Demystifying ServiceNow: A Tale of 100 Tables
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Demystifying ServiceNow: A Tale of 100 Tables

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Ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of tables in ServiceNow? You're not alone! But fear not, IT superheroes, for beneath those technical names lie stories waiting to be told. Let's embark on a journey through 100 common tables, each playing a vital role in the ServiceNow ecosystem.

The Incident Response Squad (Tables 1-9):

Our heroes, the Incident table, and its trusty sidekick, Problem, work tirelessly to battle service disruptions. They gather intel from users (incident) and uncover root causes (problem), while trusty allies like Change Request and Task ensure a smooth resolution. The ever-resourceful Catalog Item swoops in, offering self-service solutions for common issues. Knowledge Base, our resident scholar, provides the wisdom to conquer even the trickiest problems.

1.incident: Stores information about reported service disruptions or issues experienced by users.

2. problem: Tracks identified underlying causes of incidents, aiming to prevent future occurrences.

3. change_request: Manages requests for modifications to infrastructure, services, or configurations, ensuring a controlled change process.

4. sc_task: Tracks individual tasks associated with incidents, problems, or change requests, ensuring completion of necessary actions.

5. catalog_item: Represents self-service options within the Service Catalog, allowing users to request pre-defined services or resources.

6. kb_knowledge_base: Stores knowledge articles containing solutions and troubleshooting steps for common issues, empowering users to self-resolve.

7. note: Stores notes and attachments associated with records in other tables, providing additional context or information.

8. email: Stores information about emails sent and received through ServiceNow, enabling communication and record-keeping.

9. sys_log: Records system logs and activity history, providing an audit trail of actions and events within ServiceNow.

Guardians of the Configuration (Tables 10 - 15):

CMDB Server, the stoic leader, meticulously tracks all IT assets (servers, networks, etc.). Network Device and Storage Device ensure smooth data flow, while Software keeps tabs on all the applications keeping the business running. Location, a master of geography, pinpoints where everything resides. Together, they form an impenetrable defense against configuration chaos.

10. cmdb_ci_server: Tracks detailed information about all types of servers managed by the organization (physical, virtual, cloud-based).

11. cmdb_ci_computer: Stores information about desktop and laptop computers within the IT infrastructure.

12. cmdb_ci_network_device: Tracks network devices like routers, switches, firewalls, and load balancers, ensuring proper network functionality.

13. cmdb_ci_storage_device: Stores information about storage devices like hard drives, disk arrays, and SAN (Storage Area Network) systems.

14. cmdb_ci_software: Tracks information about installed software applications used within the organization.

15. cmdb_ci_location: Stores information about physical locations managed by the CMDB, including buildings, floors, or data centers.

From Cradle to Grave: The Asset Management Saga (Tables 16 - 18)

In the bustling kingdom of IT resources, where servers whir and data flows, resides a dedicated group - the Asset Management tables. Led by the noble asset table, this team meticulously tracks every valuable treasure, be it a trusty server, a cunning laptop, or even a humble printer. This comprehensive tome chronicles the lifecycle of every IT and non-IT asset entrusted to the organization's care. It meticulously records details like model numbers, purchase dates, and assigned locations, ensuring a clear picture of the entire inventory.

16. asset (mentioned previously): Tracks information about all IT and non-IT assets owned or managed by the organization.

17. ast_contract: Stores information about contracts associated with assets, including purchase agreements or leases.

18. ast_lease: Tracks specific lease agreements for leased assets.

Guardians of the Gates: A ServiceNow User Management & Security (Table 19 -25)

In the bustling realm of ServiceNow, a silent war wages – a battle for access and security. They meticulously record every knight (user) and their noble houses (user groups), ensuring only authorized personnel can access the kingdom's resources.

19. sys_user: Stores information about individual users with access to the ServiceNow system.

20. sys_user_group: Stores information about user groups within ServiceNow, allowing permission management for groups.

21. role: Defines access permissions within ServiceNow, controlling what users can see and do in the system.

22. sys_security_incident: Tracks identified security incidents and potential vulnerabilities within the IT infrastructure.

23. user_role: Assigns specific roles to individual users, granting them appropriate permissions.

24. sys_group_membership: Tracks which user groups a particular user belongs to, allowing access based on group memberships.

25. acl (Access Control List): Defines access control rules for tables and fields, restricting data visibility and editability based on user permissions.

