Denialist Oil Mafia Exposed
- Please read this discussion threat from Linked:Energy (Energy industry expertise) (255,188 members)
- A very interesting and worthwhile read about climate change and nuclear and titled it covers a lot of ground, still much more to say though
- How Can Nuclear Get Back in the Game
- Tom Tamarkin Stephen Maloney so it apears that we are in agreement that the Big Green Energy Scheme is just that. And as physics majors we both agree that the only fuel sources (outside of hydro-electric) suita
- Bla Bla Bla
- Richard Levicki Its simple and the whole site could be 5 lines, no nuclear, no fossils at all by 2024 tried and tested and safe renewables. Generally small scale, reduce and cap use to earths carrying capacity, the whole chatter is just ridiculous. Technical aspects of clean renewables fine, but the rest is gibberish.
- 1d
- Tom Tamarkin Richard Levicki For an engineering analysis on solar to provide baseload power in the U.S. based on today's 440 GWh generation capacity please see our article: "Going Solar-System Requirements For 100% U.S. Solar Generated Utility Basel...
- 1d
- Richard Levicki I dont need to read it, the carbon budget runs out in 2024, so that is the limit, work within it. but I will have a look.
- 1d
- Richard Levicki OK I just had a quick look and you made the critical mistake to energy use to demand when energy use is restricted by global carrying capacity and demand is restricted by our ability to work within it.
- 1d
- Harry Degenaar In the real world, measuring data does not always work. Just look at how the data stacked against Trump's presidency, but he came out as the victor. Trump stated when queried: "I'm in favour of nuclear energy, very strongly in favour o...
- 1d
- Stephen Maloney Tom Tamarkin I agree kids should learn some science, mathematics, and engineering.
- And a bit of healthy fear and caution - not all great ideas are that great.
- 1d
- Stephen Maloney Ahh, Harry - was wondering where you were.
- Well, in the Trump example, you just highlighted what happens when one side (the DNC) runs a bad statistical model. It cost them an election. Just because you have the data doesn't protect ...
- 1d
- Tom Tamarkin One half of the DOE's $21 billion+ annual budget is dedicated to NNSA which has the nuclear weapons stockpile stewardship responsibility. That should be spun off from the DOE. Other aspects of the DOE Office of Science and Offices of F...
- 1d
- Tom Tamarkin Richard Levicki^ there is no "critical mistake" in our analysis cited above. Your comments rest on the arbitrary notion of "Earth's Carrying Capacity" and significant life style changes. Our analysis is based on the REAL energy demands...
- 1d
- Stephen Maloney Tom Tamarkin - I casually play with these conversations because they're interesting.
- We get to banter about the economy and engineering as if we were God (or dictators pretending to be God) planning how other people will live their ...
- 1d
- Tom Tamarkin Stephen Maloney Solyndra! A great example of the Big Green Energy Scheme at work. We are about to see another one in Upper State New York when Elon Musk's SolarCity production enterprises goes under. Why? Because policy makers do not...
- 1d
- Richard Levicki Tom Tamarkin my statement about the earths carrying capacity is not based on an arbitrary notion, it is based on the carbon budget in the current accepted best climate model with have under peer review and the current IPCC report. If ...
- 1d
- Tom Tamarkin Richard Levicki ^ IPCC? You mean the UN crowd that morphed from the Rio Accords and now push their "Sustainability Movement?" I am sorry to inform you that the science the IPCC says they are based on is incorrect. As a trace gas, CO2 ...
- 1d
- Richard Levicki I agree the IPCC is a ridiculous organisation and to find the carbon budget figure you have to look on some page in the middle of no where, they dont want to see the truth either but unlike you they do understand that they cant comple...
- 1d
- Tom Tamarkin Richard Levicki that s fine but you are the one basing your opinions on pseudoscience and you are the one denying the natural variability of weather conditions on the Earth which by the way is properly measured in geological time as oppo...
