The dems Are Spying
Jay Lawrence
former talk host KTAR Now member of state legislature. Elected to Arizona House Of Representatives
At a recent meeting I spoke about refugees being settled in Arizona and expressed my opposition in a poor way. My opposition isn't to every refugee, but was particular to those who are a) not properly vetted or b) from terror-sponsoring nations. I am concerned that bad actors on the world stage are taking advantage of our open borders and the gaps in our systems to sneak people in who will do us harm.
Separately I am concerned about how many refugees settle here and the costs that are associated with that. As a legislator I am inundated with groups and causes that each want ever-increasing amounts of money to meet needs they consider important. As it is we often have to say no because the money is not available in the budget or because the cause is not appropriate for government to be funding.
Adding more demands on a limited budget while we are trying to fund education, veteran care, health care costs, etc is not a good idea in my mind.
Finally, I was dumb enough to accept a taunt about being a bigot... I'm not a bigot and never have been. But I have to do a better job of not taking the bait and saying something dumb that the Democrats (secretly) filming me can use to do us harm.