Demystify Python 2D Charts -- A Hackable Step-by-step Jupyter Notebook

Demystify Python 2D Charts -- A Hackable Step-by-step Jupyter Notebook

New Bonus, Pie, Donut and Nested Donut Graphs (section #2.3) - 11/26/2020

1 - Introduction

Welcome to the "Python 2D Graphs" (p2go) project. It is a hackable, step-by-step for creating a 2D graph Python-object.

I classify the "p2go" as a "sandbox" or "toy" project. In other words, it is a fun, experimental project focusing on solving one problem. The problem is I spend a lot of time studying data, e.g., images, text, and audio. I am fatigued from using other people's graphs or library packages, e.g., Bokeh or Ggplot2. I want to build my own using "numpy" and "matplotlib."

I intend to create more charts and use "p2go" to plot graphs that are not in books, whitepapers, or blogs. It doesn't matter if the benefits are immediately apparent, such as why satisfy drawing the "Imagenet Cosine Proximity" chart like everyone else. Why not graph the "Image Tangent Proximity" chart or throw in the Softmax function before creating the graph?

The salient point is, why not do it yourself. You can start with a fun sandbox project, learn the basics, and improve your original-thinking rather than memorizing terminology and regurgitating how other people are doing it.

So if you are ready, let's take a collective calming breath … … and begin.

2 - The Journey

  • As a good little programmer, we start by creating an object or class.
  • When importing "numpy" and "matplotlib," my programing style is NOT using the global-space as in "import numpy *" NOR using the shorten name like "import matplotlibl.pyplot as ptl." I am NOT using Python's syntax shortcut because I'm switching between Python, Javascripts, and Swift.
  • I use a notebook to interactively writing the code, and afterward, I copy the code into a Python project using Atom IDE.?

I will skip copying the code-cells here. Please visit the Jupyter notebook on GitHub to view the code. However, I will insert the output as an image.

  • Typically, I named my object after my dog companion, e.g., "snoopy", "ducky" or "monty," but be warned, don't call it after your cat, because a "cat" will not follow any commands.

  • The following is a clean version. I clean up the tried-and-errors cells, but please don't let it stop you from inserting your code-cells as we make this journey together. I encourage you to hack this notebook as you follow along.
  • Note:?When copying the code into the Atom's project, I would add the method(s) when defining the class, but in a notebook, we can hack-it and add new functions as need it.
  • We begin by teaching?snoopy {or your companion-name}?three tricks.

  1. Fetch random data and test it.
  2. Fetch the canvas from matplotlib.
  3. See colors.
  4. Draw a line graph and test it.

  • An ancillary note is that dog can see the shade of blue and yellow, but I think Snoopy can do better :-)

  • Snoopy (p2go) has a basic drawing chart structure, so it is easy to add a new type of chart.
  • We will teach Snoopy two more types of tricks as follows. The only difference from the previous method is the one-line of code. It is from "axe.plot()" to "axe.scatter()"

  1. Draw a scatter graph.
  2. Draw a line graph with dots as highlighting the points.
  3. Ask Snoopy to draw two graphs side by side in one canvas.

  • That was too easy. We will add a bar-chart, and for more fun, we will add a hand-drawn style. Just as before, the code difference in the new methods is small. Are you inspired to write or extend "p2go" yet?
  • For the stacked bar graph, the critical parameter is "bottom," starting with zero. The second graph, "bottom," sits on top of the first graph, and if we have a third set, then its bottom value is the sum of the first and second graph values.
  • For the hand-drawn charts, it is as easy as adding one code-line and call the previous draw graph method. It is the "matplotlib.pyplot.xkcd()" statement.

  • We could continue adding more charts, especially the more complex graphs or seemingly complex charts. However, once you understand the basics, it is not all that difficult.
  • I use to be terrified when reading the matplotlib's documentation because I didn't understand the basics. Therefore, I was stuck using other people's fancy graphs, frustrated with the lack of documentation, and, worst of all, could not experiment with off-book ideas.
  • Together we have fun traveled with our trusting companion. I called my "Snoopy," but of course, substitute your companion name here. I have confidence in skimming through the matplotlib's documentation, picking out a few necessary code lines, and teaching it to Snoopy.
  • I hope you have gained similar confidence.

The end.