- 1d
- Richard Levicki Tom Tamarkin sorry but you cannot say that as you are trying to falsify the facts, that is dishonest, underhand and dangerous and I call you out on it.
- 1d
- Stephen Maloney As I recall from the Meinhausen et al. paper in Nature (2015), he discusses an [arbitrary - my word] global warming limit of 2?°C or below (relative to pre-industrial levels) and observes GHG emissions are "poorly known owing to uncer...
- 1d
- Tom Tamarkin Richard Levicki In the above thread I linked you to a "climate change" section of our fusion science website. Now I am linking you to "The Great Climate Debate" section of our website which has scientific papers and articles posted you ...
- 23h
- Tom Tamarkin As to Stephen Maloney's point ^ Even the most advanced climate models are making errors so large the projected temperatures have no meaning. This lecture by Patrick Frank, Ph.D. explains why from a mathematical perspective. Patrick Fran...
- 23h
- Stephen Maloney Tom Tamarkin - I certainly agree with your comment about errors. The climate change forecasts (and proposed remediations such as Meinhausen et al.) are like forecasting the trajectory of paper airplanes at a moving target in a New En...
- 23h
- Richard Levicki The carbon budget is clear it runs out in 2024 and you are using knowledge to confuse the people, it is disgusting and your behaviour is unacceptable. You are not experts you are con artists that allow rich oil to risk the world.
- 20h
- Richard Levicki Professional climate deniers are guilty of gross criminal negligence.
- 20h
- Stephen Maloney Richard Levicki I am "using knowledge to confuse the people"(?)
- Wow - so, I suppose you need to be a duly certified high priest or something to talk about things or the "climate control cops" will come and take you away?
- That's pretty...
- 20h
- Richard Levicki No facts and honesty will do, especially when billions of lives are at risk
- 20h
- Richard Levicki Dont worry, I can do it here, the climate budget in 2009 fpr 2000-2050 was about 1000GT for high chance of +2 Degrees, we were using in excess of 36 y-1. so 2000-2010 we used 360. Now we use about 42 Gty-1, so add another 400 up to Pa...
- 20h
- Richard Levicki Primary School Maths (10x36) + (10 x42) = 780 well above safety by 2024 IPCC figure in 2016 is in the next post
- 20h
- Richard Levicki IPCC figures based on the carbon budget data
- 20h
- Richard Levicki Professional climate change deniers are guilty of gross criminal negligence
- 20h
- Stephen Maloney Just to complete the thought, let's revisit the 2009 Nature paper.
- And, remember, this is a probabilistic analysis employing the IPCC bootstrap technique - it's not based on empirical data. And, this 8-year old model has not been back...
- 20h
- Richard Levicki Stephen Maloney you are talking total rubbish all knowledge is probabilistic, we work on the current theories and risk assessment. The current assessment is biased towards far higher than acceptable risk and you are seeking to build bridges with a technology will likely result in all the cars falling into the abyss.
- 19h
- Richard Levicki Professional climate change deniers are guilty of gross criminal negligence
- 19h
- Stephen Maloney I don't deny climate change. The solar cycle has been going on for millions of years.
- I question the anthropogenic hypothesis.
- Considering that the 800K years of data in the Vostok core samples consistently show global warming leads ri...
- 19h
- Stephen Maloney As for all knowledge being probabilistic, that's not exactly the case.
- The 2009 Nature paper deals with difficulties cited i the Fourth IPCC Assessment Report (AR4) and more recent research. In particular, "data constraints provide u...
- 19h
- Stephen Maloney Last I checked, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) publishes an extensive list of standards for building roads and bridges.
- Here they are:
- I earned a professional...
- 19h
- Richard Levicki Listen you cant run the earth with your ridiculous methodology and by the sounds of your knowledge you know exactly what you are doing, confusing the issue to allow risk for money. Set up a pseudscience site for skeptics, say a word or two on professional networks but stop lying.
