Demystifying "this" in JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide with Code Examples

Demystifying "this" in JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide with Code Examples

Understanding the concept of "this" is crucial for every JavaScript developer. It can be a bit confusing initially, but once you grasp its concept and various use cases, you'll have a solid foundation for writing cleaner and more robust code. In this article, we'll explore what "this" is in JavaScript, how it works, and dive into its practical use cases through code examples. Let's get started!

What is "this"?

In JavaScript, "this" refers to the context in which a function is executed. It allows access to the object that owns the currently executing code. The value of "this" is determined dynamically when a function is called, based on how the function is invoked.

Understanding the Default Binding

By default, "this" refers to the global object, which is window in the browser environment or global in Node.js. Take a look at this example:

function greet() {
? console.log(`Hello, ${}!`);

const person = {
? name: "John",
? greet: greet,

person.greet(); // Output: Hello, John!


In this example, when person.greet() is called, "this" inside the greet function refers to the person object because the function is invoked as a method of the person object.

Exploring Implicit Binding

When a function is called as method of an object, the object becomes the "this" value. Let's see another example:

const car = {
? brand: "Tesla",
? start: function () {
? ? console.log(`${this.brand} is starting...`);
? },

car.start(); // Output: Tesla is starting...

Here, when car.start() is called, "this" inside the start function refers to the car object since the function is invoked as a method of the car object.

Leveraging Explicit Binding

In JavaScript, you can explicitly bind "this" to a specific object using methods like call(), apply(), or bind(). These methods allow you to control the value of "this" within a function.

function sayHello() {
? console.log(`Hello, ${}!`);

const person1 = {
? name: "Alice",

const person2 = {
? name: "Bob",
};; // Output: Hello, Alice!
sayHello.apply(person2); // Output: Hello, Bob!

const greetPerson1 = sayHello.bind(person1);
const greetPerson2 = sayHello.bind(person2);

greetPerson1(); // Output: Hello, Alice!
greetPerson2(); // Output: Hello, Bob!

In this example, we use call() and apply() to explicitly bind "this" to the person1 and person2 objects, respectively. With bind(), we create new functions greetPerson1 and greetPerson2, which are permanently bound to the respective objects.

Handling "this" in Arrow Functions

Arrow functions behave differently when it comes to "this". They inherit the "this" value from the surrounding scope. Let's consider an example:

const myObject = {
? value: "Hello",
? printDelayed: function () {
? ? setTimeout(() => {
? ? ? console.log(this.value);
? ? }, 1000);
? },

myObject.printDelayed(); // Output: Hello


In this case, the arrow function inside the setTimeout maintains the "this" value of the myObject object, allowing us to access the value property correctly.


Understanding "this" is essential for writing effective JavaScript code. By grasping the concept of default binding, implicit binding, explicit binding, and how arrow functions handle "this", you can confidently navigate the intricacies of "this" in JavaScript. Experiment with these concepts, explore more use cases and gradually master this powerful aspect of the language.


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