  • The bonus section includes graphing Math equations, Area graphs, and some of the off-book ideas.
  • It is time for Snoopy to learn basic Math equations. Each equation takes a few lines of code to fetch the coordinate matrix, and that's it. Converting math equations to computer code is one of my beloved activities.

  • The beauty of having a companion is that you can teach Snoopy to combine a bunch of tasks into one command.
  • And so, "Snoopy, engage..."

2.2 - Butterfly Bonus

  • An AI Scientist friend emailed a beautiful "Butterfly parametric" equation after reading and hacking this notebook. She had improved and took the "p2go" in a fascinating direction. Furthermore, she did it half of the time it took me to write this notebook.

2.3 Pie, Donuts, and Nested Donuts Bonus Graph Section

  • It is a day before Thanksgiving. An online-friend made a copy of this notebook, and he is happy hacking it, but he ran into trouble with the Pies and Donuts graph. The funny thing is that his email’s subject is “Pies and Donuts?”
  • Snoopy and I initially thought it is for “free Mixed Berry pies and Old-fashing donuts,” Yums. :-)
  • Reading through his Jupyter notebook, Snoopy spots his confusion. He was interlacing “fetching data” with “drawing graph” codes.
  • Snoopy refactors the “fetching data” function in one code-cell and putting the “drawing graph” method into another code-cell. It is the same throughout our journey. The logic becomes simple once Snoopy decoupled the data from the graph.
  • For the Pies and Donuts graph, the data structure is a one-dimension array. There is no need for the “X and Y” coordinate. Matplotlib is taking care of calculating the pie-percentage. The data follows the same format for the nested Donuts chart, i.e., a two-dimension array for two nested Donuts, a three-dimension array for three nested Donuts, and so on.

  • That is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.
  • Draw double (nested) donuts, please.

3 - Conclusion

I love spending time doing fun "sandbox" or "toy" projects. I can focus on one problem, and Jupyter notebooks make it easy to document the journey and share it with my friends, both real and virtual.

After leaving the rules-based expert-systems behind when I left Xerox PARC in my early youth, I am delighted to return to AI. It is due in large part by Jeremy Howard, Rachel Thomas, and Sylvain Gugger's courses. Their style of demystifying AI using code, and yet not dummy down, is one of the best I have learned.

If you read this on Jupyter notebook, I hope you have hacked it and created your specialized drawing-graph companion. The one request is you heading over to LinkedIn, giving a thumbs-up, and sending me a message.

If you read this on LinkedIn, what are you waiting for? Heading over to Github, using Google Collab or your favorite Jupyter notebook option, and hacking away.

@ Epilogue

2020 was the year where fake news and misinformation become mainstream. Unfortunately, I have read too many highly polarized articles about mistrusting AI on social media and the mainstream news channels. These fears are misplaced, misinform, and designed to fracture our society.

Do nothing is not the same as do no harm. Therefore, we can’t opt-out and do nothing, so I take baby steps. The notebooks are not about large-scale omnipotent AI. They demystify AI by showing the mundane problems facing AI scientists in a real-world project. It is like demystifying crabs-fishermen by watching the TV series “Deadliest Catch.”

“Do no harm by doing positive deeds” is the foundation reason why I write and share the demystify AI series. The articles are for having fun sharing concepts and code with colleagues and AI students, but more than that. It is a peek into the daily workday problems of AI scientists and Solution Arch.

I hope you enjoy reading it, sharing it, and giving it a thumb-up.

#Matplotlib, #charts, #ML, #AI, #DucHaba

<end of article>

4 |-- Demystify AI Series

  2. Hot off the press.?"AI Start Here (A1SH)"?| on?GitHub?(July 2021)
  3. " Book Study Group #G1FA" on LinkedIn?| on?GitHub?(January 2021)
  4. ?"Augmentation Data Deep Dive (AUD3)" on LinkedIn?| on?GitHub?(December 2020)
  5. "Demystify Neural Network NLP Input-data and Tokenizer" on LinkedIn?| on?GitHub?(November 2020)
  6. "Python 3D Visualization " on LinkedIn?| on?GitHub?(September 2020)
  7. "Demystify Python 2D Charts" on LinkedIn?| on?GitHub?(September 2020)
  8. "Norwegian Blue Parrot, The "k2fa" AI" on LinkedIn?| on?K2fa-Website?(August 2020)
  9. "The Texas Two-Step, The Hero of Digital Chaos" on LinkedIn?(February 2020)
  10. "Be Nice 2020" on Website?(January 2020)


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