- 19h
- Richard Levicki Professional climate change deniers are guilty of gross criminal negligence
- 19h
- Stephen Maloney Seems to me that, as they say, "you can't handle the truth". Or maybe just science and mathematics.
- Either way, joking aside, I'll presume you are less a "true believer" and more a scientist. So, I recommend you actually read the stu...
- 19h
- Russell Higgins Bribe Congress, or just pay Trump off, worked for a dozen billionaires he's given jobs
- 15h
- Richard Levicki My biggest issue with atmospheric scientists is that they have allowed themselves to be influenced by the oil money and based their models on 2 degrees now reducing to 1.5 we all know that the knock on impacts of climate change cause...
- 15h
- Stephen Maloney Richard Levicki Well, I get the impulse to act as a precaution.
- But, what if you're wrong?
- What if all the poverty and dislocations and destruction that comes with such dislocations as a major carbon cutback doesn't offset the 2C c...
- 15h
- Richard Levicki I take that same decision every day when I cross the road with my child, its all about risk, the level of the risk, inaction vs action, and how we as a species need to behave to ensure we all have safe lives, once its broken down like...
- 13h
- Richard Levicki and thats what kills out parasites, do you want us to be a parasitic species or one that nurtures its environment for us our children, their children and other species as at this level of risk taking something will get us of its not climate change.
- 13h
- Harry Degenaar Just a bit from an engineer (not a scientist) - The Earth is currently in an inter-glacial period, the holocene epoch, which has been fairly stable and warm and began some 12,000 years ago. Activities of the human species first began t...
- 12h
- Richard Levicki If you look at the best core samples, the oldest showing ones, you can clearly see the natural cycle, what you see is that the current cycle that we are messing with suggests that we will probably wipe ourselves out or decimate etc, together with other species with our emissions.
- 12h
- Harry Degenaar Richard Levicki - You mentioned "total phase out of fossil fuels by 2024 and NO to nuclear, its not safe". This is wishful but not possible as it would bring about a destruction of the global economy creating a dangerous world with unr...
- 11h
- Richard Levicki Well as I said at the start of this conversation it is not the economy that tells the planet its carrying capacity but vice versa, so you do what the planet tells you, if that means candles and no more mass assets, thats the cure, you dont want to see it but you have no choice
- 11h
- Harry Degenaar Richard Levicki - I don't look at ice-core samples. - I just simply look around me. In the news I noted that world temperatures hit a record high for the third year in a row in 2016. Australia's climate has warmed in both mean surface ...
- 11h
- Richard Levicki From memory the best visual to all samples are not ice core but soil as they show very visually to the most uninformed observer with flora and fauna change over millennia. I am confused by some of your statements but as you say, if we dont phase out by 2024 the impacts will have a high chance of being catastrophic.
- 10h
- Richard Levicki So what do you think global warming will do, it will just be done under an uncontrolled and worse scenario, there is no logic in your approach, we need to9 act now and act fast, stop procrastinating and then saying its too late to act
- 10h
- Harry Degenaar Richard Levicki - with a hastily and irresponsible total phase out of fossil fuels, it won't be the candles lighting your surroundings, as it will push life on our shared planet toward mass extinction. “After us, hundreds or thousands ...
- 10h
- Richard Levicki What are you talking about its a chemical reaction, when you exceed the budget you hit irreversible scenarios, its not a can I cant I, its just so ridiculous. Its so predictable stop all action and then try and say its too late to act...
- 10h
- Harry Degenaar Who is procrastinating.? What is so ridiculous.?
- 10h
- Richard Levicki You are, to say we cant do it by this date as it will be to hard and to set yourself up for an even harder task after is ridiculous, your calculations are flawed. Further, we know full well that every time we delay like you say the power structures play games and just carry on business as usual.
