Demystifying Tendering and Bidding: EOI, RFT, RFP, RFI - What's the Difference? | Local | Federal | City | Global

Demystifying Tendering and Bidding: EOI, RFT, RFP, RFI - What's the Difference? | Local | Federal | City | Global

Have you ever delved into the world of tender, bid, and proposal opportunities, only to be overwhelmed by the sea of acronyms and terms used? Expressions of Interest (EOI), Requests for Tender (RFT), Requests for Proposal (RFP), and Requests for Information (RFI) – they all seem to blur together. Fear not! In this quick guide, we'll unravel the mystery and shed light on the differences between these commonly used terms.

Expressions of Interest (EOIs)

EOIs are often utilized by government entities, large corporations, and listed companies to gauge market interest and explore options for future projects or services. When responding to an EOI, you'll be asked about your company's skills, experience, and how you would deliver the proposed project or service. Unlike formal tenders or bids, EOIs typically do not involve pricing inquiries.

Requests for Information (RFI)

Similar to EOIs, RFIs are employed by government and large companies to understand the offerings available in the market. They seek insights into your company's capabilities, experience, and approach to delivering the desired project or service.

Requests for Tender (RFT)

RFTs are issued when a company or government seeks organizations to submit their credentials for a specific project, service, or product. Tenderers respond to the RFT by completing and submitting response schedules. These schedules cover various aspects, such as experience, personnel, delivery methods, pricing, insurance, policies, and technology.

Bids or Offers

Bids or Offers occur when a company is asked to provide a service or product to another company or entity. They can be informal or formal. Formal bids include a Request for Offer (or Bid) document that the responding company (the 'Bidder' or 'Offerer') completes and returns. Informal bids can be as simple as an email request for pricing or service proposals.


Proposals can also be categorized into two types:

Requests for Proposals (RFP): Similar to tenders, a company or government issues an RFP for a specific project, service, or product they require. Responding companies are referred to as 'respondents'. RFPs can be highly prescriptive or may allow for creative proposals on how to deliver the desired product or service.

Informal Proposals: In this case, a company invites potential or existing suppliers to provide proposals for new or additional products, services, or projects. There is no formal Request for Proposal, giving suppliers the flexibility to tailor their proposals to the client's specific needs.

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While the terminology may vary, most tendering and bidding terms are used interchangeably. Understanding these nuances can help you navigate the world of procurement opportunities more effectively. So, the next time you hear someone mention a bid, tender, or proposal, you'll know precisely what they mean!

Remember, TendersGo is your go-to platform for accessing a wealth of global tender, bid, and proposal opportunities. Don't miss out on unlocking your potential for success in the ever-evolving marketplace!

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