Vinod Sharma
Chief Technology Officer | Artificial Intelligence (AI, ML & DL) | Strategic Partnerships | Fintech | Security & Risk
This post was originally published at Myblog first on August-26-2017. You can click here to read it directly on my blog. To find out more about me click here.
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Abstract – Big data helps to make strategy for future and understand user behaviors. In 1959, Arther Samuel gave very simple definition of Machine Learning as “a Field of study that gives computer the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”. Now almost after 58 years from then we still have not progressed much beyond this definition if we compare the progress we made in other areas from same time. The idea of Fintech adopting some best practices from the Big Data and AI (Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning and Deep Learning) is not so new, have you heard of accepting selfie as authentication for your shopping bill payment, Siri on your iPhone etc. A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a .....
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This was the first serious proposal in the philosophy of artificial intelligence, which can be explained as: a science developing technology to mimic humans to respond in a circumstance. In simple words AI involves machines that behave and think like humans i.e Algorithmic Thinking in general. Computers start simulating the brain’s sensation, action, interaction, perception and cognition abilities.....
============= About the Author =============================
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