- 10h
- Harry Degenaar Richard Levicki - I don't know who you are quoting. Calculations are flawed, who's calculations.? What harder task are you talking about.? What I am saying is that we have to get on with the job right now. There is to much talk about l...
- 10h
- Richard Levicki OK so our issue is about phase out by 2024 or later, with 2024 being too rushed and causing problems. That is your argument, mine is that by delaying the job gets harder so you are in diminishing returns. Now me and you need to work t...
- 10h
- Richard Levicki Its all about the law of diminishing returns and politics of inaction and how not working in earth carrying capacity is dysfunctional in both scientific and social terms. So please can you understand we need to set the date of 2024 and get on with it now, as you say, its all in place.
- 10h
- Harry Degenaar Richard Levicki- I don't think that you understand on where I am coming from. It's only since last week, that a start was made with the concept of using Wind, Solar and baseload support from decentralised SMR's. It will take at-least u...
- 9h
- Richard Levicki No you solution does not work, I think this conversation needs to end. Whilst your ambitions are better than 95-99% of the world, its not the solution, time is running out and soon, my voice will be a memory, and you will be in the scenario I laid out, if that happens, hold your breath and wait for the next disaster.
- 8h
- Harry Degenaar Richard Levicki - My conversation will only end until I see the resulting solution. Furthermore, at my age, it's unlikely that I will see the results achieved by 2030, but I am sure that my children and 10 grand kids will have a bright future...
- 6h
- david fitzgerald Wow, above is a good example of the hysteria that has gripped some people. Similar fears and schedules were pronounced 10-12 yrs ago, and absolutely noting has happened, in the physical sense. One can now forecast an endless series of disaster forecasts, and as they do not occur, some more spring up to replace them.
- 6h
- Harry Degenaar david fitzgerald - I certainly don't suffer from hysteria, but would like for you to have a look at what is happening here with the climate in Australia and it's surrounding waters. Nothing has happened in the physical sense, you got to be joking.
- 6h
- Stephen Maloney David Fitzgerald - you are so spot on about hysteria and the absence of back-tests (hence, the previous false alarms).
- The hilarious part (though not surprising) is nobody seems to read the underlying papers, or any papers contradictin...
- 5h
- Richard Levicki Professional climate change deniers are guilty of gross criminal negligence
- 4h
- Richard Levicki Those that work in this field and only seek half solutions make the problem worse
- 4h
- Stephen Maloney Nice chant, Richard.
- I think you just proved my point.
- 4h
- Richard Levicki Its a very serious report of a criminal act not a chant
- 4h
- Tom Tamarkin I have written an article for non-scientists, politicians, regulators and the public at large explaining what energy is and how it can be "generated" or transformed. The article concludes a set of energy flux density tables. Anyone who...
- 4h
- Richard Levicki Pseudoscience, if you reduce use to carrying capacity, and make the required changes it is possible, but you have to stop with excuses for you abuse of the earth and our childrens resources.
- 3h
- Richard Levicki Stop with your ten cars, 5 holidays, 3 houses, etc etc, greed.
- 3h
- Stephen Maloney Tom Tamarkin - if you are trying to engage zealots, you're wasting your time. While you're trying to have an intelligent conversation about science (which we all know is never settled), they're trying to figure out how to get you ar...
- 3h
- Richard Levicki Funny the oil and money men accusing the few that oppose them at great risk of persecution, last week they murdered a Judge in Brasil taking action on corruption in oil and gas. We are the persecuted ones so dont pull the sob story.
- 3h
- Richard Levicki Or was it another strange plane ?
- 3h
- Richard Levicki accident?
- 3h
- Stephen Maloney Wow - my career has been about quantifying and managing risks and now I'm a co-conspirator in the suspicious death of a Brazilian judge? That's pretty wild.
- OK, Richard, you got me, I confess - it was Colonel Mustard, in the Conserv...
- 3h
- Richard Levicki Well you are very bad at your job.
