choose to work for your business?”
But simply answering the question of “why should a DA work for your practice instead of another dental practice?” isn’t enough right now!
That’s why I developed the concept of The DA Value Proposition?.
The DA Value Proposition? is all about answering two key questions.
Question #1:
“Why would I want to be a dental assistant? What does that mean for me in the long term?”
As I outlined above, dental practices need to hire brand new, beginner DAs now. There simply aren’t enough experienced DAs.
To do that, you need to get the attention of “perfect-fit” candidates, who have the right personality and character traits, and show them why dental assisting is a good opportunity for them in the long-run.
That’s part-one of The DA Value Proposition?.
Question #2:
“Why would I want to work at your dental practice specifically?”
Once you’ve gotten the attention of these “perfect-fit” candidates and shown them the opportunities available as a dental assistant…?
You need to show them why they’d want to be part of your team specifically.
Dental assisting is obviously not a work-from-home role. And “flexible work” is a hyper-popular benefit right now. So what else can you offer?
Do you offer flexible working hours? Can they work part-time instead of full-time?
But more than that… How would you describe your team culture?
Money is NOT the only reason people will choose to work for your dental practice.
Yes, you need to be paying a fair market rate for their work.
But there are so many more factors to why people will choose to work for you (and why they’ll stay!)
Your employees want to be respected.
They want to feel competent and confident in their role.
They want to be appreciated and recognised for their contributions.
They want to work with people they enjoy working with.
They want to feel like the work they do is meaningful and positively impacting the lives of patients.
Insight #4:
Dentists need to go looking for “perfect-fit” candidates in NEW places.
The fact is…
There will always be great employees interested in finding great businesses to work for.
So why are dentists struggling to find them right now?
From what I’ve seen…
Dentists are continuing to do the same old things they’ve always done to hire DAs.
They’re posting job openings on Seek, Indeed and dental job boards.
They’re posting in Facebook groups full of DAs.
They’re even trying to work with recruiters.
But nothing is bringing them the DAs they need.
From what I’ve observed…
The problem is that dentists all around the country continue to try to “fish from the same pond.” You’re all going to the same dried up watering hole, hoping to catch the attention of the few people out there actively searching for a dental assisting role.
There is a better way.
The way to solve The DA Hiring Crisis? is to get the attention of workers outside of dentistry… who have the right personality and people skills, and have a track record of being loyal… and show them the benefits of being a DA.
As we covered in insight #4, that starts with writing a DA Value Proposition?. Then the next natural step is to get creative with where and how you share this with people.
What other groups can you get in front of?
It’s time to get creative if you truly care about solving the DA Hiring Crisis?.
Insight #5:
Ultimately, dentists need a NEW acquisition strategy to hire “perfect-fit” DAs.
The hiring landscape has changed. You cannot simply keep posting job openings on the same job boards, hoping to suddenly get different results than you have over the last two years.
The thing is…
When it comes to getting new patients, practice owners know they need a patient acquisition strategy in place. (You may not agree on the specific strategy that’s best to use, but you know you need A strategy for patient acquisition.)
In my experience, practices have patient acquisition systems in place, but they’ve rarely put the same level of time and attention into creating a talent acquisition system.
At its core, talent acquisition actually follows a very similar 5-stage process as patient acquisition, which you can see in the image below:
The critical issue right now is lead flow.
There simply aren’t enough applications coming through in the very first step of the process!
And keeping on trying the same strategies over and over again isn’t going to solve this problem.
That doesn’t mean there’s no hope.
There are “perfect-fit” candidates out there.
If you’re serious about solving this problem in your practice, I invite you to join us for my free upcoming non-scientific CPD training event, “Fix The DA Hiring Crisis?” which I’m running in collaboration with Dr David Kerr from Dental Health Network .
The training is a live online event. It will run for one-hour on Monday December 12, 2022 starting at 7.30pm (Melbourne time).
Whether you decide to join us for the CPD event or not…
Please don’t just try to ride this out.
Hopefully the problem won’t last too much longer.?
But what if it does?
What if there is no end in sight to the DA staffing shortages?
What if it’s only the dentists who try to solve this problem now, who will actually survive in 2023?
Facing the economic uncertainty of 2023, the last thing you need is to be wasting tens of thousands of dollars over-hiring, or hiring the wrong staff, simply because you’re desperate for someone to help.
The reality is, The DA Hiring Crisis? has revealed a hidden truth: “perfect-fit” dental assistants are critical to the success of your dental practice.
Your ability to work efficiently in-practice depends on DAs.
Your ability to provide a positive patient experience depends on DAs.
Your ability to hire new clinicians and actually grow your practice depends on having enough DAs!
NOT solving this problem could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2023.
It’s costing you wasted hours through countless inefficiencies.
It’s costing you thousands of dollars in excess wages if you over-hire.
It might cost you long-term employees who quit because they’re overworked and overwhelmed.
It might even cost you patients who start leaving your practice as the quality of care and experience starts to slip.
And the opportunity-cost is huge… because you simply cannot grow your practice in 2023 without the ability to hire and retain quality DAs.
NOW is the time to solve this crisis.
Not next year.
Not next quarter.
Right now is the time to solve this problem.
As I write this, it’s already mid-November.
Right now, the “perfect-fit” candidates in your area are thinking about what they’re going to do next year.
They’re wondering what path they’re going to pursue.
NOW is the time to get their attention.
NOW is the time to show them what a career as a DA could mean for them.
I sincerely look forward to helping you.
Kind regards,
Lizzie Mills
Co-Founder of High Production Practice
If you’ve found this free report insightful, would you be opposed to sharing it with other dental practice owners?
These strategies are designed to help dentists everywhere. They’re not fear-driven “poaching” hacks. They’re highly leveraged, genuine strategies you can implement to finally fix the DA staffing shortage.?
My goal is to help the industry as a whole.?
For over half a decade, I’ve specialised in high production dental marketing because I believe in the incredible impact that positive dental experiences and outcomes have in the lives of patients.
I’m passionate about helping dentists do more of the dentistry they love.
And right now, dentists everywhere are struggling. When a clinician calls in sick, clinics are struggling to even re-book existing patients before February!
I truly believe that it doesn’t have to be this way.
There ARE great staff out there to be found.?
You just have to inspire them with the possibilities of being a DA and what that will mean for them, both personally and professionally.
I sincerely hope it helps.
Dental Event Management Specialists?
2 年If you want help diving deeper into this issue and how to Fix The DA Hiring Crisis?, join us for the upcoming free CPD workshop. Register here:
2 年Natalie Reid