The Cogs of Efficiency: A ServiceNow Workflow & Automation (Tables 26 - 31)

Within the bustling machinery of ServiceNow, a symphony of automation plays out. The conductor of this orchestra is the workflow table, a master of orchestration. It meticulously defines the flow of tasks and approvals for various processes, ensuring a smooth and efficient operation.

26. workflow: Defines the automated flow of tasks and approvals for specific processes within ServiceNow.

27. workflow_activity: Represents individual steps or actions within a workflow definition.

28. business_rule: Defines rules that automate actions based on certain conditions, streamlining processes.

29. report: Stores report definitions for data visualization and analysis, enabling informed decision-making.

30. report_data_source: Defines the data source for reports (tables, queries), specifying where the report data originates from.

31. transform_map: Maps data from source tables to a format suitable for reporting, ensuring data is presented clearly and understandably.

Tailoring the Tapestry: A ServiceNow Customization (Tables 32 - 35)

In the ever-evolving realm of ServiceNow, the sys_dictionary table stands as the foundation for customization. This master weaver crafts the threads – custom fields – that extend the functionality of ServiceNow to perfectly fit the organization's needs.

32. sys_dictionary: Defines the structure and properties of custom fields used to extend ServiceNow functionality.

33. form: Defines the layout and presentation of forms for data entry within ServiceNow, improving user experience.

34. list: Defines the configuration of list views for displaying table data within ServiceNow, allowing users to easily find and manage information.

35. ui_page: Defines custom user interface pages within ServiceNow, extending the system's functionality beyond pre-built features.

The Marketplace of Solutions: A ServiceNow Service Catalog (Tables 36 - 39)

Let's take a glimpse into the vibrant Service Catalog ecosystem. Working together, these tables create a self-service portal, empowering users to access the resources they need while streamlining IT workflows to provide a smooth and efficient service experience.

36. sc_catalog: Stores top-level categories used to organize service offerings within the Service Catalog, making it easier for users to find what they need.

37. sc_cat_item (Service Catalog Item): Stores individual catalog items offered through the Service Catalog, representing specific services or resources users can request.

38. sc_request: Tracks user requests submitted through the Service Catalog, potentially leading to service fulfillment or other actions.

39. task: Represents general-purpose tasks that can be assigned to users across various departments, potentially linked to service requests.

The Stewards of Change (Tables 40-69):

Change Request, the ever-cautious knight, leads the charge for controlled modifications. Change Plan meticulously maps out the steps, while Rollback Plan stands ready in case of unforeseen consequences. Network Element ensures smooth network transitions, and Business Service safeguards critical operations throughout the change process. Problem Resolution, the wise advisor, shares past solutions to guide future changes.

40. cmdb_ci_network_element: Stores information about network elements like routers, switches, firewalls, and load balancers.

41. incident_state: Stores the various life cycle stages that an incident can progress through (e.g., New, Assigned, Resolved, Closed).

42. change_request_state: Similar to incident_state, this table stores the different stages a change request can go through (e.g., Submitted, Approved, Implemented, Closed).

43. catalog_category: Represents categories used to organize service offerings within the Service Catalog.

44. problem_state: Tracks the various life cycle stages of a problem record (e.g., New, Identified, Resolved, Closed).

45. kb_category: Defines categories for organizing knowledge articles within the Knowledge Base.

46. kb_article: Stores the content of knowledge articles used for troubleshooting and problem resolution.

47. cmdb_ci_business_service: Represents business services provided by the organization, potentially linked to underlying CIs (Configuration Items).

48. cmdb_ci_location_room: Stores information about specific rooms within larger locations managed by CMDB.

49. cmdb_ci_phone: Tracks information about phone devices used by the organization.

50. cmdb_ci_switch: Stores details specifically about network switch devices.

51. sc_cat_item_model: Used for modeling catalog items, allowing for variations on a core offering (e.g., different storage options for a server catalog item).

53. sc_request_group: Defines groups that can fulfill service requests submitted through the Service Catalog.

54. sc_catalog_cat_item: Links Service Catalog categories to specific catalog items for better organization.

55. cost_center: Represents cost centers within the organization used for financial tracking purposes.

56. cmdb_ci_cos: Stores Class of Service (CoS) information for CIs, defining different service levels for various CIs.

57. kb_feedback: Captures user feedback on Knowledge Base articles, indicating helpfulness or suggesting improvements.

58. kb_knowledge_base_list: Defines various list views for displaying knowledge articles within the Knowledge Base.

59. sys_user_role: Links individual users to the roles they are assigned within ServiceNow, determining their access permissions.

60. sys_group_membership: Tracks which user groups a particular user belongs to, granting access based on group memberships.