- 3h
- Richard Levicki You are either lying about the risk or incompetent, and yes all you deniers need to take collective responsibility for what is going on every day.
- 3h
- Richard Levicki Including murder through Gross Criminal Negligence and pure murder.
- 3h
- Richard Levicki 6 million deaths a year from fossil fuel related air pollution, forget about climate change, I dont even need to prove that.
- 3h
- Richard Levicki Billions affected by current effects
- 3h
- Richard Levicki Do you all have no shame
- 3h
- david fitzgerald Both the data and the science indicate the primary cause for "climate change" are natural causes and that climate is only very weakly affected by increases in CO2. By maintaining an exaggerated phobia against CO2 and ignoring the ot...
- 2h
- Stephen Maloney Hilarious - though, admittedly, a bit sad, too.
- 2h
- Tom Tamarkin Richard Levicki & Stephen Maloney Billions are sick & miserable because they live in energy poverty; over 1 billion have no electricity. No one is dying from AGW. What perpetuates the promulgation of anthropogenic global warming and/...
- 2h
- Stephen Maloney Spot on, David. And, yes, if renewable technologies are competitive, they will be very profitable. You won't need to guess the average global temperature a hundred years from now to sell it.
- And, if that competitiveness displaces oil and natural gas, well, that's life the way it should be.
- 2h
- Tom Tamarkin david fitzgerald ^ has accurately summed up the realities. Approximately $4 billion USD per day, worldwide, is wasted on "climate studies," "climate mitigation," and "green" renewable energy schemes that simply do not work. Well stated, David.
- 2h
- Richard Levicki Professional climate change deniers are guilty of gross criminal negligence
- 2h
- Richard Levicki The reason people are in poverty is due to the greed and not sustainability which is exactly the opposite, you all talk so much rubbish, its simply unbelievable that people even take notice of you.
- 2h
- Richard Levicki I want to know why I have to stand here alone arguing with these incompetents and no one else pipes up or are you all blind?
- 2h
- Richard Levicki Funny you privatise water and energy, price poor people out and then blame sustainability for robbing their energy and water. Lies lies and more lies
- 2h
- Stephen Maloney Hilarious.
- 2h
- Richard Levicki Like accusing us of trying to send you to your privatised prisons which are the new slave camps for the poor, all done on oil money
- 2h
- Richard Levicki They arrested protestors against oil money addict Trump and then want to lock them up for ten years, and we are wrong to complain about you risking the planet itself??
- 2h
- Richard Levicki The jails owned by oil money and they then make them work like slaves.
- 2h
- Harry Degenaar I thought that this discussion thread was about, "how nuclear power can get back into the game". We have diverted well away from it.
- 2h
- Richard Levicki Nothing funny about any of it, its truly shocking and appaling
- 2h
- Richard Levicki Well everything we have said about oil goes for nuclear to same negligence, same mafia, same oil money
- 2h
- Tom Tamarkin Harry Degenaar unfortunately the gentleman, Richard Levicki caused a diversion, mostly in the pursuit of some levity and humor. The issues Stephen Maloney raises about insurance and disaster mitigation have merit but are solvable in my ...
- 1h
- Richard Levicki Actually Tom Tom Tamarkin it is you that caused the diversion and drifted into the carbon issue, but as I say, its one and the same, again you get caught up in your own lies. I quote you 1d past " And as physics majors we both agree t...
- 50m
- Tom Tamarkin For the record the following statement is correct: "The only fuel sources (outside of hydro-electric) suitable for baseload power are hydro-carbons and when no longer economically viable, nuclear. " Nuclear includes fission (today) fusi...
- 28m
- Richard Levicki Dont change the subject you accused me of diversion when it was you, you think this is a word game and truth against your lies will always be truth, the statement is false and part of climate denial criminal negligence, as explained and remember it is you that is diverting from useless nuclear, our energy use must adapt to earths parameters and carrying capacity, your statement does not and so is false. Lies and yet more lies.