Demystify Python 2D Charts -- A Hackable Step-by-step Jupyter Notebook
New Bonus, Pie, Donut and Nested Donut Graphs (section #2.3) - 11/26/2020
1 - Introduction
Welcome to the "Python 2D Graphs" (p2go) project. It is a hackable, step-by-step for creating a 2D graph Python-object.
I classify the "p2go" as a "sandbox" or "toy" project. In other words, it is a fun, experimental project focusing on solving one problem. The problem is I spend a lot of time studying data, e.g., images, text, and audio. I am fatigued from using other people's graphs or library packages, e.g., Bokeh or Ggplot2. I want to build my own using "numpy" and "matplotlib."
I intend to create more charts and use "p2go" to plot graphs that are not in books, whitepapers, or blogs. It doesn't matter if the benefits are immediately apparent, such as why satisfy drawing the "Imagenet Cosine Proximity" chart like everyone else. Why not graph the "Image Tangent Proximity" chart or throw in the Softmax function before creating the graph?
The salient point is, why not do it yourself. You can start with a fun sandbox project, learn the basics, and improve your original-thinking rather than memorizing terminology and regurgitating how other people are doing it.
So if you are ready, let's take a collective calming breath … … and begin.
2 - The Journey
I will skip copying the code-cells here. Please visit the Jupyter notebook on GitHub to view the code. However, I will insert the output as an image.
The end.
2.2 - Butterfly Bonus
2.3 Pie, Donuts, and Nested Donuts Bonus Graph Section
3 - Conclusion
I love spending time doing fun "sandbox" or "toy" projects. I can focus on one problem, and Jupyter notebooks make it easy to document the journey and share it with my friends, both real and virtual.
After leaving the rules-based expert-systems behind when I left Xerox PARC in my early youth, I am delighted to return to AI. It is due in large part by Jeremy Howard, Rachel Thomas, and Sylvain Gugger's courses. Their style of demystifying AI using code, and yet not dummy down, is one of the best I have learned.
If you read this on Jupyter notebook, I hope you have hacked it and created your specialized drawing-graph companion. The one request is you heading over to LinkedIn, giving a thumbs-up, and sending me a message.
If you read this on LinkedIn, what are you waiting for? Heading over to Github, using Google Collab or your favorite Jupyter notebook option, and hacking away.
@ Epilogue
2020 was the year where fake news and misinformation become mainstream. Unfortunately, I have read too many highly polarized articles about mistrusting AI on social media and the mainstream news channels. These fears are misplaced, misinform, and designed to fracture our society.
Do nothing is not the same as do no harm. Therefore, we can’t opt-out and do nothing, so I take baby steps. The notebooks are not about large-scale omnipotent AI. They demystify AI by showing the mundane problems facing AI scientists in a real-world project. It is like demystifying crabs-fishermen by watching the TV series “Deadliest Catch.”
“Do no harm by doing positive deeds” is the foundation reason why I write and share the demystify AI series. The articles are for having fun sharing concepts and code with colleagues and AI students, but more than that. It is a peek into the daily workday problems of AI scientists and Solution Arch.
I hope you enjoy reading it, sharing it, and giving it a thumb-up.
#Matplotlib, #charts, #ML, #AI, #DucHaba
<end of article>
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