DEmystifying: Why Maharashtra’s Sex Ratio Witnessed A Decline While Haryana’s Saw A Rise?
Why Is Sex Ratio Declining In Maharashtra? (Image Credit: superbabyonline)

DEmystifying: Why Maharashtra’s Sex Ratio Witnessed A Decline While Haryana’s Saw A Rise?

by Cherryy Chauhan

We have been criticizing Haryana for its low sex ratio since decades. I mean in all my school life, Haryana has been depicted as a misogynistic, male-dominated and judgmental little state.

But surprisingly the latest intel from a report based on the Civil Registration System under the Birth and Death Registration Act, the sex ratio at birth in Maharashtra has shown a sharp decline from 891 in 2015 to 838 in 2016 while Haryana’s sex ratio crossed 900 for the first time in last two decades.

So why have the tables turned, now?

Sex Ratio & It’s Brief History In India

Sex Ratio is defined as the ratio of males to females in a population. In India, the sex ratio has been skewed ever since independence. 

The 2001 Census showed that there were 933 females to that of 1000 males while the Census 2011 did show a slight increase with revealing 940 females to that of 1000 males.

India’s low sex ratio is unarguably symbolic to the regressive mentality of its people. A huge number of cases of female infanticide, foeticide and honor killings have resulted in a society that can easily be labeled as a misogynist.

People have cultivated an environment where giving birth to a child calls for celebration only when the sex of the child is one that would make way for the already established patriarchy.

In India, we have very strict laws over prenatal sex determination, which is actually very surprising to a lot of foreign people. For them, prenatal testing isn’t anything more than just a test to know the sex of their child. Whereas in India, it is a way for people to know whether they are having a boy or an abortion.

Now, coming to the ulterior motive of this blog...

Read it here at ED Times.


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