Demonstrate Delay and Disruption

Demonstrate Delay and Disruption

Delay and Disruption - Difficulties in proving

Whilst the desired outcome of any variation is to agree it before it occurs, thus enabling its planning and co-ordination within the works, the reality is that happens perhaps 15% of all change. Most change is reactive and with the processes in place for notification, acceptance and evaluation the impact is already begun to be felt.

?You can prove the direct impact of the change, either in change of quantities or first principles, daywork style sheets etc. How do you prove the disruption to the planned works though? The constant change and how it impacts on your programme and planned outputs. How the build up of numerous small changes lead to a larger combined effect.

?If you are lucky then you can establish a resource level and output prior to change. Historic outputs from numerous contracts can help but a Client can state “but you never achieved that on this site!”

?Well if you are using Memro the analytics assist you is demonstrating not only resource levels with daily outputs by the measure sheet, but also the impact on work type and resource demand by the graphic analytics interface we developed.

?Tie these graphs and analytics in with the;

  • Revised programmes of works
  • The allocation sheets which can demonstrate how works could progress without change, by the resource and daily measured output sheet.

You now have project based outputs to substantiate your tendered outputs. Using these together you can demonstrate how the outputs altered with change or altered programming from the PM or Main Contractor.

?The examples below show a period on a project from the 1st Feb – 30 April 2021 and shows the split of work type:

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Labour by Work type showing 81% measured works and 6% VO and 3% Non productive, 10% Other.

From the actual digital Allocation sheets we can see that Other, which is 10%, is non committed change (i.e. not actually yet instructed). So the majority of work during this period is designated as measured planned works.

Due to changes on the Project there was a shift in Work type between the period 5th April – 30 June 2021:

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Labour by Work type showing 68% measured works and 8% VO and 6% Non productive, 15% Other.

This demonstrates that there is a change in the % of VO and Measured works ratios. Importantly the amount of change being adapted and considered (Other) has also grown. The result in dealing with a changing horizon of planned works, more reactive, is that Non Productive works have gone up 100% to 6%. This is important as it demonstrates that the varying works alters the non productive works. Whilst you may capture the VO works the disruption and underproductivity is only visual over a longer period of time. This disruption is presented here as a visual along with the varying programmes / as-builts.

Whilst these graphs show the impact, the story is from the detail within the submitted electronic allocation sheets. That along with the programme helps the Contractor or Sub Contractor demonstrate how time is lost re-acting rather than working the planned works.

?Memro is able to show similar graphs for:

  • Plant,
  • Materials deliveries and reconciliations
  • Manage worked hours reports
  • Analysis of costs by Operation Code and Analysis Code which can be used to correlate back to Work Breakdown Structures in the Programme.

So if you are in a project, or have had experience of being disrupted and unable to demonstrate, look at Memro to ensure that next time you have the data, records and information to present the data to support your entitlement. Memro is an easy to fill in digital allocation sheet that has the ability for user defined searches and time sliced to present your best case.

Our Clients have saved money in commercial input and resources having dialogue over change due to the evidence in the sheets and the analytics. With staff working from home these reports and sheets direct the dialogue and enable those working remotely to review and focus on the issues. So give it a try. For a free trial or a demonstration contact us:

[email protected]

Visit the Websites for more information.

#delayanddisruption, #disruption, #delay


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