61. sys_email_notification: Defines configurations for email notifications sent by ServiceNow based on various triggers or events.

62. sys_document: Stores uploaded documents within ServiceNow that can be linked to records or used for reference.

63. sys_attachment: Tracks attachments associated with records across various tables in ServiceNow.

64. sys_approval_group: Defines approval groups used within workflows, specifying who can approve or reject workflow stages.

65. sys_approval_history: Maintains a history of approvals and rejections within workflows, tracking who approved/rejected and when.

66. change_request_template: Provides templates for creating new change requests, pre-populating fields and streamlining the process.

67. change_plan - Defines the steps and activities involved in a change.

68. change_rollback_plan - Defines steps to revert a change if necessary.

69. change_task - Tracks tasks associated with change requests.

The Efficiency Enforcers (Tables 70-100):

Task, the ever-reliable worker bee, tackles assignments across departments. Catalog Item Option empowers users to personalize their service requests. Survey, the voice of the people, gathers valuable feedback for continuous improvement. Flow, the automation maestro, orchestrates tasks and processes with clockwork precision. Metrics, the keen observer, meticulously tracks performance, while Dashboard paints a clear picture of IT health.

This is just a glimpse into the grand narrative of ServiceNow tables! Each plays a crucial role, working together to ensure a smooth-running IT environment. So, the next time you encounter a table name, remember the story it unfolds.

70. Project (Project): While not as widely used in all ServiceNow implementations, this table allows for associating tasks and other project-related information under a single "Project" umbrella. It can be useful for managing larger initiatives with complex dependencies.

71. problem_resolution: Stores the resolutions identified and applied to address specific problems.

72. incident_urgency: Defines different urgency levels for incidents, helping prioritize based on business impact.

73. incident_impact: Similar to urgency, this table defines various impact levels for incidents, reflecting their potential business disruption.

74. catalog_item_option: Allows for defining options that can be used to customize catalog items during the request process.

75. catalog_item_bundle: Enables bundling multiple catalog items together as a single offering in the Service Catalog.

76. sc_request_change: Creates a link between a change request and a service request, indicating a change request triggered by a service request.

77. sc_catalog_config: Stores configurations for the overall Service Catalog functionality and appearance.

78. sc_catalog_category_tree: Defines the hierarchical structure used to organize Service Catalog categories, creating a browsable tree.

79. email_script: Scripts used to process incoming emails, enabling parsing, data extraction, and potential automation based on email content.

80. inbound_mail_account: Defines email accounts used by ServiceNow to receive incoming emails that might trigger workflows or create records.

81. survey: Represents surveys designed

81. survey: Represents surveys designed to gather user feedback on various aspects of the service or IT experience.

82. survey_definition: Defines the structure and questions used in creating surveys within ServiceNow.

83. survey_question: Stores individual questions used within surveys.

84. survey_answer_choice: Defines the answer choices available for users to select when responding to survey questions.

85. survey_response: Captures individual user responses submitted for surveys within ServiceNow.

86. personalization: Allows for personalization of the ServiceNow user interface based on user roles or other criteria.

87. sc_task_SLA: Defines Service Level Agreements (SLAs) specifically for tasks, ensuring timely completion.

88. sc_cat_item_SLA: Similar to sc_task_SLA, this table defines SLAs for catalog items, setting expectations for fulfillment times.

89. flow: Stores definitions for workflows created using the Flow designer, automating tasks and processes.

90. flow_snapshot: Tracks different versions of flow definitions, allowing rollback if needed.

91. metric: Defines performance metrics tracked within ServiceNow, enabling measurement of various service aspects.

92. widget: Represents widgets used for displaying data on dashboards, providing visual insights.

93. widget_definition: Defines how widgets are created and configured, specifying data sources and presentation styles.

94. dashboard: Combines multiple widgets to create dashboards that provide a centralized view of key performance indicators (KPIs) and other relevant data.

95. dashboard_page: Allows for creating multiple pages within a single dashboard to organize information.

96. sys_user_session: Tracks active user sessions within ServiceNow, indicating which users are currently logged in.

97. sys_audit: Maintains an audit log for system activities, recording user actions, configuration changes, and other events.

98. sys_update_set: Used for managing configuration changes in ServiceNow. Update sets group changes together for testing and deployment.

99. change_request_review: Tracks reviews associated with change requests, capturing reviewer feedback and approvals.

100. problem_source: Identifies the source from where problems are identified (e.g., incident reports, user feedback, proactive monitoring).

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